Учитель английского языка МОБУ «Гимназия №3» Чугайнова И.А.
Today I want you to read … about … guess what about? You should guess the 2 words. Let`s play a game. Say the letter and if you are right I`ll say YES!
LOST CITY So, what will we do today? … well, you are right.
First of all, take a small card. If you understand these phrases draw a star.
The next task is match the word combination and it`s translation. Find the translation in the class room. So, exchange your cards and check. Translate, A is … B is… ….
Draw a smile beside the phrase, if you are correct. Put your mark and sign it.
Now you must divide into 2 groups “Tourists” and “Locals” (по цепочке). So, “tourists” stand here, on the left, and “Locals” stand in a chain here on the right. Your task is to read one sentence - one by one. If somebody makes a mistake, you must say “Challenge” and the turn goes to another group. The team which finishes is a winner! Well done! Take your places.
Now, you will read in other groups. Let me divide you so 1,2,3,4 – 1,2,3,4 – 1,2,3,4 … 1-s are here, 2-s are here, 3-s are here, 4-s are there. You must read 2 paragraphs in 2 minutes.
Now, choose a volunteer who reads well. You are reading in 1 minute, I have a timer, start reading! Stop!
The last task is … who is the worst reader of your groups take a hot chair and read again, the last time.
Now, we can listen to this text.