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«Kazakhstan is in the retrospect of time»
Kazakhstan is in the retrospect of time
To order the pupils’ knoeledge by the studied themes
To develop the team work
To fix the verbal speech activities and special lexic.
To overbroad the knowledge by the history and the geography of Kazakhstan. Tools: card, crossword, dictionary, table of the irregular verb.
Plan of the lesson
Org, moment
Content of the lesson
Presentation of the teams
‘’Jeopardy” game
Familiarizing the rules
Work with the cards
“Hidden rivers/lakes/seas” crossword
1 . Good morning, students and guests ! The theme of ourlesson is “Kazakhstan is in the retrospect of time”. During the lesson we’ll be playing games, doing exercisesand guessing crosswords. And our guests will be jury; your task is to mark answers of our participants for every task.
2 . We have 2 teams. Captains , please , present your team and motto of the team.
3. Thanks a lot to our captains. Lets play the first game. It is “Jeopardy”. Rules are very simple: there are some cards on the blackboard. Every card has its nominal cost at one side and the task at another side. Participant of the team takes one of the cards , reads the task and his team answers this task. The higher cost has the harder task. Good luck!
Cards with the nominal cost of “1” point:
1 . Spell the word “Kazakhstan”
2 .Spell the word “Shymbulak”
3 . Translate the word “Constitution”
4. Translate the word “Суверенный”
5. Translate the word “Independence”
Cards with the nominal cost of “2” point:
1 .Complete the proverb: “Better late than ……..” never
2 .Complete the proverb:“East or west, ……..” best
3. Translate the proverb: “It is never too late to learn ”
4. Translate the proverb: “Business before pleasure”
Cards with the nominal cost of “3” point:
1 . Use the necessary form of the verb:
5 years ago Ali (to lose ) his job in the town of Aral. He (to be) one of the best fishermen. He (decide) to be a vegetable farmer. He (to work) hard and it (to give ) good results. Now he (to have) been enjoying his harvest.
2. Write this text in the Past Indefinite Tense:
When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes an ancient rite-the hobbies cutting. A hobble of rope is tied round a child’s legs. It looks like a figure – of-eight. The child has to make a few steps and then the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest , one whose life is a worthy example. By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.
3. Write this text in the Present Indefinite Tense:
An addition to traditional horse-races during festivals and feasts, the game Kokpar was usually played. One of the horse-riders with goat’s carcass in his hand raced far ahead. Other participants in the game followed him. A champion – to-be had to have a quick horse to catch up the jigit with the goat’s carcass. He had to be a skillful and experienced horse-rider, so that other competitors could not throw him down from his horse.
Cards with the nominal cost of “4” point:
1 . Translate from English into Kazakh and Russian:
The Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world. The former sea bed is now a salt desert. It was once the home to 24 species of fish.
2. Translate from English into Kazakh and Russian:
The dying Aral Sea is one of the world environmental disasters. Environment around the lake and health of the people are being damaged. The sea has changed the climate of the region greatly.
Cards with the nominal cost of “5” point:
Card – surprise : 2 cards in 1, to same task for 2 teams.
Translate from Russian into English:
Был провозглашен-was established
Граничит с – shares its border with
Столица – capital
Казахстан был провозглашен Республикой Казахстан в декабре 1991 года. Наша страна граничит с Россией, Китаем,Кыргызстаном, Узбекистаном и Туркменистаном. Столица нашей Республики – Астана.
4 . “Hidden rivers / lakes/seas” crossword
Please, look at this crossword. We are going to have a little trip in geography of our Republic. Some main rivers, lakes, seas of Kazakhstan are hidden here. Your Task is very simple: to find all these names.
Well. Now we have some minutes to summarize our lesson. While our jury scores obtained by each team , let’s remember what we did in class today. We revised the Past and Present Indefinite Tenses, travelled by Kazakhstan’s history and geography, guessed the crossword. And now is the time for our judges to summarize and announce the winning team.