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Интеллектуальная игра для учащихся 8-11 классов по английскому "Слабое звено" (Weak Link)

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Разработала Учитель английского языка I категории МБОУ СОШ № 18 ст. Ивановской, Красноармейского района, Краснодарского края Брык Т.А. 2003 год.

Интеллектуальная игра для старшеклассников

8-11 классы. "Слабое звено" (Weak Link).

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«Интеллектуальная игра для учащихся 8-11 классов по английскому "Слабое звено" (Weak Link)»

Разработала Учитель английского языка I категории МБОУ СОШ № 18 ст. Ивановской, Красноармейского района, Краснодарского края Брык Т.А. 2003 год.

Интеллектуальная игра для старшеклассников

8-11 классы. "Слабое звено" (Weak Link).

Оснащение: 1. Кафедры с табличками имён участников (6 штук).

  1. Кафедра ведущей (1 шт.)

  2. На сцене: название игры на английском языке Weak Link и виды

достопримечательностей и т. д.

  1. Звукозапись с мелодией "Стоун хэндж" (кассета 6 класс УМК "Happy English, ru" Кауфман).

  2. Именные таблички подсчёта баллов, обозначаемые маркером в виде кружков, которые 6 ассистентов фиксируют на кафедры участников после каждого тура в строчку ****?*** т.д.

№1 №2

  1. Папка ведущей с вопросами туров.

  2. Наградной знак, подарок победителю.

Правила игры:

участники встают за свои кафедры. Ведущая


представляется гостям, называет тему игры и представляет нам поочерёдно всех участников. В первом туре задаётся по 30 вопросов. Ассистенты на своих листах фиксируют правильные ответы на персональных табличках. Тот, кто набрал меньше очков, выбывает из игры. Если претендентов двое, задаётся дополнительный вопрос или несколько, если необходимо. Один выбывает. Туры продолжаются до тех пор, пока останется только два участника.

Следующий Этап - супер игра в режиме Y1 - У2. Им поочерёдно

задаются вопросы. Тот, кто набрал большее количество баллов, становится победителем.

Ведущий поздравляет его и вручает почётный знак и ценный подарок. Зрители с интересом следят за игрой, повышая свой интеллект. Игру можно проводить как на русском, так и на английском языке в зависимости от уровня подготовки учащихся.


Участники и ведущая стоят на своих местах. Звучит музыка "Стоун хэндж" очень тихо.

Ведущая: - Well. Let's begin our intellectual game Weak Link. All these boys 1 girls are fond of English. They are interested in English speaking countries, their culture 1 traditions, people of these countries. But today we are going to choose the best one. Let me introduce our participants!

    1. This is ... . She is a good girl She knows a lot of English words. English is her favourite subject.

    2. This is ... . He is a good English speaker. He is a master of translation.

    3. This girl is Valentina. She is very clever, she reads a lot of books.

    4. This is Levon. He likes English and he is a good sportsman too. Levon is a real gentleman.

  1. Kolya is a very modest boy. But he is very active and clever.

  2. This girl is ... She likes English, her grammar is good enough. She is very nice girl.

Now, let's begin!

I'll ask you questions and you are to answer them. If you don't know the answer, you'll say "Pass".

Round №1.

    1. 1. What is the capital of England?


      1. What is the name of English queen now? (Elizabeth)

      2. What flower is the symbol of England? (Rose)

      3. What is the name of square with the Column of Admiral Nelson? (Trafalgar Square)

      4. What is the name of Shakespeare? (William)

      5. The name of the river, where London stands is ... (Thames)

    1. 1. What is the name of the first American president?


      1. Who is the author of "Romeo and Juliet"? (Shakespeare)

      2. What is between breakfast and dinner? (Lunch)

      3. What is the name of English princess, Charl's wife? (Diana)

      4. The capital of Scotland is... ? (Edinburgh)

6. What is the symbol of America? (Statue of Liberty)

Ведущая: The first round is over. Let's look at the results.

III. 1. Who discovered America? (Columbus)

  1. Translate into English "Никогда не говори никогда" (Never say never)

  2. Washington stands on ... (Potomac river)

  3. What do the English traditionally cook for Christmas? (Turkey)

  4. What season in the time of Thanksgiving Day? (Autumn)

  5. Translate into Russian "East or West, home is best" (В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше)

IV. 1. The highest building in Washington is... (The Capitol)

    1. Translate the word "подросток" into English. (Teenager)

    2. Translate the word "hobby" into Russian. (Любимое занятие)

    3. Antonym to the word "good" is... (bad)

    4. How to translate the word "Second hand"? (Бывший в употреблении)

    5. What was the nick-name of English Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher?

(Iron Lady)

V. 1. The Flower, The Symbol of Ireland is a ... (Shamrock)

  1. How many litters are there in one galloon? (Four)

  2. Country style in music is ... (Country)

  3. We calculate distance in Kilometers, and the English in ... (miles)

  4. The symbol of Canada is a ... (maple)

  5. The main bird of the Tower of London is... (Raven)

Who has the least number of right answers? This is ... (имя)

It's a pity! But you are a "weak link" and we have to say good bye for you! Now, Round № 2

Round № 2.

I. 1. What is the main English clock? (Big Ben)

    1. What do the English people like to drink? (Tea)

    2. What is the name of Newton? (Isaac)

  1. Translate the word "important"? (важный)

  2. How many stars are there on the American flag? (Fifty)

    1. 1. Where does American government sit?

(In the White House)

      1. What is the English for "столица"? (The Capital)

      2. Traditional English game on the green grass is...? (Golf)

      3. Famous English comic is...? (Charley Chaplin)

      4. Favourite number of Canadians is...? (Nine)

    1. 1. What is the Russian for "water"?


      1. Who was eaten by aborigines? (Cook)

      2. What is the Russian for "management"? (Управление)

      3. How do they call English red bus, the symbol of London? (Double Decker)

      4. What color is the taxi in America? (Yellow)

    1. 1. The holiday which is on the 31 st of October is...?

(Halloween) 2. Who taught Americans to smoke? (Indians)

  1. What is the name of Priestly?


  1. Translate the name of group "Beatles"?


  1. Where is the lake Ontario situated?

(In Canada)

V. 1. Who is the most famous English detective? (Holms)

    1. Give English equivalent of the word "стакан", "стекло", "очки"?


    1. Translate the word "звук" into English.


    1. Translate the phrase into English "Быть или не быть - вот в чём вопрос"

(То be or not to be - the question is.)

    1. What do the stars on American flag mean?


Ведущая: And the second round is over. Who has a bad luck today? Who is going to finish the game? It is ... (имя, проигравшего раунд).

Round № 3.

I. 1. Who presented statue of liberty for America? (France)

      1. What was the real name of Mark Twain? (Samuel Clemens)

      2. What is the name of Disney? (Walt)

      3. The main characters of Disney's cartoon are Tom and ...


II. 1. What is the English for "всегда"? (always)

  1. What is the English for "сыр"? (cheese)

  2. What is the English for "детство"? (childhood)

  3. What is the English for "иногда"? (sometimes)

III. 1. It was prison, now it is museum in London. (Tower)

    1. Translate the phrase "King size" (Королевский размер)

    2. Translate the name of English organization "Scouts' (Разведчики)

    3. Assistant of Sherlock Holms is... (Doctor Watson)


1. "Шашлык" in English is... (Barbeque)

      1. National clothes of Scottish men is ... (Kilt)

      2. Translate the word "золото" in to English. (Gold)

      3. "Бритоголовые" in English is ... (Skinheads)

Ведущая: The third round is over. Let's count the points. And ... (имя) leaves her (his) place. Now, round №4.

Round № 4.

  1. 1. The first letter of English alphabet is ...


    1. The last letter of English alphabet is ...


    1. The third letter of English alphabet is ...


  1. 1. English money is ...


    1. Canadian money is ... (Canadian Dollar)

    2. What are two official languages of Canada? (English and French)

III. 1. Native people of Canada is... (Eskimos)

      1. "Деловой человек" in English is ... (Businessman)

      2. Native people of America is... (Indians)

Ведущая: That's all! The fourth round is over. Who has to say good bye and leave the Game? This is ... (имя проигравшего).

Well! We have only two persons left. They are ... (имя) and... (имя). Now! Let's get ready to rambo! The final! We shall live and see!

  1. 1. What is the name of Kristi?


2. The most northen state of the USA? (Alaska)

  1. 1. Translate the name of the city Los Angeles.

(Город ангелов)

2. What is the English for "осень" (Autumn)

  1. 1. The title of Byron is ...


2. Where was Shakespeare born? (on Stratford-on-Avon)

  1. 1. What is the name of the theatre where Shakespeare worked?


2. The main mountain of America is... (Cordeliers)

    1. The author of a novel "An Old man and the sea" (Hemingway)

    2. The country, where Kangaroo lives is… (Australia)

  1. 1. How to translate the word "Kangaroo" from aboriginal language?

(I don't understand)

2. What Kind of dog means in English "Вновь найденная земля" (New found land)

The game is over! Who is the best. Whose intellect is the highest? This person is... (имя победителя)

Ведущая вручает почётный знак и ценный подарок. Звучит финальная музыка (громко).



  1. The name of state of the USA and the name of river at the same time is. (Mississippi)

  2. The name of state of the USA and trousers at the same time is... (Texas)

  3. Who invented the conveyer in his factory of cars? (Ford)

  4. Who sang the song "Yellow submarine"? (Beatles)

  5. "Сын" и "Солнце" in English is... (son, sun - [SAN])

  6. "Охрана" in English is... (security)

  7. What is the name of clone sheep in England? (Dolly)

  8. What was the first profession of Elvis Priestly? (Driver)

  9. In Russia there was the Tsar. In England there was... (the King)

  10. Environmental organization is ... (Green Peace)

11.Signal "SOS" means ... ("Save our souls")

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Интеллектуальная игра для учащихся 8-11 классов по английскому "Слабое звено" (Weak Link)

Автор: Брык Татьяна Алексеевна

Дата: 18.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 255000

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