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«My English language»
My English language
Grade 10 “a”
The aims of the lesson
Білімділік: Сауатты жаза білуге, сұрақтарға толық жауап бере білуге үйрету.
Дамытушылық: Оқушылардың тез қабылдауына жол ашу, ой-қиялдарына ерік беру, ойларын анық жеткізе білу деңгейлерін дамыту.
Тәрбиелік: Саналы оқып үйренуге, қарым-қатынас мәдениетіне, бірін-бірі тыңдай білуге тәрбиелеу.
The form of the lesson: non-traditional
The type of the lesson: competition
Methods: games, discus
Equipment of the lesson: interactive Board, Projector, flipcharts, slides,
CD- discs with English songs .
General information
1. What is the official name of Britain?
2. What parts does the UK consist of?
3. What is the symbol of England?
4. What is the capital of Australia?
5. What is the official language of Ireland?
1) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2) England,Scotland,Wales.Northren Ireland
The red rose
4) Canberra
5) Irish
6.Where is the tallest building in the world?
7.What is the capital of Georgia?
8.What is the national sport in America?
9.Whose monument stands in the center of Trafalgar square?
10.What are the colours of American flag?
1) Chicago
2) Atlanta
3) Basebal
4) Basebal
5) Red,white,dark-blue
Westminster Abbey
[ 'westminstə 'æbi ] -
the ancient large church in London in which the coronation ceremony of almost all the English kings and queens has taken place . Many famous people are buried there.
St. Paul's Cathedral
is the greatest work of England's greatest architect, Christopher Wren. The Cathedral was begun in 1675. It was opened in 1697 but was finished only in 1710, when Wren was almost eighty years old. There are memorials to many famous men of England in the Cathedral.
Big Ben ['big 'ben]
— the bell which strikes the hours in the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament in London. It was made in 1858 and was named after Benjamin Hall .
is in the centre of the West End of London. On the north side there is the National Gallery; in the north-east corner there is the National Portrait Gallery and in the centre there is Nelson's Column. Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings and demonstrations take place.
Thames [temz]
— a river (346 km long) rising in South England, and flowing east to the North Sea, navigable [ 'n ævigəbl ] by large ships up to London.