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Игра джепарди на тему "День Благодарения"

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Игра джепарди на тему “Thanksgiving Day”


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Содержание разделов игры.

Thanksgiving words:

  1. It is the name of the ocean that Pilgrims crossed. What is it called?
  2. These people have lived on the American continent for more than 40 thousand years.

          What is their name?

      3.  Native Americans taught the first English settlers to grow this vegetable.

What is it called?

     4.  What is the American name of the season in which Thanksgiving is celebrated?


  1. How many people sailed on the Mayflower?      (102)
  2. From what town did the Mayflower begin travelling to a new land?    (Plymouth)
  3. Who was the captain of the Mayflower?    (Christopher Jones)
  4. When was the ship Mayflower built?   (1615)


  1.   Who were Pilgrims?    (English Puritans)
  2.   Pilgrims went to a new world because they wanted… (to practice their religion)
  3.   Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. They settled in what is now known as the state of… (Massachusetts)
  4. . Whу do people in the USA celebrate Pilgrim Fathers Day on the 22nd of December??


Traditions of celebration:

  1. The first harvest feast lasted for… (three days)
  2. Where do the family members usually gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?  (at the house of an older member of the family) 
  3.  Which of the famous New York department stores organizes Thanksgiving parade every year?  (Macy's)
  4.  Who was the first president to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving?  (gearge Washington)


Traditional dishes:


  1. What food was not on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu? (potatoes)
  2. What was served for the first Thanksgiving dinner in 1621? ( turkey, berries, pumpkin, fish, barley)

     3.  What is in the bush? The Pilgrims haven’t seen this bird before. (a turkey)

     4.  Restore the recipe of cranberry sauce. To which dish is cranberry sauce served? 


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«Игра джепарди на тему "День Благодарения" »

Traditions of celebration Traditional dishes Thanksgiving words Mayflower Pilgrims $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400

Traditions of celebration

Traditional dishes

Thanksgiving words























the Atlantic ocean $100 It is the name of the ocean that the Pilgrims crossed.  What is it called?

the Atlantic ocean


It is the name of the ocean that the Pilgrims crossed.

What is it called?

Native Indians  $200 These people have lived on the American continent for more than 40 thousand years. What is their name?

Native Indians


These people have lived on the American continent for more than 40 thousand years.

What is their name?

$300 Native Americans taught the first English settlers to grow this vegetable. What is it called?     corn


Native Americans taught the first English settlers

to grow this vegetable.

What is it called?


$400  What is the American name of the season in which Thanksgiving is celebrated?  fall


What is the American name of the season in which Thanksgiving is celebrated?


$100 How many people sailed on the Mayflower?  96 102 121


How many people sailed on the Mayflower?

  • 96
  • 102
  • 121

$200  Dorchester  Brighton  Plymouth   Portsmouth  From what town did the Mayflower begin travelling to a new land?  Plymouth






From what town did the Mayflower begin travelling to a new land?


$300  Who was the captain of the Mayflower?  Christopher Columbus  William Adams  Cornelius Drebbel  Christopher Jones


Who was the captain of the Mayflower?

Christopher Columbus

William Adams

Cornelius Drebbel

Christopher Jones

$400 When was the ship Mayflower built?


When was the ship Mayflower built?

  • 1602
  • 1618
  • 1615
$100  Who were Pilgrims?  Native Americans English Puritans English pirates


Who were Pilgrims?

  • Native Americans
  • English Puritans
  • English pirates

$200 Pilgrims went to a new world because they wanted…   to explore a new continent  to practice their religion  to enjoy new adventures


Pilgrims went to a new world because they wanted…

  • to explore a new continent
  • to practice their religion
  • to enjoy new adventures

$300 Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. They settled in what is now known as the state of…   Alaska Massachusetts California Florida


Pilgrims sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to settle in the New World. They settled in what is now known as the state of…

  • Alaska
  • Massachusetts
  • California
  • Florida

$400 Wh у do people in the USA celebrate Pilgrim Fathers Day  on the 22 nd of December?


Wh у do people in the USA celebrate Pilgrim Fathers Day on the 22 nd of December?

$100 The first harvest feast lasted for…


The first harvest feast lasted for…

  • a week
  • three days
  • five days
  • two weeks
$200  at their friends’ place  at the house of an older relative  at home Where do the family members usually gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?


at their friends’ place

at the house of an older relative

at home

Where do the family members usually gather to celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

$300 Which department store organizes a Thanksgiving parade in New-York every year?  Bloomingdale’s  Macy’s


Which department store organizes a Thanksgiving parade in New-York every year?



$400 Who was the first president to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving? The o dore Roosevelt  George Washington  Thomas Jefferson  Abraham Lincoln


Who was the first president to proclaim a National Day of Thanksgiving?

The o dore Roosevelt

George Washington

Thomas Jefferson

Abraham Lincoln

$100 What food was not on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu?


What food was not on the Pilgrims’ Thanksgiving menu?

  • Corn
  • Fish
  • Potatoes
  • Dried fruit
$200  turkey  fish  pumpkin  What was served for the first Thanksgiving dinner in 1621?  Unscramble the words:  RUEYTK 2. REBIRSE 3. IMKPUPN   4. HIFS 5. REYBLA  berries  barley





What was served for the first Thanksgiving dinner in 1621?

Unscramble the words:





$300  The Pilgrims have never seen this bird before. What is in the bush?


The Pilgrims have never seen this bird before.

What is in the bush?

$400  To which dish is cranberry sauce served? Restore the recipe of cranberry sauce:  Mix Bring to boil  Put cranberries and water in a saucepan  Remove the mixture from the heat  Chill  Cover the pan  Cook for 6 or 8 minutes  Stir in sugar and salt


To which dish is cranberry sauce served?

Restore the recipe of cranberry sauce:


Bring to boil

Put cranberries and water in a saucepan

Remove the mixture from the heat


Cover the pan

Cook for 6 or 8 minutes

Stir in sugar and salt

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Игра джепарди на тему "День Благодарения"

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 05.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 139676

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