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КВН "М.В.Ломоносов "

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КВН -мероприятие для учащихся 7-9 классов. Разработано и проведено по ФГОС

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«КВН "М.В.Ломоносов "»

Муниципальное казеное общеобразовательное учреждение

Нижне-Чуглинская средняя общеобразовательная школа

Мероприятие (КВН)

на тему:

«М.В. Ломоносов»

Учитель английского языка

Лабазанова Халимат


КВН (Тема “М.В. Ломоносов”)

Для проведения мероприятия рекомендуется:

* изучение лексики по теме «М.В.Ломоносов»,

* работа с текстом,

* просмотр видеофильма,

* посещение музея, библиотеки,

* изучение литературы по теме.


1. Активизация лексики по теме «М.В.Ломоносов».

2. Совершенствование навыков устной речи и аудирования.

3. Тренировка грамматических навыков.

4. Расширение кругозора и воспитание толерантности.

Оборудование: карточки с заданием для капитанов; жетоны; задание на карточках «Дополни рассказ» для двух команд; раздаточный материал для конкурсов «Историки», карточки со словами (для составления словосочетаний).

Ход мероприятия

I. Организационный момент

-Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today we shall have a competition of two teams. The topic of our competition is “M.V. Lomonosov”. It`s time to find the names of your teams.

Учитель сообщает учащимся о проведении КВНа по теме «М.В.Ломоносов». Ученики должны заранее разделиться на две команды, выбрать капитанов и придумать названия командам (домашнее задание для команд). За каждое правильно выполненное задание команды получают определенное количество баллов. Побеждает команда, которая наберет больше баллов.

II. Конкурс «Представление команд».

Команды по очереди представляют свое название, девиз, эмблему. Название команды должно быть связано с темой мероприятия. Конкурс оценивается по пятибалльной системе.

III. Конкурс «Разминка».

-The first task for our teams is to agree or disagree with my statements. If the statement is false, correct it, please. If it is true, repeat it after me. Our teams will do this task one by one.

Командам предлагается по очереди выразить согласие или несогласие с утверждениями ведущего. Данное задание может быть предъявлено командам в двух вариантах: ведущий зачитывает утверждения или команды вытаскивают карточки с утверждениями, разложенными на столе текстом вниз. Если команда не справляется с выполнением задания, то право ответа получают соперники. За каждый правильный ответ команда получает один жетон.

  1. Mikhael Lomonosov was a great Russian scientist, a poet, the founder of Russian literature.

  2. Lomonosov was born on the 29th of November in 1721 in Kholmogory settlement near the city of Arkhangelsk.

  3. His father was a rich fisherman.

  4. Young Mikhael liked to spend his time fishing with his father.

  5. He didn’t read himself when he was a little boy.

  6. He always strove for knowledge.

  7. When he was 19 years old, he decided to study in Germany.

  8. He left his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow.

  9. He decided to study music.

  10. In 1741 he returned to St. Petersburg.

  11. In 1745 Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry.

  12. His father founded his first chemical lab in Russia.

  13. He wrote works on physics, astronomy, geography and history.

  14. Lomonosov didn’t write poems.

  15. Mikhael Lomonosov made a telescope.

  16. Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian University in Moscow.

  17. He died in 1765.

Команды подсчитывают количество жетонов.

Двум участникам команд предлагается составить словосочетания из предложенных слов. Ребята работают на доске, прикрепляя получившиеся слова.

settle- fisher-





educa- philo-



-tist -sophy


-man -ment


-tion -ing

Варианты слов: Settlement, scientist, fisherman, knowledge, graduation, education, mining, philosophy, empress

В это время команды участвуют в конкурсе «Вопросы и ответы».

IV. Конкурс «Вопросы и ответы».

-You know much about Lomonosov and I want you to answer my questions.

Учителю необходимо следить, чтобы на вопросы отвечали разные члены команды. За правильный ответ команда получает по одному жетону.

Примерные вопросы:

1. When and where was Mikhael Lomonosov born?

2. What was his father?

3. What did young Mikhael like to do?

4. When did he begin to read?

5. Where did he decide to study when he was 19 years old?

6. How did Mikhael leave his native village for Moscow?

7. Where did Mikhael decide to study in Moscow?

8. Where was he sent after his graduation from the Academy? What for?

9. Where abroad did he study?

10. What did Lomonosov study there?

11. When did he return to St. Petersburg?

12. When did Mikhael Lomonosov become the professor of chemistry?

13. What works did he write?

14. What did Lomonosov write besides scientific works?

15. What factory did he found?

16. Were his scientific works known abroad?

17. Why was Moscow State University named after Lomonosov?

18. When did Lomonosov die?

19. What did the empress Catherine the Great do after Lomonosov’s death?

Команды подсчитывают количество жетонов.

V. Конкурс «Знатоки».

Из составленных на доске слов ( settlement, scientist, fisherman, knowledge, graduation, education, mining, philosophy, empress) участникам команд предлагается составить предложения. За каждое правильно составленное предложение – 1 жетон.

VI. Конкурс капитанов.

- I want our captains to go to the blackboard. They will get the special task. They`ll have to complete the sentences with the “speaking” verbs.

Капитаны команд получают карточки с заданием. Время на подготовку-5 минут. За правильное выполнение задания капитан каждой команды может получить 15 жетонов.

Complete the sentences with the “speaking” verbs: was, studied, translated, decided, liked, returned, wrote, became, left, worked, was born, strove, was sent, was, founded

Mikhael Lomonosov … a great Russian scientist, a poet, the founder of Russian literature.

Lomonosov … on the 19th of November in 1711 in Kholmogory settlement near the city of Arkhangelsk. His father … a poor fisherman. Young Mikhael … to spend his time fishing with his father. He always … for knowledge. When he was 19 years old, he … to study in Moscow. He … his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow. In 1736 after his graduation from the Academy he … … abroad to complete his education in chemistry and mining. He … Western philosophy and science, the technologies of mining, metallurgy and glassmaking. Lomonosov … hard and he … a great scientist.

In 1741 he … to St. Petersburg. He … his first chemical lab in Russia. He … scientific works into Russian and … in Latin such important works as “Cause of Heat and Cold”, “Elastic Force of Air” and “Theory of Electricity”.

Complete the sentences with the “speaking” verbs: created, suffered, did, confiscated, exhausted, were known, was, made, founded, wrote, observed, was, was named, died, had, ,

Mikhael Lomonosov … a telescope. He … a lot of stars and planets.

Lomonosov … a factory producing coloured glass. He … some mosaics using the glass produced at the factory. He … several works on voyages and navigation in the Northern Sea. His scientific works …… abroad. Lomonosov … a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of that of Bologna.

Lomonosov … the founder of the first Russian University in Moscow. Moscow State University … after Lomonosov and still carries his name. He … a lot for the development of Moscow State University.

After the empress Elizabeth’s death in 1762 he … persecutions. It … him physically and he … in 1765.

The empress Catherine the Great … Lomonosov buried with great ceremony, but she … all the notes in which the great humanitarian ideas he had developed were outlined.

But he is still known as the father of Russian science and the first great Russian linguistic reformer.

VII. Конкурс «Дополни рассказ».

- It`s time to read the story and choose the correct item. It`s interesting to find out if you know the English grammar and words well. You`ll have 3 minutes. Are you ready? Start than.

Каждая команда получает задание на карточке, на выполнение которого отводится 3 минуты. Во время выполнения задания учитель может включить спокойную музыку. За данное задание команда получает максимально 6 баллов.

Примерное задание на карточке:

1/ Moscow State University … after Lomonosov.

created, was named, became

2/ Young Mikhael … to spend his time fishing with his father.

was, left, liked

3/ In 1736 after his graduation from the Academy he … abroad to complete his education in chemistry and mining.

was sent, wrote, decided

4/ Besides scientific works Lomonosov … poems as well.

worked, left, wrote

5/ Lomonosov … a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of than of Bologna.

was, is known, founded

6/ Lomonosov … to study in Moscow when he was 19 years old.

worked, decided, was

VIII. Конкурс «Историки»/

Два человека от каждой команды выполняют задание – «соотнеси дату и событие».

Match the historical event with the date.

1/ 1745

2/ 1711

3/ 1741

4/ 1765

5/ 1736

a) Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry.

b) He returned to St. Petersburg.

c) He died in ...

d) Lomonosov was born in Kholmogory settlement near the city of Arkhangelsk.

e) In … after his graduation from the Academy he was sent abroad to complete his education in chemistry and mining.

1/ a; 2/ d; 3/ b 4/ c 5/ e

В это время команды в хронологической последовательности составляют текст из предложений.

In 1745 Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry.

He died in 1765

When he was 19 years old, he decided to study in Moscow.

Then he returned to St. Petersburg.

In 1736 after his graduation from the Academy he was sent abroad to complete his education in chemistry and mining.

He left his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow.

Lomonosov founded a factory producing coloured glass.

Lomonosov was born on the 19th of November in 1711 in Kholmogory settlement near the city of Arkhangelsk.

IX. Конкурс «Домашнее задание».

Команды представляют художественные номера по теме «М.В.Ломоносов»: сцены из детства, юности, Ломоносов в лаборатории….

X. Подведение итогов.

-Thank you for your work, children. You were so active today. I hope you liked our competition very much. It is interesting to find out what team is the winner today. Congratulations! The lesson is over. Good-bye, my dear friends.


Mikhael Lomonosov

(1711 – 1765)

Lomonosov was a great man… He founded the first Russian University; or to express it more correctly he himself was our first university

A. S. Pushkin

Mikhael Lomonosov was a great Russian scientist, a poet, the founder of Russian literature.

Lomonosov was born on the 19th of November in 1711 in Kholmogory settlement near the city of Arkhangelsk. His father was a poor fisherman. Young Mikhael liked to spend his time fishing with his father. He began to read himself when he was a little boy. He always strove for knowledge. When he was 19 years old, he decided to study in Moscow. He left his native village, penniless and on foot, for Moscow. He decided to enter the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1736 after his graduation from the Academy he was sent abroad to complete his education in chemistry and mining. Lomonosov left Russia for Germany to study at the University of Marburg and later in Freiberg. He studied Western philosophy and science, the technologies of mining, metallurgy and glassmaking. Lomonosov worked hard and he became a great scientist.

In 1741 he returned to St. Petersburg. In 1745 Lomonosov became the first Russian professor of chemistry. He founded his first chemical lab in Russia. He translated scientific works into Russian and wrote in Latin such important works as “Cause of Heat and Cold”, “Elastic Force of Air” and “Theory of Electricity”. He wrote works on physics, astronomy, geography and history. Besides scientific works, Lomonosov wrote poems. He is the author of the first scientific grammar of the Russian language.

Mikhael Lomonosov made a telescope. He observed a lot of stars and planets.

Lomonosov founded a factory producing coloured glass. He created some mosaics using the glass produced at the factory. He wrote several works on voyages and navigation in the Northern Sea. His scientific works were known abroad. Lomonosov was a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and of that of Bologna.

Lomonosov was the founder of the first Russian University in Moscow. Moscow State University was named after Lomonosov and still carries his name. He did a lot for the development of Moscow State University.

After the empress Elizabeth’s death in 1762 he suffered persecutions. It exhausted him physically and he died in 1765.

The empress Catherine the Great had Lomonosov buried with great ceremony, but she confiscated all the notes in which the great humanitarian ideas he had developed were outlined.

But he is still known as the father of Russian science and the first great Russian linguistic reformer.


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

КВН "М.В.Ломоносов "

Автор: Лабазанова Халимат Даитбековна

Дата: 16.02.2021

Номер свидетельства: 573349

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