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English Speaking countries intellectual game for the seventh grades.

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Intellectual game "English speaking countries"

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«English Speaking countries intellectual game for the seventh grades.»

English Speaking countries intellectual game for the seventh grades.



To expand and generalize students’ knowledge of English speaking countries.

Developing (Training)

Speaking and listening skills.


To realize the moral education in respect for people, country, customs, traditions, culture.

Course of the event

  1. Greeting

Quizmaster: Good afternoon children and our dear guests! We are glad to see you here today. We invited you to watch our game of the most quick-witted and cleverest students. It is time to introduce our teams.

The first task for our teams is to introduce themselves. (Students call the name of the team and motto)

Quizmaster: Thank you Guys! Let’s start our competition. There will be five tasks for you.

  1. True or False

2. English Proverbs

3. English speaking Countries

4. Quiz show

5. “Captains battle”

  1. The main part

Quizmaster: I wish you success. Be active, honest and helpful. Remember you are the team. You shall work together.

Quizmaster: Our first task is called “True or false”. Each team has one green and one red card on the table. The teacher reads some statements. If the statement is true, the team raises the green card. If the statement is false, the team raises the red card.


Correct answer- 1 point

Wrong answer- 0 points


  • The name of the river in London is Themes. (True)

  • The great fire of London was in 1777 (False in 1666)

  • The official name of the UK is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and South Ireland” (False, northern Ireland)

  • The First President of the United States of America was Abraham Lincoln (False, George Washington )

  • The Capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast (True)

  • America was discovered by James Cook (False, Christopher Colombes )

Quizmaster: The second task is called “English proverbs”. There is an envelope with words on your desk. Your goal is to put them in right order, get three proverbs and give Russian equivalents for them.

I. Actions speak louder than words

Better late than never

East or west, home is best.

II. Every stick has two ends.

There is no smoke without fire.

Everything is good in its season.

III. All is well that ends well.

So many men so many minds.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.


Correct answer- 1 point

Wrong answer- 0 points

Quizmaster: The third round is called “English Speaking Countries”. There are five shits of paper with questions on your desks, give the answers. For each right answer, you get a point.


1. What countries does UK consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)

2. What is the longest river in UK? (The Severn)

3. What is the capital of Wales? (Cardiff)

4. What are the colors of the British flag? (Red and blue)

5. Which holiday is on December 25? (Christmas)


1. How many states are there in the USA? (50)

2. What is the biggest state in the USA? (Alaska)

3. What American holiday is on the fourth Thursday in November? (Thanksgiving Day)

4. What is the most popular sport in the USA? (Baseball)
5. What city is the Statue of Liberty in? (New York)


1. What is the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)

2. What are the most important cities? (Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Quebec)

3. What is the official language in Canada? (French and English)


1. What is the official name of Australia? (The Commonwealth of Australia)

2. What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra)

3. What are the biggest cities in Australia? (Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane)


1. What is the national emblem of New Zealand? (Kiwi)

2. What is the capital? (Wellington)

3. What is the nickname of New Zealand? (The Britain of the Pacific)

Quizmaster: The next task is called “Quiz show”. Your task is to answer my questions. Look at the screen, if you know the answer up your hand. For each right answer, the team gets a point. (Slides)

  • Who was the first president of the USA? George Washington

  • Who created the best animated cartoons in the USA? Walt Disney

  • Whose portrait can you see on British bank notes? Elizabeth II

  • Whose figure is at the top of the monument in Trafalgar Square? Admiral Nelson

  • When were the Olympic Games held in England? 2012

  • This kind of sport started in Scotland and now is a game of aristocrats. golf

  • Scottish national musical instrument. bagpipes

  • What is the center of the cinema production in the USA? Hollywood

  • How is TAXI called in England? Cab

  • She was a British crime writer of novels, short stories and plays. Her main characters are Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple. Agatha Christie

  • The most famous British rock-group, first performing in Liverpool. They were broken up in 1970. The Beatles

  • What are the two oldest universities in Great Britain? Oxford, Cambridge


Correct answer- 1 point

Wrong answer- 0 points

Quizmaster: The next task is for captains. Look at the screen, there are some pictures your task is to call the place and the name of the country. Be quick and attentive. For each right answer, the team gets a point.

  1. Saint’s Paul Cathedral in London

  2. The Houses of Parliament in London

  3. Buckingham Palace in London

  4. London Eye in London

  5. The Statue of Liberty in New York

  6. Capitol in Washington D.C.

  7. Niagara Falls in USA

  8. Sydney Opera House in Sydney

  9. White House in Washington D.C.


Correct answer- 1 point

Wrong answer- 0 points

Quizmaster: In the conclusion, let’s count your points.

And the winner is….

The second place goes to…

The third place goes to…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

English Speaking countries intellectual game for the seventh grades.

Автор: Marina Nikiphorova

Дата: 30.04.2018

Номер свидетельства: 468072

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