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Educated Youth and clever friends

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Это внеклассное мероприятиекоторое можно провести в шестом классе. Игра состоит из восьми тура. Первое приветствие. (эмблема, название группы, форма),Второй тур кто самый быстрый надо ответить на  логичесские вопросы. Третьи тур  грамматичесские задания следущий тур самый умный, видео вопросы и состязание капитанов и еще дом задание.

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«Educated Youth and clever friends »

БСШ № 2

Учитель: Какимова Д.А

2015-2016 уч.год

The theme:“Educated Youth and clever friends”

«Интеллектуальная игра»


1. to develop pupils scope.

2. to arouse interest in learning English .

3. to develop creative activities, to bring up children in the spirit of friendship.

the aids: Visual aids: active board, сards, video (the right answer estimate for 5 score.)


Hello boys and girls! Glad to see you! We’re going to play the intellectual game “Youth and clever children”.

You are proposed different questions, so you have to give your own answer. You can get a different number of points for each section. For the bad and noisy behavior your points can be taken back.

Do you like English?

Do you know many English words?

Let me introduce our teams, the team “Happy friends ” and the team “Lucky”

. The captain of the team “Friends” is Kuanish Orymbaev.

The captain of the team “Lucky” Kerebai Argyn

Now I want to introduce our judges the master of our school Toletai ZHarovich


Contest 1. “Introduction”

Dear captains, introduce yourself and the members of your teams.

Капитаны команд представляют себя и членов своих команд, рассказывают об их увлечениях и интересах по схеме:

Contest 2 Who is the quickest?

In this stage you `ll choose one of the cards with the letter and answer the questions `


1 The name of the fruit (apple)

2 The river in the USA?(amazonka)

3The name of the month?(april)

4The name of the school subjects(algebra)

5the capital of Kazakhstan?(astana)

6 one of the oceans(atlantic ocean)

7 the famous Kazakh writer(abai)

8a funny story(anecdote)

9 a first letter(a)

10it is harmful for our health(alcohol)


1a little child(baby)

2A name of the fruit?(banana)

3 The antonym to the word “good”(bad)

4 an object in the classroom?(blackboard)

5the capital of germany(berlin)

6 the name of school subject(biology)

7a lake in Kazakhstan?(Balkash)

8The room where we sleep?(bedroom)

9An important day for all of us which happens once every year? (birthday)

10 a colour? (black)

Contest 3 ”Lazy Sentences”
-Let us do one more task. Now we will give you some cards with 5 sentences. But be careful! The words in the cards are put into wrong positions. You are to correct the mistakes. Start doing the task. You are given 2 minutes.
(Нужно записать предложения, расставляя слова в правильном порядке).
-Cooking, is, she, now ___________________________________________
-Football, Peter, is, at the moment, playing ____________________________________
-My, is, mother, TV, watching ____________________________________
-Alice, homework, doing, is, her ___________________________________
-Are, what, doing, you? __________________________________________

Contest 4 “My dear school”
-Your task is to name as much things connected with school as possible.
The difficulty is that you shouldn’t repeat one and the same word two times.
-Ready, steady, go!!!
(Нужно перечислить слова (существительные), связанные с темой Школа).

Contest 5“Brainstorming

1 2 3

4 AVideo question!

Contest 6. “Professions”.

While the captains are doing their tasks match the professions of people and the places where they work.


Places of work

The right answers


A housewife

A farm

A house


A librarian

A hospital

A library


A teacher

A theatre

A school


A doctor

A canteen

A hospital


A computer programmer

A factory

An office


A driver

A school

A car


An actor

A house

A theatre


A farmer

A library

A farm


An engineer

A car

A factory


A cook

An office

A canteen

Contest 7 Best Speaker(Home task)

Contest 8 “Captains’ contest”.

Dear captains, this contest is for you. You know a lot of words, you can read and write. And what about grammar? Correct the mistakes. (Капитанам команд даются карточки, в которых они исправляют ошибки. В это время проводится следующий конкурс.)

Correct the mistakes

  1. My brother like fruit pie.

  2. Does you eat a lot of bread?

  3. They do not drink hot milk.

  4. Does your mother reads books?

  5. British people likes tea?

  6. Does you like chocolate? – Yes, I like.

  7. My friends doesn’t like meat. They eats only vegetables.

  8. John likes fish and carrots but he doesn’t like onion.

  • Thank you for the game. In some minutes our judges will say which team is the best one.

  • Today the winner is the team…

Thanks to our jury for their work. Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Educated Youth and clever friends

Автор: Какимова Дана Амангельдыевна

Дата: 24.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 233473

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object(ArrayObject)#852 (1) {
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    ["title"] => string(88) "А?ылшын апталы?ы Та?ырыбы: " English language is a World llanguage" "
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    ["file_id"] => string(6) "179808"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "meropriyatia"
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