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Открытое мероприятие на тему "Sport in Great Britain"

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Открытое мероприятие на тему "Sport in Great Britain" +presentation

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«Открытое мероприятие на тему "Sport in Great Britain"»

Проект на тему:

Sport in Great Britain”


Малафеева Ирина Андреевна


Основная цель мероприятия:

  • ознакомление учащихся с культурным наследием и традициями, страны, изучаемого языка, расширение кругозора учащихся по теме «Спорт в Великобритании»

Цели мероприятия:

  • обучение учащихся навыкам монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Спорт в Великобритании»

  • развитие языковой догадки, повышение мотивационного уровня у учащегося к изучению иностранного языка;

  • формирование умения использовать полученную информацию;

  • развитие памяти, внимания, мышления, быстроту реакции, восприятие иностранной речи на слух, культуру общения во время групповой работы;

  • привитие уважения к традициям и обычаям народа, ознакомление с социокультурным фоном страны, изучаемого языка;

Sport in Great Britain

Good afternoon, children and dear teachers!

You are learning the English language, it’s great but also you need to know some interesting facts about the country of this language – Great Britain. Today we are going to speak about Sport in Great Britain. You should be very attentive listen to the text and watch the pictures. There are some answers for the test, you will have at the end of the presentation. You can make some notes.

The British like sport very much. Many kinds of sport were invented in Great Britain and then spread throughout the world. Sports became popular long time ago. Now the national British sports are: racing, tennis, cricket, rugby, football, golf. Like everyone else the British like football. Moreover, the Englishmen invented it.

There was a great debate between players. Those who wanted play with their hands united to form rugby. Rugby is a team game with an oval ball. There are fifteen players in each team. The captain of the team must be the oldest or best player.

Those who wanted to play with feet and head were united to a form football. In Great Britain football is called soccer.

Soccer, played almost in all countries. Each team consists of field players and one goalkeeper. Only the goalkeeper can take the ball into his hands. The game lasts for 90 minutes with a 15 minute break. Most British towns and cities have a football team. There are such famous teams as Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea.

Now let’s speak about golf. It was invented by Scottish people. For the first time golf was played in 1457. The first golf club was Royal Blackheath. There were written 13 rules of golf in this club. Now, around 2.5 million people in the UK play golf.

Another traditional British game is cricket. Cricket is a summer game, it is played from May till September. It is played in schools, colleges, universities. There are two teams. Each team has eleven players. The «bowler» throws the ball, and a «batsman» hits it with his bat. If you want to play cricket you must wear white boots, a white shirt and white long trousers.

Tennis is very popular in Britain. There ate two different games – lawn tennis and table tennis. Today the British prefer lawn tennis. Every summer, in June, the biggest competition in the world takes place at Wimbledon. It is the centre of lawn tennis. Millions of people watch the Wimbledon Championship on TV.

Racing is very important part of the British lifestyle. Motor sports or car racing also take place in Britain. Formula One is the top form of motor racing. Britain has a rich history in the sport, and has had many great motor racing drivers and champions. British drivers have won 12 World Championships since 1950, more than any other country.

Horseracing is also very interesting kind of sport. There are 2 types of horseracing in Britain. Flat Racing, which usually takes place in the summer months, and is run on a flat surface. And Jump Racing, which usually takes place on courses with hurdles in winter.

One of the most special events in horseracing is Royal Ascot. This is a competition, that lasts for 4 days. The main guest is the Queen. This event has a strict dress code.

Englishmen pay much attention to swimming, rowing and walking. Usually the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race takes place at the end of March or at the beginning of April. It is an interesting competition between the universities of Oxford and Cambridge on the Thames River. The first such race was held in 1820. There were a lot of people watching this race.

So we can see that Englishmen are great lovers of sports. They say, that

you may not be the winner, but there is a winner inside you!”

1. Test

  1. What are the national British sports?

  1. racing, rugby, golf

  2. tennis, cricket, rugby, football, golf

c) tennis, cricket, rugby, football, golf, racing

2. Who invented football?

  1. British people b) German people c) Ukrainian

3. Rugby is ...

  1. a game with 15 players in each team

  2. a game with 20 players in each team

  3. a game with 11 players in two teams

4. What players does the soccer team consist of?

  1. 5 field players and one 2 goalkeeper

  2. 10 field players and one goalkeeper

  3. 12 field players and one goalkeeper

5. What kind of game is it? “The «bowler» throws the ball, and a «batsman» hits it with his bat. ”

  1. rugby b) cricket c) tennis

6. Where does the biggest tennis competition take place?

    1. Oxford b) Wimbledon c) Scotland

7. How many World Championship have the British drivers won?

  1. 15 b) 11 c) 12

8. How many types of horseracing do you know?

  1. 5 b) 2 c) none

9. Who is the main guest in Royal Ascot?

  1. the Queen b) the King c) the President

10. What are two old British universities, that take place in the Boat Racing?

  1. Oxford – Cambridge b) Cambridge – London

c) Oxford - London












2. Игра по аудированию.


    • научить учащихся понимать смысл высказывания;

    • научить учащихся выделять главное в потоке информации;

    • развивать слуховую память учащихся.

Make a story about sport in Great Britain according to the pictures in the presentation.

  • work in groups

  • checking the level of the mastering the information

  • to work with making positive, negative sentences and questions

  • developing of the monologic and dialogic speaking skills

3. Ask your rival team as many questions according to the topic of the presentation, as you can.

  • work in groups “question - answer”

  • developing of the monologic and dialogic speaking skills


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытое мероприятие на тему "Sport in Great Britain"

Автор: Геращенко Ирина Андреевна

Дата: 12.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 408787

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