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I Know Everything (Intellectual Marathon)

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«I Know Everything (Intellectual Marathon)»

School-gymnasium №1

I Know Everything

(Intellectual Marathon)

Teacher: Mustanova M.B.

Theme: I Know Everything

Aim: studied the lexical, grammatical and regional studies material,to summarize the knowledge of students obtained at English lessons.
Objectives: To consolidate the students' knowledge,
Develop the ability to work in a team and to take a joint decision; foster respect for the culture of their country and the countries of the target language, to increase interest in learning English.

Equipment: Multimedia projector, laptop, presentation

The course of the event

Organization moment

Teacher: Good morning, children and our guests! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we shall organize a Intellectual Marathon " I know everything”. Two teams will take part in a game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest.

-Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of our jury are your teachers……

Quiz-master: Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. As there is no computer in the classroom, I have invited a competent jury to count the points. The members of our jury are …

Now I’m going to teach you how to play this game. The game has 6 contests, they are:

  1. The ABC game.

  2. A magic 5.

  3. Hidden words.

  4. Parts and wholes.

  5. Poliglot Proverbs and sayings.

  6. The right choice

Well, I wish you success. Be active, honest and helpful! Remember 5 steps to success:

  1. Order.

  2. Reserve.

  3. Industry.

  4. Cleanliness.

  5. Justice.

Quiz-master: And now we come to the 1st contest of the game called “The ABC game”. Kids, you’ll get some letters from the English alphabet. You must replace numbers and read the word. put the letters in the right order, so as to get the name of the English-speaking country.

You have 1 minute at your disposal. Each team can get 5 points.

Quiz-master: And now we come to the 2nd contest which is called “A magic 5”. Look at the square, each team will take turns in answering questions. You’ll choose any number. “ …”, it’s your turn to start. Captains will have an opportunity to choose the number.
You can get 5 points for the right answer

  1. Say or sing the English alphabet.

  2. Name 5 colours.

  3. Name 5 sorts of vegetables.

  4. Name 5 school subjects.

  5. Name 5 domestic animals

  6. Name 5 sorts of fruit.

  7. Name 5 sports.

  8. Name 5 professions.

  9. Name 5 things that people wear.

  10. Name 5 English names.

  11. Name 5 English-speaking countries.

  12. Name 5 wild animals.

Quiz-master: Attention, please! The 3rd  contest is called “Hidden words”. Find, please, the animals hiding in the following sentences!
I.  1. Close the door at once! (Rat)
2. He’ll come to America tomorrow. (Cat)
II.1. Do good workers succeed? (Dog)
2. If Roger comes, we’ll begin. (Frog)

Quiz-master: The 4th  contest is called “Parts and wholes”. I need 1 pupil from each team. You should combine these parts so as to get a popular name. Who will be the first? You can get 1 point for each right answer
Quiz-master: Our next contest is called “Proverbs and sayings”. Each team will get a list of words. You should rearrange the words so as to make up a proverb. You have 2 minutes at your disposal and can get 3 points for this assignment.

1Two heads are better than one.
2 East or West home is best
Quiz-master:  One more contest. It’s called “Complete sentences”. You should make up the sentenses. The team which answers the first and correctly wins. You can get 5 point for each right answer. 

Quiz-master: Friends, do you like music? Listen to the song “If you Happy and know it” now and sing with British children. Our jury will add up the score of the game.
Jury: The score is … to … in smb’s favour. The team “…” is the winner.

I.  1. Close the door at once!
2. He’ll come to America tomorrow.

II. 1. Do good workers succeed?
2. If Roger comes, we’ll begin.

1 Autumn is here, autumn is here.

The little brown squirrels tell us

Autumn is here;

Autumn is here

The golden leaves tell us that.

The cool breezes tell us that

Autumn is here.

2 Red leaves and yellow leaves,

Orange leaves and brown,

Leaves are dancing everywhere,

Happily dancing down!

         Hello, everybody! Glad to see you here! I’m Autumn Fairy!

         Do you like my dress?  Do you like my parks and gardens?

3 I am September

September’s the month

When fruit is sweet

September’s the month

When school friends meet

When noisy and gay

And browned by the sun,

With their books and bags

To school they run.

4 I am October

October's the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves.
Bonfires and pumpkins,
Leaves sailing down —
October is red
And golden and brown. 

5 I am November
In November
Dark comes soon.
We turn on the lights
In the afternoon.
No sunshine, lots of rain,
No warm days, snow again
No flies, no bees,
No leaves on trees.

6 Autumn is the season

When apples are sweet,

It is the season

When school friends meet

7 It’s september and the leaves

Are falling down

All around me.

I see only red and brown.

People come and they go

And seasons too I know

8 October. The month is amber                          

Gold and brown.                                          

Blue ghosts of smoke                       

Float through the town!                               

October gave a party,

The trees by hundreds came,

The chestnuts, oaks and maples,

And leaves of every name!

9 Golden in the tree tops,

Golden, golden, golden

Golden in the sky,

Golden, golden, golden

October` s passing by

10 Put on your jacket and jeans for fall,

No it`s cold to play football!

Leaves turn orange, red and brown,

And they all are falling down.

Winter, spring, summer, fall,

I like fall best of all!

В зал входит мальчик Mr.September и читает стих

Autumn is here, autumn is here.

The little brown squirrels tell us

Autumn is here;

Autumn is here

The golden leaves tell us that.

The cool breezes tell us that

Autumn is here.


Red leaves and yellow leaves,

Orange leaves and brown,

Leaves are dancing everywhere,

Happily dancing down!

         Hello, everybody! Glad to see you here! I’m Autumn Fairy!

         Do you like my dress?  Do you like my parks and gardens?

               Фея 1:

September’s the month

When fruit is sweet

September’s the month

When school friends meet

When noisy and gay

And browned by the sun,

With their books and bags

To school they run.

Фея 2:

October's the month
When the smallest breeze
Gives us a shower
Of autumn leaves.
Bonfires and pumpkins,
Leaves sailing down —
October is red
And golden and brown. 

Фея 3:
In November
Dark comes soon.
We turn on the lights
In the afternoon.
No sunshine, lots of rain,
No warm days, snow again
No flies, no bees,
No leaves on trees.

1 Autumn is the season

When apples are sweet,

It is the season

When school friends meet.

: Golden in the tree tops,

Golden, golden, golden

Golden in the sky,

Golden, golden, golden

October` s passing by.


It’s september and the leaves

Are falling down

All around me.

I see only red and brown.

People come and they go

And seasons too I know

Symphony in Yellow

Big barges of yellow hay

Are moved against the shadowy wharf,

And like a yellow silken scarf.

The thick fog hangs along the quay


The month is amber                          

Gold and brown.                                          

Blue ghosts of smoke                       

Float through the town!                               

October Party

October gave a party,

The trees by hundreds came,

The chestnuts, oaks and maples,

And leaves of every name!

Я знал ее еще тогда,

В те баснословные года



           I knew her as far back

           as those unbelievable years.


Прошли года, но ты - всё та же:

Строга, прекрасна и ясна;

Лишь волосы немного глаже,

И в них сверкает седина.


А я - склонен над грудой книжной,

Высокий, сгорбленный старик, -

С одною думой непостижной

Смотрю на твой спокойный лик.


Да. Нас года не изменили.

Живем и дышим, как тогда,

И, вспоминая, сохранили

Те баснословные года...


Их светлый пепел - в длинной урне.

Наш светлый дух - в лазурной мгле.

И всё чудесней, всё лазурней -

Дышать прошедшим на земле.


30 мая 1906

With years you haven"t changed, my fair:

You"re charming, strict, as  clear as day;

The only change is in your  hair,

It"s  sleek and with  a flash of gray.


Well,  as for me, I"m sitting here,

Over my books, back at my place,

With an inscrutable idea

I"m looking at your quiet face.


The years, they haven"t changed us, really,

We live  the way we did  before,

Fantastic years, we  love them dearly

And will remember evermore...


Their spirit is in azure darkness,

Their ashes in the urn of dust.

It"s more and more  relaxed and lustrous

To breathe remembering the past.


May 30th,    1906.

- Гамлет. Холодеет кровь,

Когда плетет коварство сети,

И в сердце - первая любовь

Жива - к единственной на свете.


Тебя, Офелию мою,

Увел далёко жизни холод,

И гибну, принц, в родном краю,

Клинком отравленным заколот.


6 февраля 1914


I"m Hamlet. And my blood runs cold

When treachery  is up to scheming;

My only love in the whole wide world.

Is in my heart, among the living.


Ophelia,  the cold of life

Has taken you away, my dear;

The prince of Demark , in a strife,

Hit with a blade, I am dying here.

Пусть я и жил, не любя,

Пусть я и клятвы нарушу, -

Всё ты волнуешь мне душу,

Где бы ни встретил тебя!


О, эти дальние руки!

В тусклое это житье

Очарованье свое

Вносишь ты, даже в разлуке!


И в одиноком моем

Доме, пустом и холодном,

В сне, никогда не свободном,

Снится мне брошенный дом.


Старые снятся минуты,

Старые снятся года...

Видно, уж так навсегда

Думы тобою замкну'ты!


Кто бы ни звал - не хочу

На суетливую нежность

Я променять безнадежность -

И, замыкаясь, молчу.


8 октября 1915


Although I have never loved,

And to  break my oath I"m bound,-

Whenever I see you around

You stir up my soul and my blood!


Your hands, they are far and yonder !

Into  these boring days

You bring your charm and your grace

Even when we are asunder!


In my abode, not warm,

Desolate, cold and abandoned,

And in my dream ever bounded

I see the forsaken home.


I dream about  old instants,

As well as the  bygone days...

It seems that my thoughts and ways

Are bound with your existence!


Whoever  might call I won"t come

And have the fussy caresses

Instead of the hopeless cases.

So I withdraw and keep mum.

Я коротаю жизнь мою. 

Мою безумную, глухую: 

Сегодня - трезво торжествую, 

А завтра - плачу и пою. 


Но если гибель предстоит спиною 

Тот - необъятною рукою 

Покрывший зеркало - стоит?..


Блеснет в глаза зеркальный свет, 

И в ужасе, зажмуря очи, 

Я отступлю в ту область ночи, 

Откуда возвращенья нет...


17 сентября 1910

I while away my reckless life,

My life, extremely dull and sombre,

Now I rejoice, restrained and sober,  

Now I shed tears, sing and strive. 


But if one day I am to die?

What if behind me stands the visage

That covers mirror, like an image,

With his enormous hand? Oh my ! 


The mirror light will flash and burn, 

I"ll close my eyes in trepidation

And I"ll retreat to destination 

From where no one will return... 


September  17th,  1910

Ты так светла, как снег невинный.

Ты так бела, как дальний храм.

Не верю этой ночи длинной

И безысходным вечерам.


Своей душе, давно усталой,

Я тоже верить не хочу.

Быть может, путник запоздалый,

В твой тихий терем постучу.


За те погибельные муки

Неверного сама простишь,

Изменнику протянешь руки,

Весной далекой наградишь.


8 ноября 1908 

You are as bright  as snow, my dear. 

And like a church,  you look so white. 

I don"t believe this night,  so drear, 

And the despairing eventide. 


Nor do I want to trust all over 

My soul,  worn out forevermore. 

So, maybe,  I, belated  rover, 

Will knock upon your chamber door. 


You will forgive the foul player 

For his pernicious  pains and  grief, 

You'll stretch your hand to the betrayer 

And give him spring-time as a gift. 


A hawk, in polished circles, sails

Above the drowsy meadow swathes

And gazes on a little hut

Where mother to her son bewails

“Take bread, my son, come on, suck breast,

“You must obey and carry cross”.

Чертя за кругом плавный круг,

Над сонным лугом коршун кружит

И смотрит на пустынный луг.-

В избушке мать, над сыном тужит:

"На хлеба, на, на грудь, соси,

Расти, покорствуй, крест неси".

The ages pass, the wars enrage,

The riots, villages are blazed,

While, you, my country, still unchanged,

Your ancient beauty still tear-tinged. -

How long will mother go bewailing ?

How long will hawk go circle-sailing?

Идут века, шумит война,

Встает мятеж, горят деревни,

А ты всё та ж, моя страна,

В красе заплаканной и древней.-

Доколе матери тужить?

Доколе коршуну кружить?

You lived alone! You sought no friend,

No fellow shared your part.

You plunged a lancinating end

Into your heart.

Ты жил один! Друзей ты не искал

И не искал единоверцев.

Ты острый нож безжалостно вонзал

В открытое для счастья сердце.

- You're mad! You should have found bliss !-

Why? In affliction’s troubled midst

We all the same can’t keep it fixed -

Undying heart !

«Безумный друг! Ты мог бы счастлив быть!..»

«Зачем? Средь бурного ненастья

Мы, всё равно, не можем сохранить

Неумирающего счастья

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

I Know Everything (Intellectual Marathon)

Автор: Мустанова Марал Булатовна

Дата: 13.12.2016

Номер свидетельства: 369318

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