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Extracurricular activity "Colour stations"

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«Extracurricular activity "Colour stations" »

Theme:       Colour stations     
1) Systematization of lexical and grammatical material on topics sections.
1) to develop in students the ability to work in a team and a sense of community.
2) To promote the development of respect for each other
3) To develop students' interest in the subject.
1) The practice of students in reading, listening, speaking,
1) To develop the ability to guess the language, thinking, memory

Equipments: a computer, a projector, a handout.

Procedure of the events:
Good morning our pupils! Good morning our guests!
I'm glad to meet you. How are you? Do you know English? Can you speak English? Well see it

Today we'll have a competition. Two teams will take part in our competition.
The first team is the pupils of the 5-v
The second team is the pupils of the 5-b
The third station is the pupils of the 5-a
Now, let me introduce our judges. Here they are: ….
It's high time to begin our competition.
Well, let's imagine that we are passengers of this bus. We are going to travel to Colours land. Look at the screen, please. Take your seats. Be attentive. The bus is leaving…. (слайд 2)
We wish all the participants. Good luck!

Station 1 Phonetics (слайд3-4)
 Hickery, pickery my black cat likes to sit in my blue hat.

 A girl sees three big grey geese. Sid sees six geese.

Station 2 Grammar(слайд 5)

  1. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are. (слайд 6)

    1. I … fine.
    2. You … from England.
    3. He … very strong.
    4. My sister … busy.
    5. I have a cat. It … fat.
    6. Trees … green in spring.
    7. My brother … good at school.
    8. They … not good friends.
    9. I … in class five.

    2) Сөздерді орын тәртібімен қойып, сөйлем құраңдар. (слайд 7)
    1. There, room, in, is, sofa, nice, a, the
    2. There, toys, are, in, box, the.
    3. Computer, there, no, is, in, room, the
    4. nice you are.
    5. you how old are?
    6. is she where?
    7. good they friends not are.

Find the mistakes. (слайд 8)

1. Ann and Mike is friends.
2. My hobby has reading.
3. We English are.
4. I have a books.
5. I not am in class six.
The game with the audience.
While the teams are doing their tasks we'll play with the spectators. I know you've prepared some poems and songs for supporting for your teams. You'll get additional poins for every poem and song.

Station 3 Lexical (слайд 9)
1) Answer the questions. (слайд10)
1. How are you? - ….am fine, thanks
     2. How is your mum? - ….is fine, thanks
3. How is your dad? - ….is fine, thanks
4. How are your parents? - … are fine, thanks
5. How are you pets? - ….are fine, thanks
6. How is your cat? - ….is fine, thanks
2) The words chain (слайд 11)
Each team is given the word, participants must make a string of words. Each new word begins with the last letter of the previous one. The longer the chain, the more points you will get a team.

Station 4 Captains competition. (слайд 12)

1. A year has (12 месяцев)
2. A year has (4 времени года)
3. A season has (3 месяца)
4. A month has (30(31) дней.
5. A week has (7 дней).

Station 5 Riddles. (слайд 13-15)

1. What is found over your head but under your hat?
2. What is in the middle of Paris?
3. We have legs but cannot walk.
4. What has two arms and four legs?
5. When I eat I live, but when I drink I die. What am I?
6. Clean, but not water. White but not snow. Sweet but not honey. What is it?
7. What man cannot live inside the house?
8. What is white when it's dirty and black when it's clean?
9. It is your parents' child. It is not your brother. It is not your sister. Who is it?
10. What runs but never walks?

- Its time to finish our competition. The teams, the captains and their classmates have done their best to win. We are happy to have such clever pupils. Now well find out who is the winner today. Let's listen to the judges.
Dear judges, tell us some words about the score.

Summing up:

Our congratulations to the team 5-v! Thank you very much for your work. You get excellent and good marks today.

  Dear friends! Have you liked our competition? I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. What did you like best of all? Thank you for your answer. The party is over.
 Id like to tell you that the English language is very useful. The English language is very important. Try to get only excellent marks in English. Good-bye. See you soon!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Extracurricular activity "Colour stations"

Автор: Супыгалиева Асель Жумабековна

Дата: 30.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 227804

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