The game "What? Where? When?"
Подготовила: Жусупова Б.У. г. Актобе школа № 12
Цели:.Обобщение изученного материала
Оборудование: конверты с вопросами, волчок со стрелкой, скрипичный ключ (для музыкальной паузы), песочные часы.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
Good morning boys and girls: Today we will play the game “What? Where? When?”. Three teams will take part on our game.
II. Проведение игры
Для проведения игры выбираются две команды по 5 человек. На обсуждение каждого вопроса дается 1 минута. Очки получает та команда, которая первой даст правильный ответ. Если ответ был неправильный, у команды соперников есть возможность ответить до истечения 1 минуты обсуждения. Вопросы выбираются путем вращения волчка.
III. Игра I. Cultural Awareness: Хорошо ли вы знаете страну изучаемого языка? Выбери правильный ответ.
1.What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
- Great Britain
- England
- the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
- four
- three
- two
3.What is the capital of the UK?
- Cardiff
- Dublin
- London
4.Which of these cities is not in Britain?
- New York
- London
- Oxford
5.Which holiday is on the 25th of December?
- Christmas Day
- Halloween
II. Match parts of the UK with their capitals:
1. England
a) Cardiff
2. Wales
b) London
3. Scotland
c) Edinburgh
4. Northern Ireland
d) Belfast
III. Найди в каждом предложении ошибку и исправь её. Используй зашифрованные слова в скобках.
Example: I sleep in my kitchen. bedroom (rmdbeoo)
- I have breakfast in the bathroom. ________ (tchkien)
- I watch TV in the garden. _________ (vignli moro)
- I have a shower in the living room. _________ (troboham)
- I play football in the bedroom. __________ (rdagne)
- I leave my coat in the dining room. ____________ (lalh)
- Reading:
Прочитай текст и выполни задания.
Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.
As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want.
Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.
On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.
В каждом задании (1-5) укажи букву (A, B, C или D), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа.
- This text is about...
A) Christmas presents B) Father Christmas
C) Christmas celebrations D) the Christmas tree
- When Christmas comes, the children are given presents...
A) at the Christmas table. B) in the streets.
C) at schools. D) at home.
- Which sentence is wrong (неверно)?
A) Christmas is a family holiday.
B) Presents are usually given at Christmas.
C) At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.
D) Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.
- Choose a title.
A) British Children B) British Christmas
C) Christmas parties D) British Homes
- Find the word which is not in the text.
A) Christmas , B) Presents
C) Easter D) Eve
VI. Write the missing letters
- h_l_d_ _
- s_nba_he
- pl _n_ts
- str_wb_rry
- t_m_t_
- _mbr_l_a
VII. Put he words in the correct order
- policeman from is London a Bruno
- often weekends play I at football
- surname how spell do your you?
- Your what name sister’s is?
VII.. Вопросы болельщикам.
Во время обдумывания вопросов можно задать вопросы болельщикам.
- How many toes do camels have?
- A woman who looks after books is a …?
- What is opposite of ugly?
- A man who looks after teeth is a …?
- What is the opposite of dirty…?
- Who wrote Around the World in 80 days?
- A man who checks engine is a …?
- A woman who looks after passengers is an …?
IX. Музыкальная пауза
Для музыкальной паузы необходимо приготовить песни на английском языке, танцы, стихи.
X. Заключение
В заключении подведение итогов, награды победителям.