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Инсценировка сказки "Capricious Princess по английскому языку для 6 классов

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«Инсценировка сказки "Capricious Princess по английскому языку для 6 классов»

Внеклассное мероприятие для 6 класса “The fairy tale about Capricious Princess ” by Brothers Grimm


привить любовь к английскому языку,

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развитие добросовестности и чувства ответственности,

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развитие интеллектуальных умений, памяти, воображения,

создание оптимальных условий для совершенствования речевых навыков иноязычной речи.


повысить интерес к предмету изучения английского языка,

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практиковать в умении воспринимать и воспроизводить иноязычную речь,

учить работать в коллективе.

Форма мероприятия: групповая

Тип мероприятия: творческий

Вид мероприятия: сказка

Реквизит: маски героев сказок, музыкальное сопровождение, декорации, костюмы, дипломы.

The teacher: Dear guests! We are happy to see you today at our lesson devoted to the fairy tales. It’s performed by the pupils of the 6th form. Before the fairy tale “Capricious Princess” you will know a little bit about the authors Brothers Grimm. Enjoy our performance!

Pupil 1: Hello everyone! I would like to tell you about The Brothers Grimm. Jacob (1785–1863) and Wilhelm Grimm (1786–1859), were German academics, philologists, cultural researchers, lexicographers and authors who together collected and published folklore during the 19th century.

Pupil 2: They were among the best-known storytellers of folk tales, and popularized stories such as "Cinderella", "The Frog Prince", "The Goose-Girl", "Hansel and Gretel", "Rapunzel", "Rumpelstiltskin","Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White". Their first collection of folk tales, Children's and Household Tales was published in 1812.

Pupil 1: The brothers spent their formative years in the German town of Hanau. Their father's death in 1796 caused great poverty for the family and affected the brothers for many years after. They both attended the University of Marburg where they developed a curiosity about German folklore, which grew into a lifelong dedication to collecting German folk tales.

Pupil 2: The rise of romanticism during the 19th century revived interest in traditional folk stories, which to the brothers represented a pure form of national literature and culture. With the goal of researching a scholarly treatise on folk tales, they established a methodology for collecting and recording folk stories that became the basis for folklore studies.

Pupil 1: Between 1812 and 1857, their first collection was revised and republished many times, growing from 86 stories to more than 200. In addition to writing and modifying folk tales, the brothers wrote collections of well-respected German and Scandinavian mythologies, and in 1838 they began writing a definitive German dictionary (Deutsches Wörterbuch), which they were unable to finish during their lifetimes.

Pupil 2: The popularity of the Grimms' best folk tales has endured well. The tales are available in more than 100 languages and have been later adapted by filmmakers including Lotte Reiniger and Walt Disney, with films such as Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Sleeping Beauty.

Capricious Princess

The princess

The king

The Queen

The Clown

Three Grooms

The Prince

The old woman

Narrator: Now I would like to tell you a fairy tale about the capricious princess.

Two men are fighting for the princess.

Princess: Lobster. He looks like a boiled lobster.

The Queen: Oh, my God. Stop it. He can hear it.

The knight is coming to the princess stands on his knee and says: Always ahead.

Princess: Is this your motto?

Knight: Yes. (Princess laughs) Is it funny?

Princess: Not at all. My clown amused me. His name is Carlusha. Come here and sing the song for the knight.

The song: Miracle! Miracle! The cat jumped to the heaven. The dog began to crow like a rooster. The fish that swims in the sea began to shout. “Always ahead” is a phrase on the shield of the lobster.

Princess: Mr. Knight, I hope you understand, this song was only a joke.

Knight: Don’t worry, Princess. This song weights only on your own conscience.

Queen: Oh, How terrible.

King: Shame

Narrator: Royal messengers galloped to all parts of the country. To all the neighbors and friends, the king sends greetings and wishes for a long life. The king hints that he wants his daughter to marry. The king says that he is ready to consider any nominations for a groom. The princess is very capricious. It is not known who among them she would like.

The Princess and the clown are walking and looking closely at all grooms and stop near the fat man.

Princess: Well, what is your opinion, Carlusha?

Clown: Tir lim bom bom, tir limb om bom I swear by my stupid forehead. Do you find yourself right on target? With this one you will kill two birds with one stone. You acquire the husband…But at the same time: a barrel of wine… Tir lim bom bom, tir lim bom bom

Princess: Please don’t be mad at this fool. He says what he sees.

Fat man: Damn it. What a sassy princess!

The Princess and the Clown continue looking at grooms.

They see a tall and slim man.

Princess: Well, what is your opinion, Carlusha?

Clown: Tir lim bom bom, tir lim bom bom I swear by my stupid forehead. He is thinner than all. He is slim and tall. He looks like a tree in the wilderness. Set him on the roof and attach a weather cock to his nose. Tir lim bom bom, tir lim bom bom

Princess: Please don’t take an offense at the poor fool. He cannot canceal my thoughts.

They see another groom who is cracking the nuts and drops the shells on the floor.

Princess: Are you kidding?

The nice man: Absolutely not, Princess. I do exercises. You are a “hard nut to crack”

Princess: Hmmm. Tell me Carlusha what does this arrogant man look like?

Clown: Tir lim si si, tir lim si si, You shouldn’t joke with him, sis. He can crack any nuts. This man looks like a husband for the King’s daughter.

Princess kicks the check of the clown

Man: Don’t be surprised, my friend. You got a slap in the face and I got the humiliation. See you soon, Princess.

The king and the queen are walking in the park,

King: What do you think about the behavior of your daughter?

Queen: It’s not just my daughter. It’s your daughter too.

K: Impudence and arrogance…she inherited from you.

Q: Really?

K: Yes.

Q: But rudeness and insolence.. of course she inherited from you

K: She does the most impermissible things. If I had been her fiancé, I would have killed her.

Q: You? Yeah, certainly, you wouldn’t be ashamed of that.

K: I will give her in marriage to the first beggar who comes to the gates of our castle.

The nice man decided to change his clothes and come to the castle.

Narrator: Frowning his eyebrows, the king decided the fate of his daughter. And thus the princess became the wife of the beggar.

Princess: Where are you dragging me?

Man: To my cave.

Princess: I don’t want to go to the cave. I want to go home. Let me go, you, fool.

Man: As you wish. You can go. I thought I married a decent girl. You are swearing like a street vendor.

She runs away

Man: Hey princess….There are bears in this forest. If you hear a growl, then fall onto the ground and pretend to be dead.

The princess is running in the forest in horror. The man frightened the princess. The princess hears the bear’s growl and falls onto the ground.

Narrator: Now the princess waited, that he princess would come to him.

Princess: Help me! She comes to the man. I want to eat.

Man: Take this

P: I didn’t use to eat dry bread.

M: You see this good woman there? Why don’t you ask her for a cup of milk?

P: Hey, old lady. Give me a cup of milk. Quickly now!

Old Lady: My dear girl. Is that a way of asking something?

P: But how Then?

Old woman: Like this: you should bow to the woman, first. And the say in a polite voice: Dear grandma, would you be so kind to treat me with the glass of milk, please.

P: hmmm. Grandma… would you be so kind….

Old w: you missed “dear”

P: Dear grandma, would you be so kind to treat me with the glass of milk.

Old: you forgot to say “please”

P: Please…is that all?

Old woman: Now that’s all. Here is a bucket, here is the cow. Milk her as much as you need.

P: oh, no. it’s not for me.

Narrator: The beggar and the princess were walking not a day or two, but many days. The grass was yellowing, and the nights were getting colder.

Man: well, finally, we are at home.

P: home.

Man: But you mustn’t see the way to my cave. (he covers her eyes with a blindfold) There you go. Be careful, there is a big ravine on your right.

P: Oh…

Man: there is a big hole on your left. The path is very narrow. Now there is a hill…

The man undressed

Man: Don’t take off the blindfold until I get back.

When the man left the room the princess took off the blindfold and saw the wonderful place. Then she saw the mirror where all her bad behavior was shown.

P: Ahh..


The man: Here I am, my wife. He takes off the blindfold from her and asks: How do you find our cave?

P: Not bad. Pretty decent. But I have one last wish.. Would you please take away this mirror, please…

The clown: We have seen the fairy tale. Not just for fun. We are very interested to penetrate into the depth of the meaning. The princes is the collective image and educational. At the beginning it was the negative image and at the end – positive. What we like in this fairy tale is that the proud beauty wanted to get rid of her bad traits. She has become better than before.

Tir lim bom bom, tir lim bom bom. I swear by my stupid forehead!

Narrator: Thank you very much for your attention. See you!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Инсценировка сказки "Capricious Princess по английскому языку для 6 классов

Автор: Шопен Екатерина Владимировна

Дата: 04.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 406590

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