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FREDDIE, the FROG (Американская сказка, сценарий)

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Сценарий написан с учащимися 2 класса, после прочтения и обсуждения американской сказки. Добавили героев, чтобы могло учавствовать больше учеников, но смысл остался тот же - каждый должен оставаться самим собой!

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«FREDDIE, the FROG (Американская сказка, сценарий)»


(an American Tale)

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(Лягушонок сидит на бревне у пруда)

FREDDIE, the FROG: I am Freddie, the frog. I sit on the log. I don’t eat. I don’t drink. I don’t jump. I sit only.

(прибежала белка)

SAMMY, the SQUIRREL: Hello! I am Sammy, the squirrel! My red fur looks good today, doesn’t it?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, it does.

SAMMY, the SQUIRREL: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No. I look all right for a frog!

SAMMY, the SQUIRREL: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. You are a poor thing!

(Белка смеется и убегает. Прибегает кролик, остановился у пруда)

JOHNNY, the RABBIT: Hello! I am Johnny, the rabbit. My white fur looks good today, doesn’t it?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, it does.

JOHNNY, the RABBIT: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

JOHNNY, the RABBIT: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. You are a poor thing!

(Кролик смеется над лягушкой и убегает. Приходит к пруду лиса)

MOLLY, the FOX: Hello! I am Molly, the fox. My red fur is good today! My tail is fluffy and wonderful, doesn’t it?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, it does.

MOLLY, the FOX: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

MOLLY, the FOX: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Лиса смеется над лягушкой и уходит. Приходит кошка)

PUSSY, the CAT: Hello! I am Pussy, the cat. My fur looks good today, doesn’t it?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, it does.

PUSSY, the CAT: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

PUSSY, the CAT: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. Your mouth is very big! You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Кошка смеется над лягушкой и уходит. Приходит петух)

BOBBY, the COCK: Hello! I am Bobby, the cock. I am looking great today! Look at my tail, it is beautiful! Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

BOBBY, the COCK: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. Your mouth is very big! You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Петух смеется над лягушкой и уходит. Появляется курица с цыплятами)

JENNY, the HEN: Hello! I am Jenny, the Hen. They are my chickens. I am looking great today! And my chickens are cute!

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, you are looking great today!

JENNY, the HEN: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

JENNY, the HEN and chickens: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. Your mouth is very big! You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Курица и цыплята смеются над лягушкой и уходят. Приходит собака)

SPOT, the DOG : Hello! I am Spot, the dog. My fur is looks good today, doesn’t it?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, it does.

SPOT, the DOG: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

SPOT, the DOG: But look at you! You are small! You are all green. Your mouth is very big! You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Собака смеется над лягушкой и убегает. К пруду приходит корова)

KELLY, the COW: Hello! I am Kelly, the cow. I am looking great today, aren’t I?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Yes, you are looking great today!

KELLY, the COW: Do you want to look like me?

FREDDIE, the FROG: No, I look all right for a frog.

KELLY, the COW: look at you! You are small! You are all green. Your mouth is very big! You haven’t got a tail! You are a poor thing!

(Корова смеется над лягушкой и уходит. Лягушка сидит и плачет. Прилетает мудрая сова)

WIZY OWL: Hello, Freddie, the frog! Why are you crying?

FREDDIE, the FROG: I am crying because I am not red like Sammy the squirrel, white like Johnny the rabbit. I haven’t a tail like a cock and a cow I am small and green, green, green!

WIZY OWL: Just stop crying, because I’ll give you some good advice.

FREDDIE, the FROG: I will be very thankful to you!

WIZY OWL: Look around you. What color are the leaves?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Green.

WIZY OWL: What color is the grass?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Green!

WIZY OWL: What color are the bushes?

FREDDIE, the FROG: Green!

 WIZY OWL: What color is your pond?

 FREDDIE, the FROG: Green!

WIZY OWL: All right! Stop crying and listen to me. There is green in each leaf on every tree. Green is the best color!

(Сова улетела. Лягушка повеселела и заквакала)

FREDDIE, the FROG: Croak, croak, croak! Green is the best color! And I am nice too!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

FREDDIE, the FROG (Американская сказка, сценарий)

Автор: Шуман Галина Всеволодовна

Дата: 01.06.2019

Номер свидетельства: 513075

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