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«Конспект внеклассного мероприятия на тему «English is the key of solidarity»»
БекітемінУақыты: 6.02.2016
________ Сынып: 6-11
Уақыты: 12.30
Мұғалім: Наурызалиева Д
Тақырыбы: «English is the key of solidarity »
Мақсаты: ағылшын тілінде рөлдерде ойнау арқылыпәнге деген
қызығушылығын арттыру.
Күтілетін нәтиже:
пәнге деген қызығушылығы артады;
дыбыстарды дұрыс айту дағдысы қалыптасады;
өзіне деген сенімділігі артады.
Ұйымдастыру кезеңі
Негізгі бөлім
а) Қуыршақ театры «The turnip»
ә) Көрініс « Том Сойердің басынан кешкендері » үзінді
б) Ағылшын әндері
3. Қорытынды.
Dear teachers and pupils! Welcome to our English party!
Today we are going to begin the last day of the English week. You know this year we are going to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan. Let’s back to the history (slides)
Our president N.Nazarbayev noted, «History of Kazakhstan’s independence is a great record, which is able to embellish the story of any successful country of the modern world». On 16 December in 1991 Kazakhstan began its new history.
In the 79th step of the 100 concrete step its said that stage-by stage transition to the use of the English language in the education system. The main aim is to increase competitiveness of students when they leave and position the educational sector as attractive for international students.
This year English is taught from the 1st grade. That’s why we called our English week «English is the key of solidarity ».
During the English week, our pupils took part in many matinees.
Let’s begin our party with the puppet show «The turnip».
Characters: An Author - Kapanova Aida 11th form, A Grandfather - Sabit Adilet 10th form, A Grandmother – Kuandykkyzy Akerke 9th form, A Granddaughter – Sakhitzhanova Dana 6th form, A Dog named Zhuchka – Khaimzhan Nazerke 9th form , A Cat – Phazylova Dilyara 9th form , A Mouse – Musakhanova Phatima 6th form. Scenery: Garden, further a house, a shaft, trees, flowers and bushes. AN AUTHOR: Once upon a time somewhere about there lived the grandfather and the grandmother. The grandfather was a very good gardener he liked to spend a lot of time looking after his plants. In springtime he planted a turnip, a cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, grew dill and spring onion and many other vegetables. But the turnip was his favourite. The grandfather even used to sing songs for it. A GRANDFATHER: We had planted a little seed, We took out all the weed. So it grows and grows fast And will bring the rich crop at last. AN AUTHOR: The turnip was growing bigger and bigger with the grandfather's songs and there came time to take it out. A GRANDFATHER: Came the happy, happy time Taking out crops of mine. Pooling, pooling my turnip Can’t just do it - it's too big! I should call grandmother for help. Grandma, grandma come over to help me to pool the turnip out. A GRANDMOTHER: I am coming, I'll help you with your crops with the greatest pleasure, grandpa. AN AUTHOR: The grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they are both pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. A GRANDMOTHER: You know, grandpa, we wouldn’t be able to take the turnip out by ourselves. It’s too deep in the ground. Let’s call our granddaughter to help us. A GRANDFATHER: It’s a very bright idea. Call our granddaughter to help us. A GRANDMOTHER: Granddaughter, granddaughter come to help us to pool the turnip out. A GRANDDAUGHTER: I am coming, why didn’t you call me earlier? I bet you are tired already. AN AUTHOR: The granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but
can’t pool the turnip out. A GRANDDAUGHTER: I think we need more help. This turnip doesn’t want to get out easily. Let’s call Zhuchka to help us. Zhuchka, Zhuchka come to help us to pool the turnip out. ZHUCHKA: Woof, woof I am in a hurry to come. Where is that stubborn turnip? We will quickly pool it out all together. AN AUTHOR: Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out. ZHUCHKA: It’s not so easy as I thought it would be. Let’s call the cat to help us. Kitty, kitty come down to help us to pool the turnip out. A CAT: I am coming. Prrrrr, prrrrr we will pool the turnip out easily. AN AUTHOR: The cat holding on to Zhuchka, Zhuchka holding on to the granddaughter, the granddaughter holding on to the grandmother, the grandmother holding on to the grandfather, the grandfather holding on to the turnip and they all are pooling hard, but can’t pool the turnip out.
A CAT: I believe we need help. Let’s call the mouse. Mouse, mouse, little paws, come and help us to pool the turnip out.
The adventure of Tom Sawyer
Aunt Polly: Tom! Tom! Where is that boy, I wonder? Tom, you, Tom! (She takes a broom, pushes her spectacles up and pushes the broom under the bed.) Tom! Well, if I get hold of you I’ll beat you. (She goes over to the door and opens it.) You-u Tom! (There is a slight noise behind her, she turns and catches Tom.) I might have thought of that cupboard. What have you been doing there?
Tom: Nothing.
Aunt Polly: Nothing! Look at your hands. And look at your mouth. What is that?
Tom: I don’t know, Aunt.
Aunt Polly: Well, I know. It’s jam that’s what it is. Forty times, I’ve told you that if you don’t let that jam done, I’ll skin you. Hand me that switch.
(Tom does so and then cries out.)
Tom: Look behind you, Aunt!
(The old lady turns round and the boy runs away.)
Aunt Polly: What is to be done with that boy? He’s my own dead sister’s boy, poor thing and I haven’t got the heart to beat him.
Part II
Aunt Polly’s house, a room. Aunt Polly is going round the house looking for Tom.
Aunt Polly: Where is that boy, I wonder? (She looks everywhere. Tom appears in the window and hides under the table.)Tom, where are you? (Aunt Polly looks out of the window.) Sid! Come over here. (She sits down on the chair by the table. Sid comes in.) What shall I do with Tom? Yesterday he ate that jam and almost poisoned the cat. I made these trousers a week ago and he has torn them to pieces already. Sid!
Sid: Yes, mam!
Aunt Polly: Come here. Have you seen Tom?
Sid: Yes, mam! (Tom shows him his fist)
No… , mam, I don’t think. I have …
Aunt Polly: Oh, you don’t think you have!
Sid: You see mum, I’d rather … It’s like this …
Aunt Polly: Hush! Where have you seen him? Is he hiding somewhere like a rat in the corn? But I’ll get hold of him and I’ll give him a good licking. (Tom is making faces. Sid starts laughing.) And you too. (Mary comes in dancing and singing) Mary, have you seen Tom?
Mary: Here, he … (Tom shows a fist) Here he was a moment ago. (A meowing is heard, from outside.)
Aunt Polly: Where is that boy?
Mary: Really, I don’t know.
Aunt Polly: Hang the boy, will I ever learn him anything? (A loud meowing is heard, then the sound of gravel striking the window.)
Tom: Meow! (Mary starts laughing.)
Aunt Polly: What are you laughing at? Damn that cat! Scat you, devil! (Aunt Polly looks under the table and sees Tom’s leg.) You Tom!
Tom: Well, what ….
Aunt Polly: Don’t what’ me, you naughty boy. I’m hoping to skin you alive, and no mistake.
Tom: Auntie, what have I done?
Aunt Polly: Well, you have done enough these few days. Last evening I left two cakes in the cupboard, and now there is only one there. Can you explain that?
Tom: I guess it was so dark I didn’t see the other.
Aunt Polly: Mary, go and call Jim, tell him to fetch that long- handled brush and a bucket of whitewash. Tom, you have to whitewash the fence. And mind do it well.
Tom: Oh, Auntie. I can’t. I’ll do it tomorrow. Forgive me and let me go.
Aunt Polly: Tom that’s enough. You must go and work. Whitewash the fence, I say.(Jim brings in the bucket)
Now we shall see a scene «Tom Sawyer whitewashes the fence»
Part III
(Ben appears with an apple in his hand.)
Ben: What are you doing?
Tom: I’m whitewashing the fence I don’t want to do it. Tim wanted, but Aunt Polly didn’t let him.
Ben: Tom, do let me. I’ll give you my apple. (Ben gives his apple to Tom and then started to whitewash the fence. Then Billy comes.)
Billy: Let me do some whitewashing.
Ben: No, I won’t.
(They began fighting. At that moment …)
Tom: Stop that! Now it’s your turn to whitewash Billy. (Billy was working)
Tom: Now it’s your turn to whitewash, Ben. (Ben was working. When Aunt Polly came, Ben and Billy were hiding.)
Aunt Polly: Oh, it’s all done! You are good boy, Tom. You can work when you want to. Now you may go and play.
Tom: Hurrah! Let’s run to river!
(Boys ran away.)
№ 273 орта білім беретін мектеп
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Тақырыбы:«English is the key of solidarity »
(6.02.2016ж апталықта 6-11сыыптар аралығында өткізілді)