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"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

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Сценарий "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

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«"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"»

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Snow White



Story-teller 1

Story-teller 2

1 гном

2 гном

3 гном

4 гном

5 гном

6 гном

7 гном

Scene 1.

Story-teller 1: Once upon a time, in a faraway land there lived a pretty girl. Her name was Snow White. Unfortunately her mother died.

Story-teller 2: Her father, the king, married again, and his new wife hated the girl a lot. The stepmother thought that she was the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and always asked her magical mirror about it.

Snow White: Oh, I am so unhappy. My stepmother hates me. My father has forgotten mе. Perhaps some day a prince will come and take me away from the palace! (садится в углу на стул, вышивает)

Грозная музыка. Входит мачеха. Садится за стол, берет в руки зеркало, смотрится в него. Белоснежка вскакивает, наливает мачехе чай, подает, кланяется, садится опять в уголок на стул и продолжает вышивать.

Stepmother: Oh, how happy I am! I have married the king and I am the queen now. How beautiful I am! Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?

Mirror (голос за кадром): You are very beautiful, but Snow White is more beautiful than you.

Stepmother (зло): Dirty glass! I’ll break you into pieces! Oh, Snow White, how I hate you!

( Белоснежка от испуга вскакивает, роняет вышивку)

You won’t live in the palace any more! Go to the forest and let wild animals kill you!

Snow White (грустно): What shall I do? I must go to the forest. Nobody can help me. How unhappy I am! (уходит).

Scene 2.

Story-teller 1: So, our Snow White left the palace and went to the forest. She was very, very unhappy. It was dark and cold in the forest.

Story-teller 2: Snow White got frightened very much. Suddenly she saw a small house. Seven dwarfs lived there.

Snow White: Oh, how dark it is here and there’s nobody around! What shall I do? Where shall I sleep when at night? (видит домик) Oh, what a nice little house! It looks like a toy.

Who lives there? (стучит в дверь) Is anybody here? May I come in? (заходит) Oh, it’s so dusty everywhere! The plates are dirty. I must clean everything here.

( музыка. Белоснежка протирает посуду на столе, подметает пол)

I’m so tired! I’ll just lie down on this little bed (ложится на лавку, засыпает)

1 гном (настороженно): Hush! There’s somebody in here!

2 гном (испуганно): It’s a burglar!

3 гном (подбегая к столу и разглядывая тарелки): But nothing is missing!

4 гном: May be it’s a monster?

(все гномы ахают хором от испуга)

5 гном: I’m afraid of it!

6 гном: But we must know who is there!

7 гном: Look! Look! It’s a girl! She is sleeping.

(гномы обступают спящую Белоснежку, рассматривают ее)

1 гном: How beautiful she is!

2 гном: Her face is white as snow.

3 гном: Wakе up, wake up, please! (трясет ее за плечо)

Snow White: (просыпается, потягивается, видит гномов) Изумленно: Oh, my! You are dwarfs!

Гномы хором: And who are you?

Snow White: I’m Snow White. May I stay here? I can do many things. I can cook tasty food, bake bread and clean the house.

Гномы (хором, радостно хлопая в ладоши): Tasty food!

4 гном: You are a very good girl! You can stay with us!

Snow White: Thank you, dear friends! Your dinner will be ready soon.

5 гном: Thank you, Snow White! Now we must go to our mine.

6 гном: Be careful! Don’t let anyone in.

7 гном: Don’t open the door to anybody.

Snow White: I promise, my good friends. Good-bye and good luck!

Гномы хором: Good-bye!

Scene 3.

Stepmother: (заходит злая королева, садится за стол, пьет чай, глядится в зеркало): How happy I am! Snow White has died in the forest. (кокетливо, глядя в зеркало): How beautiful I am! Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?

Mirror (голос за кадром): With the seven dwarfs still alive, the fairest in the land is Snow White.

Stepmother (зло бросая зеркало): Shut up, shut up, dirty glass! I know what to do. I’ll poison her myself. Where is my magical red apple? Oh, here it is! How juicy and delicious it looks.

I’ll go to the forest. I must hurry now! (поспешно встает, накидывает плащ, берет яблоко, уходит).

Scene 4.

Snow White: Oh, how happy I am! My dear dwarfs will come soon.

(раздается стук в дверь) Oh, who is there? Come in, come in, please!

(входит мачеха в плаще с капюшоном) Oh, who are you?

Stepmother: I’m an old woman. I want to drink. Give me some water, please!

Snow White: (наливает в чашку воды, подает мачехе): Here you are!

Stepmother: Thank you, good girl! You are so kind! Have an apple. It is so tasty. Try it!

Snow White: Thanks a lot! (откусывает яблоко) Ah! (падает на лавку)

Stepmother (откидывая капюшон с головы, радостно): Ha-ha-ha! She is dead! (уходит)

Scene 5.

1 гном: Oh, no! Our dear Snow White is dead!

(гномы обступают Белоснежку)

2 гном: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold earth.

3 гном: What shall we do?

(гномы сидят грустные вокруг Белоснежки)

Story-teller 1: Suddenly a prince rode nearby. He heard the dwarfs crying and came into their house.

Prince: Hello, my good men! Why are you crying?

4 гном: Our dear Snow White is dead (плачет).

Prince: Oh, She is so beautiful!

5 гном: You must kiss her to wake her up!

Prince: Oh, I’m ready to do it! (встает на одно колено, целует Белоснежке руку)

Wake up, wake up, please!

Snow White (просыпается, потягивается): Oh, where am I?

Prince: You are safe with me. Come and live with me!

Snow White: Oh, my prince, I’m so happy!

Гномы хором: Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Story-teller 2: Very soon Snow White and her Prince got married and lived happily ever after.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Автор: Рычкова Ольга Андреевна

Дата: 06.02.2017

Номер свидетельства: 388434

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