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Intellectual game "The club of quick witted students"

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Данное внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку было разработано на неделю английского языка. 

Форма проведения: игра-соревнование.  Данная форма работы способствует повышению мотивации, и учащиеся с желанием выполняют задания, так как была поставлена установка на первенство класса.

Количество учащихся, занятых в мероприятии: 10. 

При проведении мероприятия была использована презентация и интересные задания, что способствовало созданию и сохранению мотивации изучения иностранного языка.           

В течение мероприятия активно использовались ТСО (презентация), наглядность (карточки с заданиями) соответствовала эстетическим нормам и дидактическим заданиям мероприятия.             

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«Intellectual game "The club of quick witted students" »

КГУ «Костанайский казахско-турецкий лицей-интернат

для одаренных детей»


по английскому языку

на тему

«The club of quick witted students»


Варенцова Анна Николаевна,

учитель английского языка

Костанай, 2013-2014

Intellectual game “The club of quick-witted students”

Class: 9A-9B

Date: 13.02.2014

Form of the event: intellectual game

Materials: projector, white board, computer, presentation, boxes with words for sketches, lists for writings, lists for juries (teams’ evaluation).

Place: assembly hall

Aims and objectives:

  • To revise previously learned country study material on English-speaking countries in the form of competition quiz;

  • To check students’ grammatical and lexical skills on the base of the sentence expansion exercise;

  • To activate students speaking skills on the base of making short sketches;

  • To develop the skills of working in groups;

  • To increase students’ interests to English language learning.

Students master the country study material on English-speaking countries, make semantically and grammatically correct sentences, and construct a short sketch using words of person, time, place, weather.

Procedure of the trivia game:

  1. Greeting:

Good afternoon! Today we have the special day! We are here to watch the battle between two teams of students from 9 A and 9 B forms. Today we shall speak about the English speaking countries, check your knowledge and acting skills. The jury will choose the winner team.

Let’s introduce our juries:




  1. Warming up:

(Presentation of the teams)

First of all we’d like to know teams’ names and slogans.

  1. Quiz for teams on English-speaking countries

Most people whose mother tongue is English live in

The USA (215 mln)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (61 mln)

Canada (18.2 mln)

Australia (15.5 mln)

Nigeria (4 mln)

Ireland (3.8 mln)

South Africa (3.7 mln)

New Zealand (3.6 mln)

You will be quizzed in turns and receive 1 point for each right answer. You may discuss the question in your group for 30 second and then give your final answer.

Let’s begin with the team _____________________.


1 What is the capital of New Zealand? Wellington

2 Who is Australia’s head of state? The Queen of England

3 Which English-speaking country has never had an official national language? The USA

4 Which English-speaking country doesn’t celebrate on particular national holiday? The UK

5 How many countries does the UK consist of? Four (4)

6 Which of these countries is a federal republic? The USA

7 Where is New South Wales located? In Australia

8 Which two countries celebrate ANZAC day? Australia and New Zealand

9 Which country’s flag is this? Australia

10 Which country’s Coat of Arms is this? The UK

  1. Sentence expansion exercise

There is a model sentence, which all of you in your group expand any way you wish, adding adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, clauses or any other elements that are syntactically and semantically are acceptable. The sequence is as follows.

After you heard the sentence, add a single element to expand it; then add another element, and so on. Each sentence should be written in full as in example. You will have one point for each correct sentence.

Model Sentence: Those girls completed the assignment.


  • Those three girls completed the assignment.

  • Those three girls over there completed the assignment.

  • Those three young girls over there completed the assignment.

  • Those three young pretty girls over there completed the assignment.

  • Those three young girls over there completed the English language assignment.

  • Those three young girls who are sitting over there completed the English language assignment.

  • Those three young girls who are sitting over there completed the English language assignment five minutes ago.

Here is the sentence for Expansion.

That team may win.

  1. Sketch performing:

There are four boxes: person, place, time, weather. I need one representative from each group. A representative of each group takes one slip from each box, except the “person” box, from which he takes three slips. You have to construct a short sketch using the information on the slips. When your sketch is ready you will act it out. Your sketches will be evaluated for creativity, acting, and story-line.





A bus conductor

A hijacker

A tramp

A bank-manager

A pop star

A weight-lifter

A ship

A beach

A forest

An ice-cream factory


After lunch






A drought

A gale

A hurricane

Quiz for the audience while teams are preparing for acting

Dear guests there are some questions for you to answer while our teams are getting ready with their actings:

1 Name the members of the Royal family.

2 Name the places of interest in London.

3 What is the British flag like? What do the crosses on the flag mean?

4 What can you tell about transport in Great Britain?

5 What is the capital of Northern Ireland? (Belfast)

6 What is the home town of the famous music group “The Beatles“? (Liverpool)

7 Where is the oldest university of GB situated? (Oxford)

8 This English city has the nickname “second” (Birmingham)

9 Which is the oldest and the largest museum in London? (The British Museum)

10 What building has Big Ben? (Westminster Palace)

  1. Conclusion:

The game is over. We thank the participants for the brilliant competition. Let’s invite our juries to announce the results and the winner-team. Thank everyone for coming! Good-bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Intellectual game "The club of quick witted students"

Автор: Варенцова Анна Николаевна

Дата: 17.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 212418

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