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"Что? Где? Когда?" интегрированное внеклассное мероприятие по математике на английском и немецком языках

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Внеклассное мероприятие для семинара по математике с элементами ФГОС в игровой форме для учащихся 9-10 классов на английском и немецком языках.

Цель: формирование метематических и лигвистических навыков в нестандартной ситуации.


1. Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся,

2. Приобщение к культуре стран изучаемого языка.

3. Развитие коммуникативных умений.

Совершенствование навыков говорения.

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«"Что? Где? Когда?" интегрированное внеклассное мероприятие по математике на английском и немецком языках »

Внеклассное мероприятие

Что? Где? Когда?

(английский язык, немецкий язык, математика.)

Цели: формирование положительной мотивации, расширение кругозора учащихся и развитие интереса к предметам «Математика» и «Иностранные языки» посредством их интеграции.

Задачи мероприятия:


  1. развивать любознательность, познавательный интерес к математике, иностранному языку.

  2. использовать математические и лингвистические навыки в нестандартных ситуациях.

  3. Развивать мышление, память, речь.


  1. совершенствовать речевые навыки и умения.

  2. совершенствовать произносительные навыки.


  1. воспитание толерантного отношения друг к другу.

  2. развитие активности и чувства ответственности.

What? Where? When?

The attitude towards Mathematics is rather controversial. It means different things for different people.

  1. For meMathematics is the school subject that teaches about addition, substraction, miltiplication, dirision, fractions, percentages, lines, circles, angles, triangles, pyramids, cubes, squares…

  2. For meMathematics is the ”Queen of the Sciences”. It is the tool and the language of Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, Business, Engineering, military affairs and space-rocket engineering where mathematical methods and calculations are widely used.

  3. For meMathematics is the “Magic World of Numbers”. They are everywhere: at home, at work, in transport, in the shop, in the classroom … In other words, it’s impossible to imagine our life without numbers, and now we’ll try to prove it!

Звучит музыка – заставка программы Что? Где? Когда?

Host(1) Good evening! Today we are haring the last game of the winter season in the Club of Intellectuals. The members of the team by Alexei Popovare playing against TV viewers. You are welcome! Take your seats at the gaming-table!

Называет имя и фамилию каждого игрока. Последний – капитан. Все садятся за стол. (Разложеныконверты.Волчок)

Well, the first round!

Sector No. 3(конверт)

Look at the screen! Listen to the question!

Dear intellectuals!

My name is Jane Carry.

I work as a stewardess on board a plane DJ 467 88 flying from New York to Moscow three times a week. I usually address myself to the passengers with the words:

Ladies and gentlemen!

Thank you for choosing our airline and welcome on board .

In a minute render all further information I tell the passengers during the flight

Do it in figures!

Good luck to you!

the time of departure – 10,40 am

the time of arrival – 19,50 pm

the flight lasts – 9 hours 10 minutes

the altitude – 11,000 metres

the temperature overboard – 50below zero

the distance from New York to Moscow is 7,475 km

Host (2) My congratulations! You gave the correct answer. One point goes to the intellectuals. A

And now the second round!

Sector No. 7

Attention! Look at the screen!

Liebe Kenner!

Ichheiße Sergei. Ich bin Chefkoch in einem Restaurant Moskaus. Die russischen Speisen sind unsere Spezialität, wir führen nur russische Küche. Über 500 Gäste empfangen wir täglich. Sie haben 1 Minute, um meine Frage zu beantworten:WelcherussischeSpeiseist am populärstenbeiunserenGästen? Ich glaube, dass folgende Bestandteile helfen können:

1 Kartoffeln

2 rote Rüben

2 Mohrrüben

1 Zwiebel

1 Salzgurke

100 gramm Sauerkohl

1 Hering



Host (3)The second round ended in favourof our intellectuals.

Well, let’s continue our game!

The third round.

Sector No. 1

Look at the screen! Listen to the question!

  • Good evening, Mr. X ,intellectuals and all the quests of the Club!

My name is Kate, I am Russian. Five years ago I got married an Englishman and live in Britain now. I’m a mathematics teacher in Oak Park Grammar school in Yorkshire, England.

Dear intellectuals!

I want you to tell me what things are kept in the black boxes. Remember! They are associated with Maths.

I with you every success!

Host (4) Carry in the black box, please!

Well, intellectuals!

You have one minute to discuss and name the things which you can find in the box,

There is no time to be lost!

triangle – треугольник

pair of compasses – циркуль

pyramid – пирамида

cube – куб

цилиндр cylinder

логарифм, линейка slide - rule

конус cone

шар ball

транспортир protractor

Host (5)It must be admitted, the players didn’t manage to give the correct answer to the teacher’s question.question. The prize goes to our compatriot living in Britain.

The fourth round!

Sector No. 5

Look at the screen!

Liebe Kenner!

Ichheiße Arthur, arbeitealsProgrammierer ineinemForschungsinstitut in NishnyNowgorod. IchhabeMathesehrgern. Das istmeinLieblingsfach, mein Hobby. Ichsammle die Bilder der großenMathematiker.Also, sehenSiedieseBilder an! NennenSiebitteIhreNamen!

Host (6) You have to use your erudition, It’s a difficult question. Intellectuals in the hall! Don’t discussso loudly. Don’t prompt! You are doing the players a disservice!

Well, your time is up! Who is going to answer the questions!

  • Captain I am, Isaak Newtonwas born in 1642 and die in 1727.

Host (7)The team of intellectuals lost this round. The prize goes to Dm. Popov, a computer r programmer from Novgorod

The 5th round,

Sector No. 2

Attention! Listen to the question!

  • Hello! My name is Sarah Winslet. I work as an operator at the telephone exchange in Boston. I’m responsible for the telephone calls with Russia. I should say that sometimes Russian people have troubles with dialing telephone numbers and saying them in English.

Please say the following telephone numbers properly.

Good luck to you!

2573314 3005381 6879952 9943066

3150941 1558974 2707708 7733500

Host (8)The intellectuals won the 5th round. They were competent and informed.

And now it’s time to have a short rest. Open your heart to verses and music. The group group of boys and girls will sing a counting song.

Host (9)Dear audience!

Calm down please.

The 6th round

Sector No. 4.

Look at the screen!

  • Hello! My name is Jessica. I’m a high school student from Canada. I’m 16. I love funny little poems about6 school subjects. And what about you& I hope, you, too! I’m going to recite you the beginning of my favourite poem about Mathematics. Complete it!

Multiplication is vexation,

Division is as bad ,

The rule of Three it puzzles me,

And Fractions drive me bad.

Host (10) Well done

It turned out that you are not only, mathematicians, but also lyricists.

The 7th round!

Sector No. 8.

Be attentive! Listen to the question!

  • Dear intellectuals!

I am a scientific worker at, the Institute of the Russian language and Literature in St. Petersburg. Every summer we organize expeditions of students to the Vologodskaya Region to write down old Russian proverbs , sayings, folk songs, tales, stories, legends, as this game is devoted to Math, I want you to name at least 5 proverbs referring to numbers.

Good luck to you!

  • The voice of one man is the voice of no one. –Одинвполеневоин.

  • When angry, count a hundred. – Когда сердишься, посчитай до ста

  • Tokilltwobirdswithonestone. – За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.

  • Ifthings,weretobedonetwice, allwouldbewise. – Еслиодниитежеделаможнобылоделатьдважды, все были бы мудрее.

  • Twohead are better than one. Four eyes seemore than two. – Умхорошо, адвалучше.

Host (11)The point goes to the players.

It seems to me they are invincible today.

The 8th round!

Sector No. 3.

Look at the screen!

Listen to the question!

  • Hi! My name is Stephanie Kidman. I live in a very beautiful country situated in the in the Southern Hemisphere. It is famous for its exotic plants and animals, extreme sports and sandy beaches.

  • It is washed by 3 oceans and 4 seas.

  • It occupies 7,687,000 sq. km.

  • It consists of 6 states and 2 territories.

  • Its population is 18,000,000.

  • The summer temperature is + 22

  • The winter temperature is + 12

  • My country hosted the 2000 Olympic Games.

Dear intellectuals!

Try to guess what country I’m from.

I wish you every success!

Stephanie Kidman lives in Australia.

Host (12)Dear audience!

No doubt, it’s indisputable victory of the players. The score is 6 to 2 in farour of the members of the club What? Where? When? They are the holders of the tittle “The best team of the winter season” of 2015.

I have to say “Good – Bay”

To everyone.

See in summer!


And now some more music to you.

Without any doubt.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Миненкова Галина Ивановна

Дата: 27.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 206204

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