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Разработка открытого внеклассного мероприятия "Mary Poppins".

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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на предметную неделю иностранных языков :"Marry Poppins".

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«Разработка открытого внеклассного мероприятия "Mary Poppins".»




«Mary Poppins».


учитель английского языка

Ахмедова Равганият Абакаровна

2018-2019 уч.гг.

Сценарий спектакля «Мэри Поппинс»

(по мотивам сказки П.Треверс)

Постановки на английском языке являются составной и неотъемлемой частью всего учебно-воспитательного процесса в нашей школе. Помимо более глубокого овладения иностранным языком, осознания реалий языка, культуры другого народа подготовка спектакля и выступление на сцене позволяет каждому ребёнку раскрыть своё внутреннее «я», научиться владеть собой, прислушиваться к мнению других, доказывать свою точку зрения, работать в команде, творить.

Как горят глаза детей на репетициях, сколько идей, эмоций, споров, смеха, общения. Чего стоит чувство приобщения к большому совместному творческому делу. Быть услышанным и понятым. Это так важно для ребят.

Учитель английского языка ГКОУ БСШИ № 7 Ахмедова Р.А.

Сценарий спектакля «Мэри Поппинс»




Ms Banks

Mr Banks




Lady Mary

Scene 1

( Няня собирает вещи и ворчит)

Nanny -What awful children! It’s terrible. They are missing. I don’t know what to do.

I am the best nanny in the world but they …..

( Служанка пытается удержать очередную няню для Джейн и Майка)

Servant- No, no, Katie Nanna, don’t go , please. Don’t go. Think of the

children. They are missing.

Nannу- Stand away from that door, my girl.

Servant- But what am I going to tell the master about the children?

Servant - I don’t know. It’s no concern of mine. Those little beats have run

away from me for the last time.

(Звонок в дверь. Входит весёлая мисс Бэнкс)

Servant- Missis Banks …She’s at home.

Ms Banks- Dear girls . We had the most glorious meeting. It was wonderful.

What is it?

(Миссис Бэнкс отвечает напевая “Все хорошо прекрасная маркиза”)

How are you, my dear Nanny I think my children are OK

They are nice and so pretty Their behavior is good.

I don’t know what to say Your awful kids have run away

They don’t listen to me at all We’ll have a very useless talk

I’m so nervous, I am off I want to have another job

But all the rest of it my dear Mummy is very well, is very well.

-Where are my children?

Nanny- They are not here. They’ve disappeared again.

Ms Banks- This is too careless of you.

Nanny - My wages, if you please.

Ms Banks- Oh, they are just beginning to get used to you. You are not leaving.

What will Mr Banks say? Please, reconsider.

Nanny - I don’t want to listen to you at all. (уходит)

Scene 2

(Входит мистер Бэнкс, сталкиваясь с няней)

Mr Banks - What has happened?

Ms Banks- Our children… They are missing. Katie Nanna has looked everywhere. She’s left.

Mr Banks - I’ll deal with it at once. I ‘ll call the police.

Ms Banks - I don’t think you should bother the police.

Mr Banks - ( Звонит по телефону) Give me the police station, quickly, please.

George Banks here.

17 Cherry Tree Lane, It’s a matter of some urgency. I should like you

to send a policeman immediately.

(Door bell)

Ms Banks - The policeman here, George?

Ms Banks - What wonderful service. Thanks. Come in, Constable, come in.

Policeman - I am John Williams. Good evening.

Ms Banks -Would you like a cup of coffee?

Policeman-With great pleasure.

Ms Banks- Ann, A cup of coffee, please.

Servant - Yes , mam.

Policeman- Thanks. While going about my duties on the other side of the park,

I noted some valuables that had gone astray. I believe, they are

yours, sir.

Mr Banks - Valuables.

Policeman- Come along, please. Come along.

Ms Banks - Oh, Mike? Oh, Jane? My dear lovely children. You are here. I am so

glad to see you.

Jane- We’ve lost our nanny. It was so windy. And the kite was too strong

for us.

Mike- We’ve made it ourselves.

Mr Banks - Please, don’t be emotional. Come here at once.

Policeman- Oh, I wouldn’t be too hard on ‘em sir.

They’ve had a long , weary walk today.

Mr Banks - Thanks for returning children. Good night, sir.

Policeman- Don’t mention it. Good night.

Mr Banks - Go upstairs and think over.

Ms Banks - Thanks God. We are not good parents, are we?

Mr Banks - We’ll select the next person- firm and respectable. I’ll put an

advertisement in the Times.

Scene 3

(Утро,звонок в дверь)

Lady Mary- (Исполняет песню из музыкального фильма «Леди Соверщенство»).

(На сцене появляются Джейн , Майк, папа и мама)

Lady Mary- You are the parents of Jane and Michael Banks , are you not?

Mr Banks Pause.

Lady Mary - I said you are the father of Jane and Michael Banks.

Mr Banks- Well,well of couse, I mean… You brought your references, I presume.

May I see them.

Lady Mary -Oh, I make it a point never to give references. A very old- fashioned

idea, to my mind.

Mr Banks - Oh, I see.

Jane- Wonderfull. Father, mother She is so wonderful. She sings very well.

Mike- She is so merry. How interesting!

Jane- We’d like her to teach us.

Mr Banks- Could you help us and be our nanny?

Lady Mary-I am here to help you. But at first say How much time do you usually

spend with tour children? Do you often play with them?

Mr Banks - Oh, it’s difficult to say . I am very busy.

Ms Banks - Oh, I have a lot of meetings every day. I have no time.

Lady Mary - No time for your own children?! Is it right?

You should learn a magic word


(Все пытаются повторить слово, Джейн получается)

(Служанка выносит воздушный змей)

Jane- Oh, Our kite. It is intact.

Mike -You are a fairy.

Mr Banks - Would you like to fly a kite in the park? (С удивлением смотрят на Мэри)

Jane and Mike - Of course we would.

Lady Mary- Live in peace and friendship , enjoy your life.. There are so many

interesting things in the world.

(Звучит мелодия песни «We are the world.We are the children.)

Thanks , Marry!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Разработка открытого внеклассного мероприятия "Mary Poppins".

Автор: Даниялова Равганият Абакаровна

Дата: 15.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 510352

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