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Проект внеклассной работы, КВН на английском языке.

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Мероприятие - конкурс Клуб Весёлых и Находчивых (Club of Merry and Quick-Witted) для учащихся 7 классов, на английском языке. 

Учавствуют 3 команды.

7 конкурсов, в их числе:

1) домашнее задание;

2) конкурс капитанов;

3) конкурс команд(диалог "В магазине");

4) конкурс рассказов;

5) "угадайка";

6) театральный конкурс;

7) разгадывание кроссворда;

8) конкурс болельщиков.

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«Проект внеклассной работы, КВН на английском языке. »

Collective project work

Club of Merry and Quick-Witted /a competition for the 7 form-pupils/

1 task - Introduction of a team. / a motto, a name/.

2 task- Competition of captains

- 1

-Name English cities

-What river is London situated on?

-Who is the Queen of Great Britain?

- 2

Name the sights of London/

-What English-Speaking countries do you know?

-What are the parts of Great Britain?


-Name the 4 parts of London?

-What country is called the fifth continent?

-What is the capital of the USA?

3 task – acting out dialogues on topic ‘’ Shops ‘’/ 2 students from different teams/


  1. a customer /at the Bakery/

  2. a shop assistant/at the Fishmongers/


  1. a customer/at the Greengrocers/

  2. a shop-assistant /at the Butches/


  1. a customer/at the Diary/

  2. a shop-assistant/at the Confectioners/

  1. task

  1. task- telling a story by the team.


You are Robinson Cruso. You are living on a desert island. Every day you are writing somesing about your life there. Tell us what you have written about.


You are Alice. You have just come from Wonderland. Now you are telling your friends about this unusual country and your adventures.


You are Gulliver. Now you are in a Lillipoot country. You are writing a letter to your relatives.

Tell us what you have written about your country and your adventures.

5 task –guessing a prize-surprise


Each team has prepared a prize for another team. They must explain it in English. Another team must guess it. Each team may ask only 3 questions about the prize and has 3 attempts to name the prize.

6 task—a number of amateur performances in English.

It is a home-task. Each team has prepared a song or a poem, or a scene.

7 task — guessing a crossword in English.

Each team has prepared a crossword for another team. For 5 minutes each team must guess a crossword.

8 task — A task for fans.

They must write as many words as they can on topics ‘’ School education. Sport. Meals.’’

Their scores will be add to the team s scores.

Final----announcing the results of the competition. Awarding of all the teams.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Проект внеклассной работы, КВН на английском языке.

Автор: Потапова Людмила Алексеевна

Дата: 02.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 181224

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