You will listen to 5 stories. Your task is to match the pictures with the numbers of stories. (Вы услышите 5 описаний достопримечательностей Лондона. Установите соответствие между описаниями 1 – 5 и картинками.Используйте каждую картинку, обозначенную буквой, только один раз.Вы услышите описания дважды. Занесите ответы в таблицу в листе ответов.)
1) It is very old. It has a long and cruel history. You can see it from the river Thames. It has twenty towers. (The Tower of London)
2) It stands near the Houses of Parliament. It is really a bell. It has a deep tone and you can hear it on the radio. It is a famous clock. (Big Ben)
3) It is not far from the Houses of Parliament. It is a symbol of England. Some famous English people are buried there. (Westminster Abbey)
4) The tall column stands in its middle. It is a monument of Admiral Nelson. Four bronze lions look at the square from the monument. There are two beautiful fountains on it.(Trafalgar Square)
5) It is a very beautiful building. It is a place where the British Queen Elizabeth lives when she is in London. (BuckinghamPalace)