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«Mr. and Mrs. Know-all VI»
Grade: 6
Theme: Mr. and Mrs. Know-all VI
Aims: ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдер бөлімі бойынша өткен тақырыптарды қайталау мақсатында жоғарыда аталған викторинклық ойын ойнау арқылы оқушылардың білімдерін молайтып, тереңдету. Оқушылардың тілге деген қызығушылықтарын арттырып, құрметтей білуге тәрбиелеу
Method: game
Visual aids: presentation, cards, prises
Procedure :
Organization moment
Hello, dear teachers and students. I’m glad to see you today. Welcome to our today’s game. I hope you enjoy it. Today we are brush up our knowledge about past lessons and Great Britain, English speaking countries.
I want to say if you know English, you can open the door to the world.
Today we have 6 teams from 6 grades. In this game we can know our Mr. and Mrs. Know-all VI. So I wish good luck for every teams.
(introducing the teams)
Introducing with stages
Today we have 5 stages. I want to introduce you with stages. For every right answer the team will take a card.
1. Answer the questions
2. Adjectives in our life
3. Parts and wholes
4. Word-game
5. Guess the riddles
III. Beginning the game
Now let’s begin the game. Our first stage is “Answer the questions” . At this stage you must answer to my questions.
1 The united kingdom of …(Great Britain)
2 The capital of Great Britain is…(London)
3 How many part does GB have?(4)
4 Iron Lady is…(Margaret Thatcher)
5 The popular and the first pop group is…(the Beatles)
6 On which river is London situate(the Thames)
7 How many degrees have the adjective?(2)
8The main universities of Great Britain are..(Cambridge, Oxford)
9The park which created Walt Disney…(Disneyland)
10 The capital of Russia is..(Moscow)
11Who wrote the novel “Abay zholy” (Mukhtar Auezov)
12The big clock is ..(Big BEN)
13What colour is the bus of GB..(red)
14 what kind of adjective has the words ‘more\most’(көпбуынды)
15 The head of state of GB is (Queen)
Teacher :That’s all now let’s count the cards. Next stage is called: “Adjectives in our life”.
2. Өткен тақырыпты еске түсіру. Оқушыларға сын есімдер тізімі беріледі. Олардың міндеті салыстырмалы және күшейтпелі шырайларды, сын есім түрлерін атау.