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Открытое мероприятие "Welcome to a Fairy - tale land"

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Тип урока:  комбинированный урок

Цель:  ознакомить учащихся  с жизнью и творчеством А. Милна и Шарля Перро



- обобщить, углубить и расширить знания лексики и лексических    единиц 

- обеспечить закрепление аудированных лексических конструкций;

-закрепление лексико-грамматического материала          


- совершенствовать умение и навыки практического владения английским языком по заданной теме;

- развивать навык изложения информации по заданной теме;

- развивать умение вести беседу;

- способствовать формированию навыка владения аудиторией;

- развивать творческие способности

- развивать навыки поведения на сцене, перед многочисленной аудиторией

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«Открытое мероприятие "Welcome to a Fairy - tale land"»

Тема: Welcome to a Fairy - tale land

Тип урока: комбинированный урок

Цель: ознакомить учащихся с жизнью и творчеством А. Милна и Шарля Перро



- обобщить, углубить и расширить знания лексики и лексических единиц

- обеспечить закрепление аудированных лексических конструкций;

-закрепление лексико-грамматического материала


- совершенствовать умение и навыки практического владения английским языком по заданной теме;

- развивать навык изложения информации по заданной теме;

- развивать умение вести беседу;

- способствовать формированию навыка владения аудиторией;

- развивать творческие способности

- развивать навыки поведения на сцене, перед многочисленной аудиторией


- способствовать формированию социокультурной компетенции учащихся;

- повысить интерес к изучению иностранного языка;

- привить любопытство и любовь к получению новых знаний ;

- расширять кругозор;

- воспитывать умение вести беседу на иностранном языке;

- привить навыки корректного поведения на сцене;

- воспитывать чувство взаимовыручки и поддержки товарище

- формирование у студентов уважения и интереса к культуре и народу страны изучаемого языка

Оснащение мероприятия

- презентация в Power Point

- музыкальное сопровождение

- сценические костюмы

- презентация «Принцесса Несмеяна»

- презентация: А. А. Милн и Шарль Перро; - диски с музыкальным сопровождением

Ход урока

  1. Вступительное слово.

Good afternoon dear teachers, guests and students! We are glad to see you. We are very pleased to great you. Welcome to our fairytale land! Today we’ll have a special lesson. We’re inviting you to make a trip in the world of English and French fairytales. In the beginning of our lesson the students will tell you about the authors of these fairytales. Then they’ll act out the extracts of these fairy tales: Cinderella and Princess who never laughs. Our students will demonstrate their acting skills. But to be correct in your speech, to be artistic, active and expressive. I hope you’ll enjoy our lesson. Now let’s start.

The biography of Сharles Perrault

(студент рассказывает биографию Шарля Перро при сопровождении презентации)

Сharles Perrault (1628 – 1703) was born in Paris to a wealthy family as the seventh child. His father was very strict and imposed a particular kind of education upon him, so he decided to study law. When he finished school, he got a job in the public service.

Many consider him to be the founder of the most popular genre between children and those are fairytales. Hi took his inspiration out of folk’s tales. Some of carried mouth to mouth, and the Grimm brothers told some of them. The fairytales that Сharles made famous: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Bluebeard, and Puss in Boots.

This famous writer from France published another interesting book and it is Tales of Mother Goose. It consisted out of 8 fairytales.

Charles published this work under the name of his son. His fairytales were so popular that they were screen and TV adapted. The first fairytale The Sleeping Beauty was published in 1969.

Сharles was considered to be one of the most influential people in the 17th century and a fighter for the younger generations. A conflict was going on back then between the old who believed that people should stick to the traditional way of writing and the young who were fighting for a new, fresh way of writing.

Cinderella is the story of jealousy, virtues and sufferings of Cinderella and hostity of her older sisters. The fairytale about Cinderella has won many generations and everyone who believes that humiliated being will rise and win and also that beauty and virtue not only have to be rewarded but also recognized.

Cinderella is a fairytale about how big forgiveness can be and because of it Cinderella will forgive her sister for everything. At the end when justice has been served Cinderella wasn’t looking for revenge, and that is the greatness of her.


( Звучит музыка из мультфильма “Cinderella”.Золушка, напевая песенку, прибирает комнату. Входит её отец.)

Scene I





Sister Anna

Sister Charlotte





Herald 2

Cinderella: Good morning, Daddy, dear!

Father: Good morning, my little daughter. How are you?

Cinderella: Fine, Daddy. I have already been in the garden and picked some flowers.

Look! They are wonderful!

Father: Oh, my child, you are so nice and kind…

Cinderella: Thank you, Daddy.

( Входит мачеха. Она уже с утра сердита и ищет повод сорвать своё зло на Золушке.)

Stepmother: Cinderella! What are you doing? Why are you not working?! You are speaking and laughing! The house is dirty. There is a lot of spider’s web and dust everywhere! Have you made the breakfast? I’m hungry. Get a move on!

Cinderella: Yes, Stepmother.

Stepmother: Basil, what did you speak about? Did your crazy daughter complain of her life?

Father: Oh, no ….

Stepmother: Keep silent! My poor daughters and I work day and night but she doesn’t stir a finger!

(Входит Анна. Она держит голову руками и стонет.)

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Anna: Good morning, Mummy dear.

Stepmother: How are you today, my child?

Anna: Oh, I could not get to sleep all night. It was terrible. This girl began to sing her song and I woke up.

Stepmother: Oh, dear.

( Входит Шарлота ленивой походкой подходит к матери)

Cinderella: Good morning, sister.

Stepmother: Oh, good morning, my dear. What’s the matter? What happened?

Charlotte: I could not get to sleep.

Stepmother: Oh, dear, you too?

Anna: Oh, my poor head … oooh…

Charlotte: I’m hungry and thirsty! Cinderella! Bring my breakfast! Be quick!

Anna: And me too!

Cinderella: Would you like tea or coffee?

Charlotte: I’d like juice.

Anna: And me too!

Cinderella: These sandwiches are so tasty.

Charlotte: We don’t like sandwiches.

Anna: We’d like sweets and chocolates.

( Мачеха и её дочери усаживаются поудобнее за стол. Золушка подаёт им

Завтрак. Все едят с аппетитом. Раздаётся стук в дверь, входит глашатай)

Herald: The King of our Kingdom invite all young girls and their parents to the ball. Our young prince wants to choose his bride. We are waiting for you in our palace.

Stepmother: (Хватает послание и перечитывает.) We have to wear our best clothes!

( Звучит музыка. Мачеха и её дочери хватают с вешалок платья.

Вырывают то одно, то другое платье. Им всё не нравится. Они бросают всё на пол.)

Stepmother, Charlotte, Anna: Cinderella!

Cinderella: Yes, I’m here.

Stepmother: We are going to the ball. But we have not party dresses. We need beautiful hats,

bands and ribbons, gloves and shoes.

Cinderella: You have a lot of different beautiful dresses in the trunk. Let’s look and choose something.

Stepmother: A stupid girl! I have told you we want new dresses, new hats, new shoes.

Charlotte, Anna: And me too!

Stepmother: Go and sew! You must do it today!

Cinderella: Yes, Mummy. And then I’d like to go to the ball, too.

Charlotte, Anna: You?

Stepmother: Hush! Of course, my dear, you can go to the ball. But you must do some work: clean the house, wash the clothes, water the roses, feed domestic birds and animals, go to the market and buy food, cook dinner and sort lentil and peas.

Cinderella: I cannot do it all.

Stepmother: Hurry up, girl! Maybe you’ll finish the work and go to the ball. Daughters come with me!

Scene II

( Звучит музыка. Золушка перебирает горох и чечевицу. Гаснет свет и появляется фея.)

Fairy: Good evening, my dear girl!

Cinderella: Oh, dear Godmother! Good evening! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Fairy: I’m OK. I see, you work hard today. I’d like to help you. I can fulfill your wishes.

Cinderella, would you like to go to the ball?

Cinderella: Oh, yes.

Fairy: So, bring me the largest yellow pumpkin, the mouse-trap with six mice and call your old faithful dog.

( Золушка приносит на сцену тыкву и мышеловку с мышами)

Cinderella: Here it is.

Fairy: Put them over there.

(Золушка уносит всё за занавес)

Fairy: Now I’ll work wonders: one, two, three. ( Взмахивает палочкой)

(Из-за занавеса раздаётся топот копыт и лошадиное ржание. Звучат трубы)

Cinderella: Oh, there is my gold carriage with six horses and the brave coachman. Thank you

dear godmother. I’ll go to the ball.

Fairy: Stop! Stop! Look at your dress and shoes. You can’t go to the ball without new clothes. Stand there. One, two, three.

Cinderella: Thank you, dear Godmother! These clothes are beautiful.

Fairy: And so are you, Cinderella. Now you can go to the ball and have a good time.

Cinderella: Oh, thank you, thank you, Godmother.

Fairy: But, Cinderella, there is just one thing.

Cinderella: Yes?

Fairy: You can have these things only until 12 o’clock. Come home before that time. Do you understand?

Cinderella: Oh, yes, yes. Thank you.

Fairy: Bye, Cinderella. Have a good time. And remember: you must be back home before 12 o’clock.

Scene III

( Королевский бал. Принц сидит на троне и наблюдает за гостями.)

King: My son, why don’t you dance? This all is organized for you and young people.

Prince: Look around, Father. There is nobody to dance with. I don’t like the girls here. Look how ugly they are.

King: Let’s organize a competition.

Prince: As you like.

King: Ladies and gentlemen. We decided to organize a competition. I and my son will choose prince’s bride. Now let’s begin.

(Выступление участниц)

  1. Lady Sybil and her daughters.

2. Girls from the group “New York”

3. Our neighbor princess Dolly.

4. A beautiful stranger.

Prince: Oh, no, they are too primitive. They are too noisy. Oh, I don’t like music.

King: And who is that young girl. Doesn’t she look nice? Isn’t she beautiful?

Prince: Yes. (coming to Cinderella).May I dance with you, young lady?

Cinderella: With great pleasure. I like dancing.

Prince: Dear girl, how lovely you are! Who are you? Where do you live?

Cinderella: It doesn’t matter much, dear prince. Let’s dance and have fun. The music is so lovely (Вдруг часы пробили 12.00)

Cinderella: Oh, it’s 12 o’clock. I’m sorry, but I must go now. Good-bye.

Scene IV

( В доме. Сёстры и мачеха разговаривают.)

Anna: You know, Cinderella, there was a beautiful princess, who drove in a beautiful coach with six white horses.

Charlotte: She had a beautiful dress and glass slippers on.

Anna: The Prince danced with her all evening.

Charlotte: But when the clock struck twelve she ran away.

Anna: She was in a hurry and she lost her glass slipper.

Stepmother: The Prince wants to marry her. He is looking for her everywhere.

(Пришли Глашатаи)

Herald1: The Prince is looking for a young lady. He wants to marry.

Herald 2: But he doesn’t know her name.

Herald 1: She lost her slipper at the ball.

Herald 2: Every girl must try this slipper on.

Anna: It’s too small for me. Do you have a bigger size?

Charlotte: Let me try this slipper on. Oh, it’s small and tight.

Cinderella: Let me do it.

Anna, Charlotte: Oh, Cinderella! It was you at the ball.

Herald 1, Herald 2: Now young lady, let’s go to the palace. The Prince is waiting for you.

The End

The biography of Alan Alexander Milne

(студент рассказывает биографию Алана Милна при сопровождении презентации)

Alan Alexander Milne was born in London on January 18th, 1882. Milne, the youngest of the family’s three sons, went to Westminster School at the age of 11 and then went on to Cambridge to become a mathematician. But he never did. Instead he became editor of the university’s journal “Granta” in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London hoping to earn his living as a writer. By and by London magazines began to publish his witty works. In 1913 he married Dorothy De Selincourt. The Milnes’ only child was born on August 21st 1920. They called him Christopher Robin. The Milnes bought him a teddy bear for his first birthday. The teddy bear was soon named Winnie, after a real life bear that lived at London Zoo.

In 1925 the Milnes bought a farm in Sussex, which they used for weekends away from London. From this old house it was a short walk over a bridge into the Ashdown Forest where Christopher Robin and his teddy, now known by the name of “Winnie – the – Pooh” or ‘’Pooh – bear, used to play. Each daily adventure in the Forest gave A.A. Milne more material for his now famous book Winnie – the – Pooh” published in 1926. He wrote also: Princess who never laughs, The King’s breakfast, Once on a time and etc.

Princess Never Laughs.

(студенты инсценируют сказку под сопровождение презентации Принцесса Несмеяна)

Storyteller 1: Once upon a time there lived a Tsar. His kingdom was very big and rich – full of forests, seas and rivers, and his people were good and liked him. His Palace was full of gold and silver, but he was always sad and unhappy for his dear daughter never laughed or smiled. So people called her Princes Never Laughs.

Storyteller 2: She had everything: beauty, wonderful dresses, splendor, but, she never smiled or laughed, as if her heart couldn’t be happy… It hurt her father to see his only daughter always sad and gloomy.

Storyteller 1: He opened the chamber of his Palace, inviting all and everyone to visit them and be dear guests.

Tsar: Let them try to cheer her up. He, who makes Princess laugh, will marry her.

Storyteller 2: As soon as the people heard his words, they started to come to the Palace from far and near. They crowded at the gates. Noblemen came and boyars, merchants and ordinary people.

Под музыку выходит первый претендент на руку царской дочери – испанский принц в черном плаще и черной шляпе, с гитарой. Позади него две испанки танцуют под мелодию песни, исполняемой принцем. Царевна недовольна и принц со словами «Каррамба!» уходит и уводит танцовщиц.

Следом за ним на сцену, под фоновую восточную мелодию, выходит восточный принц с корзинкой. Исполнив обильные восточные поклоны он под звуки музыки вызывает из корзинки танцующую змею. Царевна визжит от страха, а затем плачет:

Princess: How silly he is. I don’t like these tricks! Go away! Oh, my God! How dull it is! Oh, my father! Why must I look at these men! I don’t like them. They are very dull.

Tsar: my daughter, be kind to these noble men!

Princess: I don’t want to! I don’t want to! I don’t want to! They will kill me with there tricks! Take them away.

Tsar: Don’t cry my little rose! Go away all of you! Leave my little daughter alone!

Storyteller 1: Feasts began with music and presents, tarts, pies and honey, but Princess didn’t smile or laugh… Not a single time…

Storyteller 2: At the other end of their kingdom lived a simple peasant. He worked hard from day to night. In the morning he swept and cleaned the yard, chopped wood and brought water and in the evening he drove in the cattle. His master paid him well for his work at the end of each year.

Иван усердно работает по дому, колет дрова, носит воду из колодца.

Storyteller 1: So, the year ended and the master gave him a big coin. He took it and went to the well to drink before leaving. The earned coin slipped out of his hand and into the well. Nothing could be done – he had to work for one more year. He worked well and was again given a big coin at the end of the year.

Показать как монета падает в колодец.

Storyteller 2: And just as before he went to the well to drink and again the coin fell down into the well. He had to stay for the year… You should have seen how he worked! In other fields the wheat drooped; he looked after the horses and all the work about the house.

Иван работает усердно.

Storyteller 1: When the third year passed, his master gave him money again. He took the coin, went to the well to drink and suddenly saw that the previous two coins had floated up to the surface and third one was safe in his hand. He took them and decided to have a look at the world and to learn more about people. He went where his legs carried him.

Ivan: How happy I am! Now I am rich, rich, rich! I can buy everything. I can do everything. I want to have my own home and a lovely wife. And I shall find a pretty girl, I shall marry her.

Storyteller 2: As he crossed the field, he saw a mouse…

Mouse: Hello, nice fellow! Give me a coin – I shell help you some a day…

Ivan: Dear Mouse! I have been working for this money for three long years. And I want to spend this money on a house, my friends, and my wife.

Mouse: Bat I am so hungry! I want to have something to eat, maybe some bread, some apples or sweets. Give me something, please. When you are in difficult situation, I shall help you.

Ivan: But I have nothing except money. Take it, please. Be happy!

Storyteller 1: He gave her a coin. She thanked him and ran away. Soon the field ended and a big forest began. In the forest an old wolf came up to him.

Wolf: Hello, nice fellow! Where are you going? Can you help me? I shall help you next time.

Ivan: I’m going to find my happiness. I want to be very happy. And what do you want?

Wolf : I am too hungry and I want to have some meat, milk or sausage. Do you have anything to eat? Three days have passed and I didn’t have any food in my mouth. I have a stomachache now. I shall be ill s-o-o-on. Help me, please!

Ivan: But what can I do for you?

Stooping Beetle: A lot of useful things. You can give me cheese sandwiches and a basket of gold nuts. You can give me a bottle of milk. And I shall have this food with great pleasure!

Ivan: I don’t have anything to eat. No food. I’ve got only two big coins. Do you need them?

Stooping Beetle: I shall help you some day…

Storyteller 2: He gave him a coin and went on. Soon he saw a cool wide river and decided to walk along it. A cat came up towards him and said…

Cat: Hello, nice fellow! Give me a coin and I shall help you one day.

Ivan: What for? I have only one coin. And I want to bay something for myself. I have been working for this money during three long years. But on my way I met a mouse. She asked me to help her and I gave her one coin. I went on and met the wolf . He was so hungry and unhappy and I gave him one coin, too.

Cat: But my children! They will die. They have a toothache, they need some medicine. If you give me your coin, I shall buy some pills and they will recover. So my family will be happy. Let me have a chance. I’ll treat my little sons and daughters.

Ivan: Poor things! Your children are so helpless. I shall help you with great pleasure.

Cat: Oh, thank you! A noble man! I am proud of you. Now my children won’t be in danger. Can I do anything for you? If you need my help, ask me for it.

Storyteller 1: Soon he came to a big city. He saw so many people, houses, doors! He stared and stared at them and didn’t know where to go! His attention was attracted to a beautiful palace, decorated with silver and gold. Suddenly he saw Princess Never Laughs. She was sitting at an open window looking straight at him.

Ivan: What a beautiful girl! How pretty she is! Her eyes are blue, her hair long and brown. I love her. I want to marry her.

Princess: Oh, my god! There is nothing to do! How unhappy I am! My father is always busy about his palace. And what can I do? I want to do something useful, but my father… He doesn’t let me do anything. It’s very dull! Father, come here!

Tsar: Yes my princess, my rose, my primrose, my snowdrop, my sweetheart, my lovely daughter! What can I do for you? Do you want to visit a foreign country? Do you want to have a sandwich or pancakes with black caviar? What do you want, my princess?

Princess: I want to help my nurses about the house! May I sweep the floor, wash windows in our palace or clean our carpets with a vacuum cleaner?

Tsar: Are you crazy? Don’t even think about it! You are a Princess. It’s not the kind of work you should do.

Princess: But I will! I will! I will!

Царя отзывает царица в сторону- подписать какой-то документ.

Storyteller 2: During this speech Ivan was looking at the Princess Never Laughs. He couldn’t turn his eyes away from her, so pretty she was! Then everything become dim in his eyes and he fell right into the mud.

Storyteller 1: Immediately the cat with its long tail appeared and the old wolf and the troubled mouse. They began to nurse and tend him: the mouse tried to take off his shirt, the wolf began to clean his tools, the cat scared away the flies…

Storyteller 2: Princess Never Laughs looked out and saw them attending him and suddenly… BEGAN TO LAUGH MARRILY!

Царь оборачивается , бросив все свои дела:

Tsar: Who??? Who?? Who? Who made my daughter laugh? Who is this noble man? I want to see him immediately.

Princess: Dad! Dear! How happy I am! It was that fellow down there! Just look at him… He is so nice… He is so handsome.

Storyteller 1: She pointed at the poor worker and began to laugh again, and again, and again…

Tsar: Nobody had made my lovely daughter laugh but you could, so I want you to marry her. You will have some pretty children. I will become their grandfather. I dream of grandsons and granddaughters every night. I want my dream to become true.

Storyteller 2: Ivan was immediately led into the palace and taken to the Tsar. And there he stood before the Tsar. And the Tsar kept his word and Ivan married the Tsar’s daughter. And they were happy and merry ever after!

Все актеры делают глубокий поклон.

The end


  1. What have you learnt today?

  2. What characters of fairy tales have you liked most?

  3. What have you liked at the lesson?

  4. Why do you think the children and adults like reading fairy- tales?

  5. Do you think fairy tales are only for children?

  6. What have you liked at the lesson?

Summing up: (подведение итогов урока)

Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for your preparation and your activity at the lesson. I was greatly impressed with your play and answers. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. You have worked well today. Thank you our guests. Thank you our teachers. Good-bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Открытое мероприятие "Welcome to a Fairy - tale land"

Автор: Темирболатова С.А.

Дата: 08.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526162

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