Школа Севера. Из опыта работы учителя английского языка Совик Е.Э.
Школа Севера. Из опыта работы учителя английского языка Совик Е.Э.
Дополнительный курс «Ямал — мой северный край» разработан для учащихся 7-8 классов. Совик Елена Эриковна - учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 2, г Салехард, ЯНАО.
Вы уже знаете о суперспособностях современного учителя?
Тратить минимум сил на подготовку и проведение уроков.
Быстро и объективно проверять знания учащихся.
Сделать изучение нового материала максимально понятным.
Избавить себя от подбора заданий и их проверки после уроков.
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«Школа Севера. Из опыта работы учителя английского языка Совик Е.Э.»
Дополнительный курс «Ямал — мой северный край» разработан для учащихся 7-8 классов. Совик Елена Эриковна - учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 2, г Салехард, ЯНАО.
Использование регионального компонента на уроках английского языка
Сегодня программно-методическое обеспечение - вопрос важный и актуальный. При всем многообразии различных УМК учитель порой сам испытывает недостаток материала, способного отразить потребность обучающихся в выражении мнения о своей культуре, проблемах своего региона. Неслучайно сегодня уделяется большое внимание развитию регионального компонента на уроках, в том числе и на уроках иностранного языка. Только учителя - практики знают, какие нужны сегодня региональные программно-методические материалы для успешной работы с учащимися.
Смыслом преподавания иностранного языка на современном этапе является введение учащихся в мир родной и иноязычной культур, способствование развитию мышления учащихся средствами языка. В данном случае речь идет не об усвоении иной культуры, а об осмысленной попытке понимать менталитет родного народа, осознавать свое место и предназначение в ней. Все это чрезвычайно важно в процессе становления личности, формирования мировоззрения и культурного развития учащихся, при расширении кругозора учащихся о родной культуре, традициях, обычаях, ритуалах, истории и быте своего региона, оно будет способствовать развитию навыков учащихся представлять родную культуру на английском языке.
Идея ориентации в обучении на окружающую жизнь, на связь обучения с конкретной действительностью на современном этапе обучения школьников актуальна и является активной формой работы учителя. Необходимым и надежным средством связи школы с жизнью является краеведение. Опираясь на присущий детям интерес и любовь к природе, к родному городу, селу, краеведение помогает воспитывать у них стремление жить и работать в своем крае. Краеведческий материал представляется учащимся различными способами и связывается с научными знаниями. Применение его в системе преподавания как познавательного процесса играет действенную роль в методике преподавания, в нравственном и эстетическом воспитании учащихся, в формировании чувств патриотизма, национальной гордости, любви к родному краю, в развитии их самостоятельности.
К сожалению, в наших школах ориентация на культуру своей страны, своего региона представлена в виде кратких заданий. Учащиеся не имеют информации для выражения своего отношения к событиям, происходящим в своем крае, городе, селе. При необходимости можно найти информацию на русском языке в виде буклетов, справочников, альбомов. Используя эти материалы, ученики сталкиваются с проблемой недостатка языковых средств для выражения своих мыслей на иностранном языке. Некоторые ученики используют материалы на английском языке, которые имеют информативный или научный стиль или качество этих материалов вызывает сомнения.
Современная ситуация обнаруживает острую потребность в регионализации образования, которая предполагает становление развитого регионального образовательного пространства. Богатейший материал о крае позволит нынешним школьникам расширить свой кругозор и с любовью относится ко всему, что их окружает. Постепенно подход к изучению своего края изменился: растёт понимание его роли.
Современная идеология образования ориентируется на развитие личности учащихся, на оказание помощи каждому выпускнику школы в выборе жизненного пути. Известно, что развитие личности учащихся идет через овладение учебными предметами и проходит, прежде всего, в учебной деятельности. В основе развития личности - удовлетворить её потребности. Отсюда важное требование к программе – она должна быть личностно – ориентирована.
Дополнительный материал о родном крае на уроках английского языка позволяет учащимся расширить свои знания, как о культуре стран изучаемого языка, так и глубже понять родную культуру, постичь менталитет других народов. Это способствует воспитанию толерантности и уважения к другой культуре, приобщает учащихся к общечеловеческим ценностям, способствует также воспитанию личностных качеств учащихся, таких как трудолюбие, активность, умение работать в сотрудничестве с другими, коммуникабельность, уважение к себе и другим, личная и взаимная ответственность.
- Расширить и углубить знания о Ямало-Ненецком автономном округе (ЯНАО)
- Познать культуру стран изучаемого языка в сравнении с элементами родной культуры (познавательный аспект)
- Воспитать личность ученика через усвоение общечеловеческих ценностей
- Воспитать толерантность и уважение к другой культуре (воспитательный аспект)
- Овладеть иностранным языком как средством общения (учебный аспект)
- Развивать лингвистические способности, психические процессы и свойства личности ученика (развивающий аспект)
Общие задачи:
Расширение спектра учебных ситуаций и задач, видов и типов текстов с ориентацией на развитие и воспитание уважения к родному краю учащихся;
Оснащение учащихся необходимыми знаниями и практическими умениями в области английского языка.
Углубление интереса учащихся к изучению культуры других народов, к проблеме толерантности.
Способствовать развитию творческих исследовательских способностей учащихся, целенаправленно удовлетворять и развивать их образовательные потребности в исследовании и преобразовании.
Дополнительный курс «Ямал — мой северный край» разработан для учащихся 7-8 классов.
Основные темы;
- Летние каникулы.
- Будущее Ямала, будущее Салехарда.
- Ямал – наш край.
-Мой родной город.
- Национальная одежда.
-Растительный и животный мир.
- Погода.
- Природа и экология
- Животные Ямала
-Известные люди (писатели, художники, музыканты)
- Спорт на Ямале.
Предполагаемые образовательные результаты
1 Социокультурная компетентность: умение учитывать особенности культуры других стран; владение культурой общения.
2.Языковая и коммуникативная компетентность: умение понять и передать нужную тематическую информацию письменно или устно; адекватное речевое поведение в ситуациях общения.
3. Общеучебная компетентность: умение решать информационные проблемы; умение применять способы учебного сотрудничества, использовать английский язык для реализации индивидуальных и групповых проектов.
Тематическое планирование (15ч.)
№ п/п
Летние каникулы
Будущее нашей планеты, будущее Ямала.
Расскажи о Ямале.
Звёздный час «Страны, города, улицы»
Викторина «Мой город сегодня»
Национальная одежда.
Растительный и животный мир. Красная книга Ямала
Времена года и погода.
Природа и экология. Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды.
Поле чудес. Известные люди (писатели, художники, музыканты)
Учимся писать статьи и выпускать газету по теме «Ямал – наш край».
Спорт на Ямале. Мой любимый вид спорта.
Урок-игра «Как стать чемпионом»
Урок игра «Поле чудес - животные».
Урок игра «Аукцион знаний. Прошедшее простое и Настоящее завершённое»
Урок-игра «Как стать чемпионом?».
Цели урока: развивать творческую активность, развивать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать уважение к родному краю.
Задачи: обобщение изученного материала, связанного с родным краем.
Ход игры.
В основе данного урока лежит сюжет телевизионной игры «Кто хочет стать миллионером». Правила игры: учащиеся играют парами. Во время отборочного тура учащимся предлагаются несложные задания.
Убери лишнее слово
A pig a plate a rabbit a mouse a bear
Составь слово
T H E A C R E (teacher)
Составь предложение
actor is he a good
Hello boys and girls. Glad to see you. We’ll start the game “Who wants to be a champion?”
You’ll play in pairs. Together you can earn one thousand, four thousand, sixteen thousand, sixty-four thousand, two hundred and fifty thousand, five hundred thousand, or one million points.
You can also call your friend, ask your classmates to help you or use fifty/fifty. I wish you good luck.
Let’s start.
Choom is a … (a house a fish an animal a tree)
The capital of Yamal is … (Labitnangi Muravlenko Salekhard Moscow)
The river on which Salekhard stands … (the Lena the Ob the Volga the Amur)
The colour of the flag of Yamal is … (white-blue-orange white-blue-green white-blue-red green-yellow-red)
Winter in Salekhard begins in … (January March October November)
Salekhard was founded in … (1465 1924 1875 1695)
Salekhard was founded by … (British Nenets Kosaks Dutch)
We celebrate the birthday of Salekhard on the … (2nd of March 8th of November 1st of April 8th of September)
The population of Salekhard is … people. (5000 16000 40000 50000)
10) The main museum of Salekhard is … (the British Museum the Shimanovski Art museum the Tretyakov Gallery the Pushkin Museum)
11) There are … schools in Salekhard. (3 7 9 4)
12) The native people of Yamal are … (Nenets Maori Indians Khanti)
13) The Northern point of Yamal is … (Gida Nadim Seyekha Muzhi)
14) … was called Obdorsk. (Labitnangi Muravlenko Salekhard Moscow)
15) Yamal is especially rich in … (oil coal gas zinc)
16) The landscape of Yamal is … (tundra heavy forests mountains steps)
17) The most popular kind of transport in Yamal is … (cars ferries trains helicopters)
18) The main animal of Nenets people is … (a polar bear a cat a reindeer a horse)
19) The woman’s fur coat is called … (dress coat yagushka parka)
20) Salekhard is so beautiful in winter because of … (ice sculptures a lot of cars
a lot of parks lights)
21) The man’s fur parka is called … (suit shirt malitsa coat)
22) The winter man’s fur boots are called … (shoes sandals kisy boots)
23) The main street of Salekhard is … (Lenin Street Respubliki Street Gubkina Street Brodneva Street)
24) The coat-of-arm of Yamal is represented by … (2 polar bears 2 reindeer 2 black foxes 2 horses)
Если участники игры ошибаются, то они выбывают из игры. Участники, набравшие наибольшее количество баллов, становятся победителями.
T: You worked very well at the lesson. All of you were active and showed good knowledge. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free.
Разработка урока для 7 класса по теме «Летние каникулы» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 7 класса “Enjoy English”)
Цели урока:
1 Активизация навыков монологической речи. 2 Тренировка навыков чтения. 3 Введение лексики и первичное закрепление лексики в знакомых речевых образцах.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I haven’t seen you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
You see summer holidays are over. You had a good rest, didn’t you? (Of course, we had a good rest)
So today at the lesson we’ll speak about your summer holidays.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s remember some English words.
Have –had spend – spent go – went visit places of interest (relatives) see – saw museums monuments north Polar Circle is situated be surrounded by reindeer political prisoners ice caves.
Речевая зарядка.
Let’s speak about your summer holidays. Answer my questions, please.
Where did you spend your holidays? How did you spend you holidays? What places of interest did you visit? Did you go to the camp? Did you visit your granny? Did you make new friends? How did you have a rest?
Тренировка навыков устной речи.
Now tell us some words about your summer holidays. We’ll work in groups
1.You were in the camp in summer, weren’t you? (went to, is situated, near the river, in the forest, missed parents, played sport games, swam, took part in, went on an excursion, went hiking, made fire, sang songs)
2.You visited different cities, didn’t you? (went to, got by, visited places of interest, museums, galleries, entertainment centers, went to the cinema, went for a walk, swam, sunbathed, went on an excursion, had a good rest)
3 You visited your grandparents, didn’t you? (went to, lives in, is situated, help, repair, work in the garden, swam, sunbathed, went to the forest, picked up berries, gathered mushrooms, went fishing, rode a bike)
4. Imagine that you visit your relatives. They live in the north of our region in Noviy Port. This is a special task for your group. Read the text and tell us about your summer holidays.
(Noviy Port is a small village in the north of our region. It is situated on the Obskaya Guba. It is surrounded by tundra. Nenets people live there. They live in chums. They love tundra and graze reindeer. They wear their native clothes. They eat raw meat and fish. The unique place of Noviy Port is the Natural Icehouse. It was built by political prisoners to keep fish. It looks like the ice caves. The total length of the caves is about one kilometer. The permanent temperature is about 15-17 degrees below zero in winter and in summer).
I give you 15 minutes to prepare your stories. Now let’s listen to your stories.
(Группы выступают с сообщениями)
Thank you very much for interesting stories. You see that pupils can spend their summer holidays in different ways but I should say that there are a lot of interesting places in our north region in Yamal.
Подведение итогов урока.
You worked hard. All the stories were interesting. Your marks are …
Your home task is to write a story or prepare the presentation about your summer holidays.
The lesson is over. Good bye.
Разработка урока для 7 класса по теме «Будущее нашей планеты, будущее Ямала» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 7 класса “Enjoy English”)
Цели урока:
1 Активизация навыков монологической речи. 2 Тренировка фонетических и орфографических навыков. 3 Развитие навыков письменной речи.
Ход урока
Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you . (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Today we’ll discuss our future, the future of our planet, the future of our region and town.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Let’s review the words. Fill in the letters in these words and write them down in your exercise-books.
Речевая зарядка.
And now I’d like to ask you some questions.
Are you optimistic? Are you looking forward to the future?
Why are you looking forward to the future?
Will our life change in future?
Are you pessimistic or optimistic about the future? Do you think that there will be more jobs in future? Will our planet be clean or polluted in future? How will people communicate in future?
Well, thank you for your answers.
Развитие навыков чтения с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного.
Open your textbooks at page 12, exercise 24. Read how four students see our planet in 10 years. Who do you agree with?
(учащиеся читают текст и отвечают на вопрос)
And now let’s discuss what you think about the future. How do you see our planet in 10 years? We’ll work in groups.
1 You are optimistic about the future.
(to be optimistic, to make progress, to change people’s life, to have more jobs, to travel, to make, friends with, to save endangered animals, to travel in space, to study at home, using a computer, to have cure for most diseases)
2 You are pessimistic about the future.
(to be afraid of, to be tired of, to have a lot of serious problems, to have more dangerous diseases, to have pollution, to have new local wars)
3You are indifferent about the future.
(to have no idea, don’t care, it’s useless to think about the future, can’t change much, to rest, to relax, to have a good time, to solve everyday problems)
And now discuss what you think about our region and Salekhard in 10 years.
Look at the blackboard. Here you can see the plan of our discussion. 1 people’s life 2 cultural life 3 students’ life 4 transport 5 business
There are some expressions which help you to make up a story about the future of our region. Write them down.
(the most beautiful and richest in natural resources region, more new cities, more new jobs, more new and beautiful houses, cheap products, new schools and other educational institutions, new entertainment centers, a new swimming pool, a beautiful embankment (набережная), modern Internet, a lot of tourists from different countries, ecologically clear area, a new bridge across the Ob, railway in Salekhard, new airlines from Salekhard to different countries, a great business center, international conferences, production of ecologically clear products)
Примерные высказывания.
P1 I think that Yamal will be the most beautiful and richest in natural resources region. Yamal will continue to supply our and other countries with oil, and gas.
P2 People’s life will change for better. People will live in new and beautiful houses. They will have more new jobs and visit entertainment centers and a new swimming pool. All children will have the opportunity to attend a new park with interesting attractions.
P3 Moreover, all small children will be able to attend kindergartens. All schools will be new and have all modern equipment to get good knowledge.
P4 Besides, a lot of tourists from different countries will come to our town because it will be ecologically clear area. They will have a good rest, eat ecologically clear products and breathe clear air. It won’t be difficult to get to Salekhard in future because there will be a new bridge across the Ob, railway in Salekhard, new airlines which will connect Salekhard with different countries.
Well done. Thank you.
Подведение итогов урока.
You worked well. All the stories were interesting. Your marks are …
Your home task is to prepare a story about the future of our region and Salekhard. You can use the expressions in your exercise-books.
The lesson is over. Good bye.
Разработка урока для 7 класса по теме «Национальная одежда» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 7 класса “Enjoy English”)
Цели урока:
Социокультурный аспект:
знакомство с национальной одеждой ханты и ненцев.
Развивающий аспект:
развитие способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия, делать выводы из прочитанного.
Воспитательный аспект:
формирование способности понимать и уважать культуру и национальные традиции других народов.
Учебный аспект:
развитие умения читать с детальным пониманием, формирование лексических навыков.
изображение ханты в национальной одежде;
альбомные листы;
фломастеры и карандаши.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you . (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Today we’ll speak about clothes.
Фонетическая зарядка. Match the English words with their Russian equivalents.
Traditional орнамент
Clothes белка
Deer традиционный
Skin одежда
Fox малица
Squirrel олень
malitsa лиса
yagushka кожа
beads ягушка
ornament коса
Речевая зарядка.
Teacher: Read the proverb and say the Russian equivalent.
Proverb: Clothes make the man.
Варианты перевода:
Одежда красит человека.
В наряде пригож, а без него на пень похож.
Teacher: We’ve already discussed the traditional clothes of Russian people. And we’ll devote our today’s lesson to the clothes which the native people of the Yamal – Nenets Autonomous district wear.
Answer some of my questions, please.
Teacher: What peoples inhabit our district?
Pupil: Khanty and Nentsy.
Teacher: Where do they usually live?
Pupil: They live in tundra and along the banks of the rivers.
Teacher: How is their home place called?
Pupil: It’s called “chum”.
Teacher: What are their main occupations?
Pupil: Their main occupations are hunting, fishing and reindeer farming.
Активизация лексики и знания регионально-национального компонента
Teacher: When people think of this or that nationality they picture in their minds different things. What do you usually imagine when you think of traditional clothes of Khanty and Nentsy?
Complete the Word Web.
Варианты ответов:
Teacher: Read about the traditional clothes of Khanty and Nentsy and find the information about men’s, women’s and children’s clothes.
Pay attention to these new words:
Paws– лапы
Lining – подкладка
Fluff – пух
Cord – веревка, шнурок
Tress – коса
Pendant – подвеска, висюлька
Bead – коса
Due to - благодаря
Cloth – сукно
Traditional Clothes of Khanty and Nentsy.
They made their clothes of skin, fur and cloth. Bird’s skin is used to manufacture children’s clothes. In winter men wear fur coats made of deer or hare skin, squirrel and fox paws. Women have fur coats of deerskin; sometimes their lining is made of duck’s fluff. The head of women is always covered in winter as well in summer. In the presence of men and elder relatives there is a tradition to close the face as well.
The hair is not usually cut. Men divide it into two parts and tie it with a colourful cord. Women make tresses decorated with metal pendants and tied with a chain for it to be more comfortable to work in. The chain, in its turn, is decorated with rings, beads and other things. Beads became popular due to Russian merchants.
Teacher: Answer the questions:
What clothes do men (women, children) wear?
What is it made of?
Why do they wear such clothes?
Which sentences are true and which are false according to the text.
1.Their clothes is made of skin, fur and cloth.
2. Skin of animals is used to manufacture children’s clothes.
3. In winter men and women wear fur coats made of deer.
4. The head of women is always covered only in winter.
5. The hair is not usually cut.
6. Women make tresses decorated with flowers.
7. Beads became popular due to Russian merchants.
And now fill in the gaps.
Lining parts pendants covered tradition rings merchant s clothes skin
They made their … of skin, fur and cloth. Bird’s skin is used to manufacture children’s clothes. In winter men wear fur coats made of deer or hare …, squirrel and fox clutches. Women have fur coats of deerskin; sometimes their … is made of duck’s fluff. The head of women is always … in winter as well in summer. In the presence of men and elder relatives there is a … to close the face as well.
The hair is not usually cut. Men divide it into two… and tie it with a colourful cord. Women make tresses decorated with metal… and tied with a chain to be more comfortable to work in. The chain, in its turn, is decorated with …, beads and other things. Beads became popular due to Russian …
Устная речь
Teacher: Draw a picture of a Khanty man or a Khanty woman and describe it.
Подведение итогов
You worked very well. Your marks are …
Your home task:
Make up a story about the clothes of modern Khanty and Nentsy
Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме « Времена года и погода» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 8 класса “Enjoy English”)
I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Фонетическая зарядка.
T: Look at the blackboard. What sound is there on the blackboard?
W Pronounce it. We need it at the lesson. The poem on the blackboard can help pronounce the sound correctly. Read the poem, translate it. And then read the poem in pairs.
Whether the weather be fine Or whether the weather be not, Whether the weather be cold Or whether the weather be hot, We’ll weather the weather Whatever the weather Whether we like it or not.
Речевая зарядка.
T: You’ve guessed that today we’ll speak about the weather in Russia and in our region. Answer some of my questions, please.
What season is it now? What is the weather like today? Is it rainy, snowy or sunny? Is the sun shining? Are there any clouds in the sky? Is the wind blowing? What is the temperature today? Do you like such weather?
T: We live in the north of Russia. The weather in our region is not look like the weather in other parts of Russia.
Look at exercise 3 and discuss the weather in different seasons in Salekhard.
P1 At the beginning of September the weather is fine. Sometimes the days are sunny. We can go to the forest to gather mushrooms and pick up berries. There are a lot berries in our forest such as cranberries, winterberries, great bilberries, raspberries. In October it often rains. In November it is rather cold in Salekhard. In October and in November you can see snow in the street. Nights become longer and darker. The sky is often low and grey. There are thick clouds in the sky. Sometimes the weather is stormy and snowy. It is better to stay at home in such weather.
P2 Winter begins in October and lasts 8 months. Winter is very severe, frosty, snowy and windy. The average temperature of January is 23-27 degrees below zero. But often it is 30-40 degrees below zero, it can even reach 50 degrees below zero. The weather can be stormy and rather snowy. It is very dark at nights because we have long polar nights. If the weather is very cold we don’t go to school. Sometimes the weather is fine and we can ski, skate, sledge and play snowballs in the yard. You can see the polar lights.
P3 Spring begins at the second half of April. The snow melts in the afternoon but the nights are rather cold. Nature awakens from its winter sleep. In the streets we can see merry springs. The sun begins to shine brightly. The days become longer and in May there is a polar day. The sun never sets down. The sky is blue. The weather is usually fine. Birds begin to sing songs and make their nests. Everything is full of life and joy. However, the weather can be rather windy and stormy. The weather in spring is rather changeable.
P4 Summer is short and cool. The average temperature of July is 5-17 degrees above zero. There are a lot of insects in the street. The sun never sets down in June and July. It is light all the time. We can see green grass and flowers. Sometimes the weather can be very hot. It is really great to swim and sunbathe in such weather. In summer most people try to leave Salekhard to have a rest and relax from long and severe winter. People prefer to have a rest at the seaside in Russia and abroad.
T: Thank you for your stories. Dear friends, yesterday I received a letter from a foreign pen friend. He wants to visit our town. Advise him what season to choose for the visit. Describe the weather and the things you can do in that season.
(Примерное письмо-ответ)
Salekhard, Russia. 26.10.12.
Dear Sam, Thank you for your letter. Sorry, I haven’t written, I was so busy at school. It is so great that you are going to visit our town.
I think the best time for visiting Salekhard is winter. We live on the Polar Circle so we have long and severe winters. It is unusual for you. However, there is much to see and much to do there in winter. Firstly, you can see our beautiful Polar lights. Secondly, you can feel real frosty weather. I recommend you to take warm clothes because the temperature can be 40-50 degrees below zero. If it won’t be so cold we can go for a walk, ski in the forest or play snowballs. What would you like to see? Do you like skiing and skating?
Sorry, mum is calling me.
Best wishes,
Подведение итогов
T: You worked hard. All the stories were interesting. Your marks are … Collect your letters, please but if you haven’t finish them you may do it at home.
Your home task: finish the letters.
Урок – игра «Поле чудес - животные»
Цели урока: развивать творческую активность, развивать интерес к изучению английского языка, воспитывать уважение к родному краю.
Задачи: обобщение изученного материала, связанного с родным краем.
Ход игры.
В основе данного урока лежит сюжет телевизионной игры «Поле чудес». Правила игры: учащиеся играют парами. Во время отборочного тура учащимся предлагаются несложные задания.
Убери лишнее слово
A cup a plate a rabbit a spoon a fork a knife
Составь слово
N A M I A L (animal)
Составь вопросительное предложение
wants win the Who game to ?
T: Let’s start our first game. This game is devoted to an animal. This animal is the main animal of Nenets people. It gives them food, shelter. It is a means of transportation for them. There are eight letters in this word. Name the letters and try to guess what animal it is. (Reindeer)
T: Our second game is devoted to plants which grow on the territory of our region. It is a berry. Its colour is orange. It grows on tundra. We can pick up this berry in July and August. There are nine letters in this word. Name the letters and try to guess what berry it is. (Cranberry)
T: This game is devoted to the traditional clothes of Khanty and Nentsy. Only man wear such clothes in winter. Such clothes is made of deer or hare skin, squirrel and fox clutches. (Malitsa)
There are seven letters. Name the letters and try to guess what clothes these are.
T: I see you work hard and you look a bit tired. I think it’s time to have a rest. Listen to the music, close your eyes, sleep, sleep, sleep. Imagine you are flying like a bird high in the sky. It is so calm there. The sky is blue, the sun is shining brightly. You can see light white clouds. You are lying on the clouds. They are soft and gentle. The light wind is moving the clouds and you begin to wake up. Open your eyes. Look around. You are again in the classroom and we continue our game.
This is our final game. I ask the winners of the first, second and third games come here at the table.
This game is devoted to the transport. This kind of transport is very popular in Yamal. It can deliver people and post practically at any point of our region. Only brave people can operate this kind of transport. (Helicopter)
There are ten letters in this word. Name the letters and try to guess what kind of transport it is
T: Well done. …. has won the final game. You are lucky. Our congratulations. And now I want to offer you to play a super game. If you win the game, you’ll get a prize. Do you agree to play a super game? I see you are ready to play. You can see three words. The main word means the sea bird. The first word on the left is the first name of Salekhard. The second word means the mineral resource which our region is rich in. There are seven letters. You can open four letters.
T: Dear friends, we have a winner. Let’s congratulate him (her). And your prize is …
Подведение итогов
T: You worked very well at the lesson. All of you were active and showed good knowledge. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free.
Разработка урока для 7 класса по теме «Расскажи о Ямале» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 7 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Обучение монологической речи по теме «Расскажи о Ямале». 2.Активизация изученного материала по теме «Англоговорящие страны».
Ход урока.
1Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you . (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Фонетическая зарядка.
You can see three columns of syllables. Take only one syllable from each column and form the word.
Imagine that … lives in one of the English-speaking countries. Ask him / her questions about
his / her country and guess what country he / she is from.
- Is your country large or small? - Is there only one official language in your country? - Is it washed by oceans? - What is the population of your country? - What season do you have when we have summer? - Is it sometimes called “Oz”? - Is the capital of your country Canberra?
- Is your country called Australia?
P: You are right. My country is called Australia?
Now, I want you to divide into pairs. You’ll receive cards with words and expressions. Use words and expressions and prepare a story. Listen to the stories very attentively and try to guess what country was described.
G1 (is situated in, is washed by, the second largest country, as big as, shares with the USA seven, Ottawa, two official languages, red and white, maple leaf, is famous for its)
T: What country is it? Look at the picture.
G2 (is situated in, most powerful and advanced, is washed by, Washington, New York, financial and cultural center, third largest population, melting pot, official language, motto is “In God We Trust”)
T: What country is it? Look at the picture.
G3 (is situated in, is washed by, small and quiet, consists of two islands, upside down country, Wellington, is mixed, Maori people, two official languages, Kiwi English, is called “The World’s Biggest Farm”)
T: What country is it? Look at the picture.
G4 (is situated in, is washed by, full name, island state, smallest country, London, the seventh biggest city, different nationalities, official language, other large cities)
T: What country is it? Look at the picture.
G5 ( is one of the largest countries, is situated in, is washed by, population, Moscow, official language, main rivers, big cities, deepest lake, climate, mountains, famous people, holidays)
T: What country is it? Look at the picture.
G6 (is situated in the heart of Russian Arctic Zone, on the bank of the river Ob, 500,000 people, 83% - in towns, different nationalities, Salekhard, stands on the Polar Circle, was founded in 1595, long and severe winters, short and cool summer, is rich in natural gas, oil, native population, live in, national clothes, is famous for deer-breeding, fishing, fur trade, main towns, be proud of)
T: What is it? Look at the picture. We all live in Yamal. I’m sure that we should love and respect the land on which we live, respect native people, learn about traditions and customs.
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? What stories do you like most of all? Thank you for your work. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful for you. Your marks are …
Your home task is preparing a story about our region using these cards with expressions. You may also prepare presentations.
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Викторина «Мой родной город сегодня».
Цели: 1.Закрепление материала по теме «Мой родной город». 2. Активизация лексических навыков. 3. Тренировка навыков аудирования и монологической речи.
Оборудование: флажки, карточки с названиями достопримечательностей, картинки или презентация с достопримечательностями Салехарда.
Ход мероприятия.
1Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you . (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Today we’ll have an unusual lesson. At the lesson we’ll play, answer the questions, speak about our native town, listen and sing songs.
Задание 1. «Разминка». - Today we have no teams. Each pupil will do the tasks and get a flag. The more flags you’ll get the higher mark you’ll get. The first task is to answer the questions. Listen to me attentively, please.
When was Salekhard founded? (1595)
Who founded Salekhard? (Russian Cossacks)
What is the central street of our town? (Respubliki Street)
How many people live in Salekhard? (about 40,000 people)
What rivers does Salekhard stand? (the Ob, the Polui, the Shaitanka)
What is the coldest period of the year in Salekhard? (winter)
How many schools and gymnasiums are there in Salekhard?
When do we celebrate the birthday of Salekhard? (on the 8th of September)
What place of the town do newly married people usually visit? (Obdorski Ostrog)
What was the first name of Salekhard? (Obdorsk)
Why is the bridge across the river Shaitanka famous for? (restaurant “Fakel”)
Задание 2 «Достопримечательности Салехарда».
-Thank you for your good answers. Now I want you to recognize the places of interest in Salekhard. You’ll listen to my stories and name the interesting places. You can see the names on the blackboard.
-It is situated in the center of the city. More than 1,200 students from all over Yamal study in its 8 buildings with a totals area of 42.3 thousand square meters. (Yamal Multidisciplinary College)
-It is a center of culture. It was founded more than one hundred years ago. Its collection numbers more than 40 thousand paleontological, archeological, historical, ethnographic exhibits, works of modern paintings and applied art, collections of minerals and the fauna of the north of the Western Siberia. The library collection contains about 11 thousand books and rare hand-written editions. (The Yamalo-Nenets District Museum-Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovski)
-It is unusual school. It was opened in 2001. It was founded by the world champion. Its students are known not only in Russia but they are known in many cities all over the world. More than 400 students study at school. (Polar Chess School)
-It is unusual museum. It is in the open air. It has got a collection of means of transportation which is so useful and necessary in our northern and faraway district. The main types of aviation equipment are exhibit here. (An open-air aviation museum)
-It is a symbol of the geographical uniqueness of the city, because it is the only city on earth which is situated on the latitude of the Arctic Circle. (The “66 Parallel” Stele)
Запись на доске:
Yamal Multidisciplinary College, The “66 Parallel” Stele, An open-air aviation museum, Polar Chess School, The Yamalo-Nenets District Museum-Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovski
Задание 3. «Хорошо ли ты знаешь свой родной город?»
This presentation shows the places of interest of Salekhard. Look at the pictures and name the place of interest.
A three-storey restaurant “Fakel”, a figure of a mammoth, “Earth” fountain, Obdorski Ostrog, the monument to the founders of the city, City Administration building, Airport, the river port, Stele “Salekhard”, Stele “To Romantics of the 70s’, Ice Palace, Cultural and Business Center, Children’s art school,.
Задание 4. «Даты и события».
1595 (Obdorsk was founded) 1894 (Temple of the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul was built) 2001(Polar Chess School was opened) May 2007 (the baby mammoth Luba was brought to Salekhard)
Задание 5. «Исполнение стихов и песен».
- And now I advise you to have a rest. Let’s sing songs and recite poems we have learnt this school year.
Задание 6. «Прочитай текст и вставь пропущенные слова».
the capital, celebrated, transport center, on the banks, Russian Cossacs, population, historical and cultural, symbols, watchtower
Salekhard, former Obdorsk was founded by … in 1595. Salekhard is … of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Salekhard is … center of autonomous region. The city is situated … of three rivers the Ob, the Polui, the Shaitanka. The … of the city is about 40,000 people. In 2010 Salekhard … its 415th anniversary. By that day old Cossacs … was buiit. Now it is one of the symbols of the city. The other … are Temple of the Saint Apostles Peter and Paul and the “66 Parallel” Stele. Salekhard is a large … in the polar area.
-Thank you for your work, children. You were so active today. Will you count your flags? If you have from 8 to 10 flags, you’ll have an excellent mark today. If you have 6 or 7 flags, you’ll have a good mark. Do you like our lesson today? The lesson is over. You may be free. Good bye.
Разработка урока для 7 класса по теме «Спорт на Ямале. Мой любимый вид спорта» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 7 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Формирование навыков устной речи по теме «Мой любимый вид спорта». 2.Активизация навыков чтения. 3. Тренировка фонетических и лексических навыков.
Ход урока.
1Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the blackboard. Can you read the words? Read the first, second and the third columns. Find the odd word in each list.
table tennis
Речевая зарядка.
Imagine that you interview the famous sportsman. Ask him questions about his favorite kind of sport, how long he has been doing it, about different competitions he took part in.
Where and when were you born?
What are your parents?
When did you begin skiing?
How long have you been skiing?
How many times a week do you train?
Did you take part in any skiing competitions?
What skiing competitions did you take part in?
Do you have any medals and cups?
Who else in your family is fond of swimming?
T: You look sporty. I think that all of you do sports. Am I right? Now let’s check up your home task. It was to prepare a story about your favorite kind of sport.
P1 Yes, you are right, for example I like hockey. Hockey is very popular in our city. A lot of boys attend our Ice Palace and play hockey there. As for me I have been playing hockey for 5 years. I began playing it when I was 9 years old. I like hockey because it teaches me how to play in a team, how to respect your partners, how to become disciplined. It gives me strength, good mood, a lot of positive emotions. We take part in different hockey competitions. We often win the prizes. Out coach is rather strict, but just.
P2: As for me I play chess. I think that it is rather intellectual game. I attend Polar Chess School. Nowadays there are 365 students at Polar Chess School. We have strict and experience coaches at school. My brother attended this school. He took part in many chess competitions in Russia and abroad. At the age of 11 he became European champion in fast chess. I’m proud of my brother. This kind of sport helps me develop my mind and intellectual abilities.
P3: As for me and my friend we prefer national kinds of sports. They are popular in Yamal. Nentsy appreciate their national kinds of sport. Nentsy are very sporty, because they live far from civilization and they have to do a lot to alive. So they must be strong, brave and courageous. National kinds of sport are running with a stick, jumping across the sledge, triple jump, axe throwing, tinzyan. Every three months we take part in different sports competitions.
P4: I prefer skiing. We live in the north of Russia so we have all opportunities for skiing. We can train for seven or eight months a year. It’s so great to go skiing in fine and frosty weather. You don’t need much to be happy. You need your skis, snow and fine weather. Skiing helps you keep fit, get rid of stress, be healthy and look sporty. All members of my family go skiing. If there is a chance we try to take part in skiing competitions. We often win prize.
T: Thank you for your interesting stories. I know that you like to play very much. I offer you to play an intellectual game which is devoted to sport. I’ll ask you questions. Each question has its price. Let’s start our first game.
100 points. In what place in Salekhard can our young sportsmen do sports? (Ice Palace)
200 points. What kind of sport is it? Ice, colorful show, music, dancing, a lot of spectators, it’s like a fairy tale. (figure skating)
300 points. What kind of sport is very popular in Yamal? Yamalo-Nenets district has a specialized sport children’s school of the Olympic reserve. This school prepares the Olympic champions on … (skiing)
400 points. What kind of sport does Anna Bulygina, the 2009 world champion and a participant of the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver go in for? (biathlon)
500 points. Who is the European champion in 100 m backstroke swimming? She is from Salekhard. (Ksenia Moskvina)
600 points. What school is famous all over the world? It was opened in 2001. It was founded by the world champion. Its students are known not only in Russia but they are known in many cities all over the world. (Polar Chess School)
T: Who has got the best result? … is the winner.
Now let’s play the final game. You’ll answer two questions.
1 This game is very popular. A lot of teenagers play this game. It is played by two teams of six players each on an ice field. What is it? (hockey)
2 It is an extreme kind if sport. It is really popular in Salekhard. A lot of teenagers try to do this kind of sport. This sport requires snow, a board and hills. (snowboarding)
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? Our time is over. Thank you for your work. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and you could find interesting and useful information. Your marks are …
… is the winner today. Let’s clap our hands.
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Урок игра «Аукцион знаний. Прошедшее простое и Настоящее завершённое»
Оборудование: молоточек, «фунты», карточки с вопросами, призы победителям.
Ход мероприятия.
-Hello, my dear boys and girls. We are glad to greet you at our auction. All children like to play. There are two teams in our classroom. We have three members of our jury today The first team is called … . Its captain is … . The second team is called … . Its captain is … . The members of our jury are … .
Now listen to the rules of our auction.
Our auction consists of tasks.
If you want to do the task, you have to buy it.
If you buy the task you have bought the right to answer.
But if your answer is wrong, the other team could give their version.
Разминка. What tense is it? Have | has V3
What tense is it? Ved | V2
Task 1. Find the words. Write them down into two columns. Which expressions are used with the Past Simple Tense and which are used with the Present Perfect Tense?
Task 2. Match parts of the sentences.
1 I have …met my classmates in the Ice Palace. (just) 2 My brother was born in Salekhard … (in 1998) 3 She has… seen the new documentary film about baby mammoth Luba. (already) 4 Who saw Northern lights…? (yesterday) 5 He has … been to Obdorsky Ostrog, one of the first Russian settlements in Siberian. (never) 6 They built a new bridge across the river Shaitanka … (a year ago) 7 Have you … heard about Reindeer breeder’s Day in Salekhard? (ever)
a)ever b) in 1998 c) just d) yesterday e) already f) a year ago g) never
Task 3. What tense is it? Find wrong sentences.
Present perfect
Past Simple
I didn’t to school yesterday because of windy weather.
The library collection has contained 11 thousand books and rare hand-written editions.
Our president V.V. Putin has already visited Salekhard several times.
My mother was born in Yamal in1974.
I have never been to the city garden.
Last summer we had a good rest on the banks of the river Ob.
They met not far from Highway bridge “Fakel” two days ago.
My sister has already prepared her presentation about her native city.
Mary has just seen the exhibitions in our District Museum named after I.S.Shemanovski.
Yesterday he wrote a letter to his friend and invited him to come to Salekhard.
2.Did \ have \ you \ seen \ that \ about Salekhard \new album\ already?
3.Jack \ didn’t \ of a mammoth \hasn’t \seen\the nine-meter figure\ weighing 320 tons\ yet.
4. My pen- friend \ didn’t \ hasn’t \ come \to my native city \ last summer.
5.The writer \ wrote \ has \ written \ the book \ recently \ about the history of Salekhard.
6. founded \ Russian Cossacks \ have found \ the city \ in 1595.
Task 5. Find the mistakes and correct them.
I have picked up cloudberries a year ago.
What unusual presents you got for your birthday from your grandma this year?
She has found the champion among mushrooms in tundra last autumn.
He have never tasted the Northerners’ favorite delicacy sliced frozen fish .
I haven’t meet Santa Claus of Yamal yet.
Will you taste our best fish muksun? – But I have taste it.
She saw ice floating in the river Ob already.
Task 6. Write a letter.
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your letter. You ask me to write about my winter holidays. Of course, I try to go abroad to warm countries with my parents during winter holidays because it is rather cold there. Last winter, for example, I … . Besides, I … . What is more, I … . I like to come back to my native city because I miss my friends a lot. So today I have already… . Moreover, I … . Then, I … . How do you spend your winter holidays? What do you like to do during your holidays? Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes, …
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? Our time is over. Thank you for your work. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and you could find interesting and useful information. Our jury will name the winner. … is the winner today. Let’s clap our hands.
Your marks are …
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме «Учимся писать статьи и выпускать газету по теме «Ямал – наш край» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 8 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Развитие навыков письменной речи. 2.Учить писать небольшие статьи.
Ход урока.
1Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you . (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
T: Today we’ll try to be journalists. You’ll learn to write an article. We’ll try to write articles about our school life, about our native city, about our northern nature.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the blackboard. Can you read the words and expressions?
is surroundedby tundra reindeer paleontological applied art rare hand-written editions Arctic Zone deer-breeding fur trade polar lights entertainment centers mammoth cowberry great bilberry cloudberry sliced of frozen fish festival of sculptures
Речевая зарядка.
T: And now I’d like to ask you some questions.
-Do you read newspapers? -What articles do you prefer to read about? -Have you ever tried to write an article? -Is it difficult to write an article? Why? Why not? T: Today we’ll try to do it. Look at the blackboard. Here is the name of our newspaper. It is called “The world we live in”. Look at the cards. There are some instructions for you how to write an article.
1. Decide who your article addressed to and what style it must be written in. 2. Begin your article with a sentence to make readers be interested. 3. Use short sentences, be laconic. 4. Write only the truth. 5. Choose an interesting headline. 6. Use 80-100 words.
T: You’ll work in pairs. The topics or the article are the following:
Our school life.
A new sensation.
The future of Salekhard.
My Yamal, my Motherland.
My favorite season.
Do the puzzle.
T: I give you 25 minutes to write the article.
Статьи учащихся.
1) Our school life is full of different events. Soon we’ll take part in a holiday concert. We’ll congratulate our boys and teachers with their holiday. Some days ago our boys’ basketball team played with the boys’ basketball team from school number three. We won the game. It was great.
However, there are so few pupils at school. Some of them have been ill. It’s so sad. Some classes are empty because of flue. There are some advice how not to fall ill. You should eat only healthy food, wash hands, do morning exercises and wear masks. If you feel ill, go to the doctor and follow his recommendations. Be healthy!
2) It is the world sensation. The baby mammoth was found in Yamal. It is 50 kilograms in weight and its height is about one meter. The baby mammoth was named Luba. Luba was about four months when it perished. This finding became the world scientific sensation. Luba has visited Japan. Japanese scientists made a detailed analysis of its body. The scientists think that Luba perished 37 thousand years ago. The researchers believe that Luba will help to understand the reasons of mammoths’ extinction. Now you can see Luba in the Yamalo-Nenets District Museum-Exhibition Complex named after I.S. Shemanovski.
3) Let’s dream about our future. As you know Yamal is and will be the most beautiful and richest in natural resources region. Salekhard will be the capital. In future we will be able to see more new and beautiful buildings in the capital. Children and young people will be able to study in new schools and other educational institutions. There will be more new entertainment centers where people can have a good rest. Salekhard will be a tourist centre. A lot of tourists from different countries will visit our ecologically clear area and taste ecologically clear products. A new bridge across the Ob will be built. We will be able to travel from Salekhard to different countries not only by plane but by train too. Our city will be a great business center and international conferences will be held there.
4)-Today I’d like to interview my friend Julia. Hello, Julia. - Hello, Yana. - Julia, I and our readers want to learn more about your travelling to St. Petersburg. - Oh, yes. During our winter holidays I and my classmates were in St. Petersburg. We visited the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, Tsar Village, the Pushkin museum of Fine Arts and other places of interests. - What are your impressions? - We got unforgettable impressions of beautiful buildings, monuments and embankment of the river Neva. - I think it was a very captivated travelling. - Yes, I agree with you and I advise you to go to this wonderful city. - It sounds interesting. Thank you for your story.
5) Sport is very popular in Yamal. I prefer skiing. We live in the north of Russia so we have all opportunities for skiing. We can train for seven or eight months a year. It’s so great to go skiing in fine and frosty weather. You don’t need much to be happy. You need your skis, snow and fine weather. Skiing helps you keep fit, get rid of stress, be healthy and look sporty. All members of my family go skiing. If there is a chance we try to take part in skiing competitions. We often win prizes. I also like snowboarding. It is an extreme kind if sport. It is really popular in Salekhard. A lot of teenagers try to do this kind of sport. This sport requires courage, snow, a board and hills.
6) We live in an unusual place. Our region is situated in the heart of Russian Arctic Zone, on the bank of the river Ob. Its population is about 500,000 people. 83% of population lives in towns. People of different nationalities live in Yamal. The native population is Khanty and Nentsy. They live in chums and wear national clothes. They are famous for deer-breeding, fishing, fur trade. Salekhard is our capital. It is the only city stands on the Polar Circle. Salekhard was founded in 1595. We have long and severe winters, short and cool summer. Our region is rich in natural gas, oil and other mineral resources.
7) Spring is coming. My favorite season is spring. Spring begins at the second half of April. The snow melts in the afternoon but the nights are rather cold. Nature awakens from its winter sleep. In the streets we can see merry springs. The sun begins to shine brightly. The days become longer and in May there is a polar day. The sun never sets down. The sky is blue. The weather is usually fine. Birds begin to sing songs and make their nests. Everything is full of life and joy. However, the weather can be rather windy and stormy. The weather in spring is rather changeable.
9) Do the puzzle. Find the following words and expressions.
tundra reindeer rare Arctic Zone deer-breeding fur polar lights entertainment mammoth cowberry blueberry cloudberry frozen fish ice sculptures Salekhard stele
T: If you have written your articles, put them on the blackboard. You see that our newspaper is ready. Now we’ll read it.
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? Our time is over. Thank you for your work. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful.
Your marks are …
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме «Природа и экология. Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 8 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Активизация пройденной лексики и грамматики в речи. 2. Обучение письменной речи.
Ход урока.
Организационный момент.
- Dear ladies and gentlemen! You are welcome to our conference. The main question we are going to discuss today is the ecological situation. Today we’ll try to pay attention to the main problems our planet suffer from and find the way out. We should discuss how we can save our beautiful Blue planet. We’ll listen to and discuss several reports. Look at the plan of our work.
1. The most serious environmental problems. 2. The most crucial problems. 3. The ways of improvement today’s environmental situation. 4. Environmental problems in Salekhard. 5. The ways to save the unique nature of Yamal (recycling, “clean-up days”)
Конференция (карточки с данными заданиями выступающие получили заранее для подготовки дома).
T: The first report will be made by Mr. Brown and Mrs. White. They will tell us about the most serious environmental problems.
P1: It’s a wonderful world we live in. But now people are killing our planet. So we have a lot of serious environmental problems. They are noise pollution, water and air pollution, cutting the woods, killing animals, nuclear pollution, ozone holes and litter. Millions of animals die every year because people have polluted their natural homes. Moreover, every year people cut down more trees to build new roads and use more land for farming. People also cut trees down to get paper. The air is polluted by industrial plants and factories. It is difficult to breath in big cities. The commonest air pollution comes from the cigarette smoke which pollutes air in public places. It is very dangerous for health.
P2: Traffic and aircraft can cause serious noise pollution. Industrial and communal waste poison water in seas, rivers and oceans and bring danger to wild life. There is a lot of litter on the beaches and you can see thick foam caused by chemical waste. And we mustn’t forget about the ozone holes because the ultraviolet rays can reach the Earth causing skin cancer. The most horrible environmental disaster was in Chernobyl. A lot of territories were polluted with nuclear waste. A lot of people had to leave their houses because it was very dangerous to live there. Pollution is very dangerous for people, wild life and environment. People don’t just pollute the environment. They pollute themselves with cigarette, alcohol, drugs and junk food. These are the most serious environmental problems.
T: Thank you. Let’s continue and pass over to the next question. Mr. Green will tell us about the importance of the crucial problems. Listen to him, please.
P3: Among the most serious problems we can underline dangerous diseases, people’s interrelations, breaking human rights, crimes and drugs. Of course, all of the problems are very important. We can list them in order of their importance.
1drugs 2 dangerous diseases 3 pollution 4 crimes 5 endangered animals 6 new local wars 7 dangerous technologies 8 lack of recycling 9 people’s interrelations 10 breaking human rights 11 star wars It is well known that people make all the problems themselves. But they seldom think what will happen then. Unfortunately, people nowadays often tell lies, they argue and fight. They make harm to themselves and other people. If I could improve our world the first thing I would do is to stop people fighting. Secondly, I would punish strictly those ones who make crimes. Finally, I would also make a law to protect our nature.
T: Thank you. The next report is connected with the ways of improvement today’s environmental situation. We’ll listen to Mrs. Jackson.
P4: Environmental protection is a key question nowadays. We should create a system of ecological security. Some progress has been made. 159 countries have set up environmental protection agencies. They hold conferences and discuss problems facing ecologically poor region. The international organization Green Peace is also doing much to preserve the environment. Scientists and engineers can find the ways to reduce pollution. Government can pass the laws to protect environment.
P5: I’d like to add. We could improve our world, make it closer to the perfect one. In a perfect world people never argue, so they have no need to fight or make wars. All people work and get a lot of money. So, there is no crime. They don’t tell lies to each other. People in the perfect world always protect future. They travel on foot or by cars without petrol. So, you can often see people riding bicycles. People are healthy they don’t smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs. They always eat healthy food, fruit and vegetables, dairy products.
T: Thank you very much. And now I want you to speak about today’s environmental situation in our city in Salekhard.
P6: Salekhard is our native city. It is very beautiful. But sometimes people pollute it with communal waste. Of course, a special serves control the situation in the city and Salekhard is clean enough especially the central part of it. But if you look at the places of rest around Salekhard you can see a lot of litter everywhere. People usually waste paper, glass, metal and plastic.
Packaging is necessary because it keeps food clean and fresh. But some packaging becomes litter because people just tear and throw it away, or they drop their cigarette packets and cans of drink without a thought. Litter is so dangerous for tundra because it remains there for a long time and poisons the land. Unfortunately, people in our city throw away litter such as cans of drink or cigarette packets. Another great problem in Salekhard is noise and air pollution. The increase of traffic in our city damage health of thousands of people. New oil fields pollute tundra too because they spoil land and water.
T: Thank you very much. And now, dear friends, I’d like you to think how we can save our unique nature, the city we live in, our Yamal. Let’s work in groups.
G1. Our group offers to organize a “a clean-up day” to clear all the litter outside the school. This is our announcement for our school radio.
Hello, our dear classmates. You know that nowadays our planet and our beautiful city need to be protected. And it’s time to make our own contribution into the environment’s protection. We can make our own environmental society. We are going to start our work with a “clean-up day”. Everybody who wants to help our fragile planet and our city to be clean is invited on the 5th of May.
G2. Our group wants to address to all people and give some piece of advice.
Everyone should live protecting and saving the world. All we need is stop polluting the environment. 1. Try to walk or ride a bike more instead of driving a car. Let’s try to live one day a month without cars. 2. Buy unpackaged food. 3. Don’t throw the rubbish away, especially in the places of rest. 4. Be economical in water use. 5. Ask our government to build more recycling centers.
G3. We should address to our local government.
We think that our local government should display signs saying “Take your rubbish home please.”
People should be fined for dropping litter. Some recycling centers should be built on the territory of our region.
Different containers for different kinds of rubbish should be put in the streets.
Rubbish collections should be made more often along our streets and the places of people’s rest. What is also important is that our teachers should broaden our ecological education.
Children should be taught more about protecting the environment. Special groups of volunteers should be organized to protect our nature.
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? Our time is over. Thank you for your work. You work excellently. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful.
Your marks are …
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Звёздный час «Страны, города, улицы».
Цели: развитие интереса к изучению английского языка, воспитание толерантного отношения к иноязычной культуре.
Оборудование: флаги, карточки с названиями стран, картинки с достопримечательностями, кубики с буквами, таблички с номерами.
Ход мероприятия.
Teacher: Good morning, dear children. Today we’ll play the game “Star Hour”. Our topic is countries. We’ll remember the flags, the symbols, the places of interests of different countries.
В игре принимают участие пары учащихся. Для проверки и оценивания заданий выбирается жюри. Выполняя задания различных туров, участники игры за правильные ответы получают звёздочки. Победителем игры считается та пара, которая набрала больше звёздочек.
1 тур.
I want you to answer my questions about flags of the countries. You can see the numbers of the countries with their flags on the blackboard and you’ll use the cards with the numbers on your desks (флаги на доске)
Which flag is called “Stars and stripes?”
On which flag can you see the maple leaf?
Which flag has three stripes: white, blue and red?
Which flag is called “Union Jack?”
On which flag can you see a red hand?
On which flag can you see the black fox?
Which country is situated between Canada and Mexico? Its capital is Washington.
Which country is situated to the west from England? You can see a red dragon on its flag.
Which country is situated in the northern part of Ireland? You can see a red hand on its flag.
Which country is situated on two plains: the Great Russian plain and the West Siberian Plain?
Which country is famous for its hockey teams? Its capital is Ottawa.
Which region is situated in the heart of the Russian arctic zone?
The central square of this city is Red Square.
The residence of the queen is in …
This capital is named in honour of the first president.
The city where Disneyland is located. (Los Angeles)
This city is the youngest in Yamal.
This capital stands on the Polar Circle. (Salekhard)
По окончании первого тура пара, у которой оказалось меньше всего звёздочек выбывает из игры.
2 тур.
The next task is to make up the longest word using the following letters. You will have 2 minutes to do the task. If you have the longest word, you will get a star.
Для того, чтобы определить какие буквы учащиеся могут использовать, учитель рассыпает кубики на столе. Пара, которая составила самое короткое слово, выбывает из игры.
3 тур.
Logical chains.
Look at the blackboard. You can see the words. Find the word, which doesn’t match to the others.
Food (muksun napkin cloudberries )
All these countries are the parts of the UK. (Northern Ireland Australia Wales)
All these cities are capitals. (New York Ottawa London Salekhard)
All these places of interests are in London. (the Tower Obdorski Ostrog Trafalgar Square Buckingham Palace)
All these holidays are celebrated in the English-speaking countries. (Christmas Easter Reindeer Breeder’s Day Halloween)
4 тур.
Учитель зачитывает тексты, описывающие праздники. Каждый раз учитель представляет по два праздника. Названия текстов записаны на доске парами. Учащиеся должны внимательно прослушать тексты и поднять таблички в той последовательности, в которой читал учитель. За каждый правильный вариант ответа учащиеся получают звёздочку.
1 - Independence Day 2 – Christmas Day
1 – Labour Day 2 – Halloween
1 – President’s Day 2 – April Fool’s day
1 – Columbus day 2 – St. Patrick’s day
1 - Reindeer Breeder’s Day 2 – Knaty’s Bear Holiday
A) 1 – Families and friends celebrate this day. Every town and every city has parades, games and sports with prizes. On that day 1776 the United States became independent from England. It was the beginning of a new life.
2 – This is the biggest holiday of the year. Many people enjoy it most of all. The President gives the speech on TV. Parents tell their children that Santa Claus will come to their house at night and leave presents for them.
B) 1 – This is one of the most favourite holidays of the year. Children dress up, shout “Trick or treat’, get sweets, fruit, cakes and people have pumpkins with candles in their windows.
2 – This is the day of rest for workers. There are also parades on this day. The day is the end of the summer.
C) 1- People celebrate this holiday in spring. They make jokes on this day and have a lot of fun.
2 – On this day students and pupils read about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and other American presidents.
D) 1 – You can see the American flag everywhere on this day. People honour the man who was the discoverer of their country.
2 - This holiday is very popular in the cities where there are many people from Ireland. People often wear green on this day. If you don’t wear green, someone may pinch you.
E) 1 – Bear is the main animal in the North. It is the master. So this holiday is celebrated to convince the bear in justice to hunt it. It is considered that the main sacred part on the bear is its nose. Knaty believe that the bear eats and smoke the pipe. So they put tasty things and tobacco in front of bear’s head.
2 – This holiday is very popular with northern people. They celebrate it in spring. The main part of the holiday is reindeer’s race. A lot of young people compete in the national kinds of sport. You can also listen to the national music and songs and see the national dances. You can taste national dishes.
Учитель предлагает составить слова из слова “Satisfaction”. За две минуты ученики, которые вышли в финал составляю слова из данного слова. В финале выигрывает та пара, которая назвала слово последним.
Учитель называет победителей и организует награждение.
Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме «Растительный и животный мир. Красная книга Ямала.
» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 8 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Формирование навыков устной речи по теме «Флора и фауна. Красная книга Ямала». 2.Активизация навыков чтения. 3. Тренировка фонетических и лексических навыков.
Ход урока.
1Организационный момент.
Good morning everyone. (Good morning)
I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too).
How are you? (We are fine, thank you. And what about you?)
What is the date today? What day of the week is it today?
Фонетическая зарядка.
Look at the blackboard. Can you read the words? Put the words into four columns.
T: Look at the words and say what topic we are going to spear about.
P1: We are going to speak about flora and fauna of Yamal.
T: Now let’s read the text about flora and fauna of Yamal.
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the north of the largest in the world West-Siberian lowland. The biggest part of the region is above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts. The whole territory of autonomous region is covered with marshland, lakes and rivers. The fauna is represented by different animals. In tundra and taiga zones if the region we can find polar and brown bear, wolf, polar fox, ermine, wolverine, beaver and some other animals. The northern shore of the region is washed by the Karskoye Sea. It is a place of clear water. There are three kinds of seals, spiky seal, sea hare, Greenland whale, northern dolphin and other sea animals. Some animals inhabiting the land and the water of the region are registered in the International, Russia and Regional Red Books. Rivers and lakes of the region are rich in starlet, muksun, goose, salmon,nelma and other kinds of fish. The region birds are geese, ducks, seagulls, owls, swans and others. The flora world of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is also diverse. It is represented by cedar in the south to mosses and lichen in Arctic Zone. Various berries can be found everywhere: cloudberry, raspberry, great bilberry, cowberry, cranberry.
T: Answer my questions. 1) Where is Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region situated? 2) What is the whole territory of autonomous region covered with? 3) Which animal is the fauna represented by? 4) What sea is the northern shore of the region washed by? 5) Which animals can you find in the Karskoye Sea? 6) What can you say about the flora of our region?
T: Which sentences are true and which are false according to the text?
1. The biggest part of the region is above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts. 2. The whole territory of autonomous region is covered with thick forests, lakes and rivers. 3. The fauna is represented by different animals. 4. The northern shore of the region is washed by the White Sea. 5. Some animals inhabiting the land and the water of the region are registered in the International, Russia and Regional Red Books. 6. The region birds are geese, ducks, seagulls, owls, swans and others. 7. It is represented by palms in the south to maples in Arctic Zone. 8. Various berries can be found everywhere: cloudberry, raspberry, blueberry, cowberry, cranberry.
T: And now fill in the gaps.
can be found is situatedare registered in mosses lichen is represented the Polar Circle is covered and polar and brown bear is washed by are rich in
Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is situated in the north of the largest in the world West-Siberian lowland. The biggest part of the region is above the Polar Circle in the zone of Arctic deserts. The whole territory of autonomous region is covered with marshland, lakes and rivers. The fauna is represented by different animals. In tundra and taiga zones of the region we can find polar and brown bear, wolf, polar fox, ermine, wolverine, beaver and some other animals. The northern shore of the region is washed by the Karskoye Sea. It is a place of clear water. There are three kinds of seals, spiky nerpa, sea hare, Greenland whale, northern dolphin and other sea animals. Some animals inhabiting the land and the water of the region are registered in the International, Russia and Regional Red Books. Rivers and lakes of the region are rich in starlet, muksun, pike, salmon, nelma and other kinds of fish. The region birds are geese, ducks, seagulls, owls, swans and others. The flora world of Yamalo-Nenetsky Autonomous Region is also diverse. It is represented by cedar in the south to mosses and lichen in Arctic Zone. Various berries can be found everywhere: cloudberry, raspberry, blueberry, cowberry, cranberry.
T: Well. And now we’ll try to make up a dialogue about flora and fauna of our region.
Hello, Nina. Nice to see you.
Hello, Tom. Nice to see you too.
What are doing there? I see a lot of books on your table.
Oh, I’m preparing for the report. Tomorrow I’ll tell my classmates about flora and fauna of our region.
Is it interesting? I think it is rather boring. Let’s go for a walk. The weather is fine.
Sorry, I can’t. I must do my homework. The more I read the more interesting information I find.
Really? What new have you found out?
For example, in tundra and taiga zones of the region we can find polar and brown bear, wolf, polar fox, ermine, wolverine, beaver and some other animals.
It sounds interesting. And what about the fish. I like fishing very much.
Rivers and lakes of the region are rich in starlet, muksun, pike, salmon, nelma and other kinds of fish.
Not bad. What books can you recommend me to read? I want to know more about flora and fauna of our region.
Look at them and choose any you like.
Thank you. May I sit here at your table?
O.K. Let’s read together.
T: Your dialogues, please.
Подведение итогов урока.
T: Do you like our lesson today? Our time is over. Thank you for your work. You work excellently. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful.
Your marks are …
The lesson is over. You may be free.Good bye.
Разработка урока для 8 класса по теме «Поле чудес. Известные люди Ямала» с использованием национально регионального компонента. (Биболетова М.З. учебник для 8 класса “Enjoy English”)
1.Повторение изученного материала по теме «Известные люди». 2.Совершенствование навыков устной речи. 3.Тренировка навыков аудирования.
Оборудование: игральные кубики, призы.
Ход урока.
1.Организационный момент
T: Good morning, boys and girls. Today we’ll play the most famous game “The field of Wonders”. Our topic is “Famous people of Yamal”. We’ll have a talk about famous writers, painters, singers, dancers. These are people whom we are proud of. We’ll play in pairs. Please, first three pairs come here. Listen to the rules of the game.
1.Вы бросаете кубик и зарабатываете баллы, которые потом превращаются в призы. Если у вас выпал дубль, то есть два одинаковых числа, то количество ваших баллов удваивается.
2.Вы должны отгадать слово, называя буквы.
3. победителем считается тот, кто первым назовёт всё слово.
T: Let’s start our game but first of all I’d like you to introduce yourself. (I am Helen. I’m 14. I’m from Russia. I’m a pupil if the 8th form. I like to play the piano. I’ve got a lot of friends among my classmates).
Listen to the task, please. You must guess the name of the famous writer.
He was born in the family of reindeer shepherd in tundra. He spent his childhood in tundra helping his parents. He was the eldest son in the family so he had to work hard. When he was a little boy he liked to listen to folk songs and ballads. The boy liked folk - tales about warriors, their heroic exploits best of all. Later a wise folk word became the base of his poetry. He wrote about the history of Yamal, its presence and future, its people, about the Great Patriotic War. He wanted to see his native land beautiful. One of his poems is called “Blossom, my Yamal”. (Laptsuy L.V. – Лапцуй Леонид Васильевич 1932-1982)
Участники игры называют буквы. Ведущий открывает их на доске. Пара игроков, победившая в первом туре, выходит в финал. Во время игры ведущий может задавать участникам следующие вопросы.
- What is your hobby?
- How big is your family?
- How old are?
- Have you got a pet?
T: Now the task for the next participants.
He was born in 1886 in the family of a peasant on the banks of the greatest Russian river Volga. He began to work when he was only 14. In 1921 he joined the navy fleet. Later he became the member of northern expedition. He studied the Arctic Ocean. After his arrival at Salekhard he proved that it is possible to grow vegetables and grain on the Polar Circle. He was awarded by the gold medal for his scientific research in the field of agriculture. One of the streets of Salekhard is named after this scientist. (Chubinin D.M – Чубынин Дмитрий Мартемьянович)
T: I ask the last three pairs to come here.
He is a famous poet and writer. He was born in the family of a fisherman. After finishing school he studied in the Teacher Training College and then in the Pedagogical Institute in Leningrad. He worked as the school headmaster, taught in the Teacher Training College. He began to write at the end of 50s. In his poems he describes the beauty of nature, the hard life of people in the north. Nowadays he is an editor of a famous magazine “Yamalski Meridian” (Rugin R.P – Ругин Роман Прокопьевич 1939)
Задание для зрителей.
Do the puzzle. Find the following words and expressions.
tundra reindeer rare Arctic Zone deer-breeding fur polar lights entertainment mammoth cowberry blueberry cloudberry frozen fish ice sculptures Salekhard stele
Well done! You are the winners.
And now our final game.
He is a painter. He was born in 1955 in Salemal. From his childhood he dreamt to paint the mystery images of nenets legends and fairy tales. He studied painting in Moscow. Living in Salekhard he created a lot of landscapes. His pictures are devoted to different seasons in tundra. In his pictures he teaches to see, understand and love the beauty and severity of tundra. One of his famous pictures is “Sacred place”. He studies mythology, legends and religion of people inhabited tundra. Now he lives and works in Tobolsk. He is a painter, historian and ethnographic. (Lar L.A. – Лар Леонид Алексеевич)
T: Well done. …. have won the final game. You are lucky. Our congratulations.
And now I want to offer you to play a super game. If you win the game, you’ll get a prize. Do you agree to play a super game? I see you are ready to play. You can see three surnames. The main word is the surname of a woman. She is a writer. She describes the modern North. North in your books is not a faraway place. It is a place where people live and work. They love their severe land and are proud of it. (Nerkani A.P. – Неркани Анна Павловна).
The first word on the left is the surname of a famous singer. He began to sing when he studied at school. He graduated from the conservatory in Leningrad. Now he sings Nenets folk songs as well as Russian romances and opera parts. (Lagey G.I.- Лагей Гавриил Ильич).
The second word is the surname of the first national composer. The voice of severe Yamal sounds in his music. He composed a lot of songs and orchestra plays. (Nyaruy S.N. – Няруй Семён Николаевич).
There are seven letters. You can open five of them.
T: Dear friends, we have winners. Let’s congratulate them. And your prize is …
Подведение итогов
T: You worked very well at the lesson. All of you were active and showed good knowledge. Your marks are … Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free. Good-bye.
Урок-игра «Как стать чемпионом».
Летние каникулы.
Будущее нашей планеты, будущее Ямала.
Национальная одежда.
Времена года и погода.
Урок игра «Поле чудес - животные».
Расскажи о Ямале.
Викторина «Мой город сегодня».
Спорт на Ямале. Мой любимый вид спорта.
Урок игра «Аукцион знаний. Прошедшее простое и Настоящее завершённое».
Учимся писать статьи и выпускать газету по теме «Ямал – наш край».
Природа и экология. Конференция по проблемам окружающей среды.
Звёздный час «Страны, города, улицы».
Растительный и животный мир. Красная книга Ямала.
Поле чудес. Известные люди (писатели, художники, музыканты)
Список литературы
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2.Биболетова М.З. Трубанёва Н.Н. Английский у удовольствием. Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. –М, Титул 2010 – 160с.
3. Биболетова М.З. Трубанёва Н.Н. Книга для учителя к учебнику Английский у удовольствием. - М, Титул 2009 – 286с.
4.Биболетова М.З. Трубанёва Н.Н. Английский у удовольствием. Учебник для 8 класса общеобразовательных учреждений. –М, Титул 2010 – 160с.
5. Биболетова М.З. Трубанёва Н.Н. Книга для учителя к учебнику Английский у удовольствием. - М, Титул 2009 – 286с.
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7.Борко Т.И. Галкин В.Т. Еманов А.Г Павлов А.В. Культура народов Ямала. Учебник 5-7 классы. Тюмень: Изд-во Института проблем освоения Севера СО РАН 2002 – 352с.
8.Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке 5-9 классы. - М, Вако 2009 – 144с.
9.Дзюина Е.В. Игровые уроки и внеклассные мероприятия на английском языке 10-11 классы. - М, Вако 2009 – 175с.
10.Дзюина Е.В. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК Биболетовой М.З. Трубанёвой Н.Н. Английский у удовольствием 7 класс - М, Вако 2012 – 368с.
11.Касимова Г.Г. Поурочные разработки по английскому языку к УМК Биболетовой М.З. Трубанёвой Н.Н. Английский у удовольствием 8 класс - М, Вако 2009 – 256с
12.Куриленко Ю.В. 400 тем английского языка для школьников, абитуриентов, студентов и преподавателей. – Ростов-на-Дону 2010 – 608с.
13.Сусой Е.Г. Леонид Лапцуй. Страницы жизни и творчества. – Тюмень 1995 – 80.