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Конспект тематического вечера «Halloween Theatre»

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«Конспект тематического вечера «Halloween Theatre»»




Конспект открытого мероприятия

на тему: «Halloween Theatre»

Автор: педагог


образования Гусева Е.А.

Орел, 2015 г.


Данное мероприятие дает детям возможность на практике применить свои знания, проявить свои творческие способности и в целом способствует повышению мотивации обучающихся к изучению предмета. Предусматривает участие в ней большого количества и детей, и родителей, а по своей структуре является комплексным, так как включает в себя конкурсы, викторины, инсценировки, и многое другое.


Расширять знания о культуре страны изучаемого языка и развивать познавательный интерес к её традициям и обычаям.


  1. Развивать навыки монологической речи обучающихся и артистические способности детей.

  2. Воспитывать ответственность у учащихся.

  3. Расширять словарный запас учащихся.

Оборудование и материалы:

Костюмы: мама, папа, хозяйка-ведьма, фея, 4 кота, 2 эксперта, 6 приведений, баба, дед, корова, лошадь, лиса, поросенок, имбирный человечек

Апельсины, корзина, стол, стулья, «подвал» (камин например), волшебная палка, волшебная книга, метла, котел, рюкзак, доска с магнитами, рисунки (перчатки, когти, лысина, парик, нос, нога, туфля), фломастеры, шарики, река, таз с водой, 1,5 кг яблок.

Ход мероприятия:

Первый ведущий: We begin our traditional Halloween Party! We have a lot of guests who are coming tonight. Welcome to our party!

Второй ведущий: Everybody wants to show his best. Now morning exercise for monsters and witches.

(игра-зарядка с залом, проводит ребенок-участник)


Flap you wings like a big black bat, ( pupils wave their hands)

Arch your back like a witches’ cat, ( pupils arch their backs)

Prowl around like a goblin in a town, ( pupils prowl around)

Dance on tiptoes like a clown, ( pupils dance on tiptoes )

Float through the air like a ghost all about, ( pupils float about )

Now everyone together, let me hear you shout: ( pupils shout )

Happy Halloween!

Второй ведущий: Today we visit the Halloween Theatre. You know that on Halloween you should to tell scared stories. The 1st group has prepared a play which is called “Halloween is coming”. Group which prepared this scene

1 выступающий: Halloween is coming, What will you wear?

2 выступающий.: I might wear a blanket And be a brown bear. 1 выступающий: Halloween is coming,

Who will you meet? 3 выступающий: I might meet a princess Skipping down the street. 1 выступающий: Halloween is coming, What will you do? 4 выступающий К.: I might go trick-or-treating. How about you? 1 выступающий: Halloween is coming, What will you be? 5 выступающий Щ.: I might be a pirate. On the deep blue sea. 1 выступающий Halloween is coming, What will you see? 6 выступающий: I might see a jack-o’-lantern Winking at me. 1 выступающий: Halloween is coming, What will you be? 7 выступающий : It’s a secret, So, wait and see!

Первый ведущий: Let us see who has come today. I see witches, ghosts, pirates, devils, monsters, vampires, princesses, pumpkins, skeletons, spiders, mummies, bats and black cats! Второй ведущий: The parade on Halloween is an old tradition. I invite you all to go out an make a big circle.

(когда все, у кого есть костюмы, встанут и выйдут в круг)

Второй ведущий: Go in a circle, go slow, slow, slow, make wings, fly as a bird, swim as a fish, run as a dog, jump as a frog, go, go go go, go quick, go quick and go slow, tip-toe, tip-toe. Go to your places. Thank you take your places, please. ( sit down, please)

(все садятся на свои места)

Первый ведущий: Now the next story is terrible:Bloody Oranges». Group which prepared this scene.

(выходят участники сценки)

Рассказчик: Once upon a time there was a family. There were four of them: a mother, a father, a son and a daughter. They were having dinner on the 31-st of October. They had already eaten their dinner but suddenly mother realized that she had forgotten to put oranges on the table.

Mother:  Oh, dear! Where are the oranges? I think they are in the cellar. Jane, go to the cellar and bring the oranges.

Рассказчик: Jane goes to the cellar, opens the door and has the feeling that there is somebody in the room, but she does not see anybody. On the shelf she sees the oranges.

Jane: Ah! Here are the oranges!

Рассказчик: But when she wants to take the oranges she hears a strange voice.

Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Рассказчик: Jane is frightened and she runs up to the dinning room.

Jane : I could not find the oranges. Ask Max to bring them!

Mother: Max, go to the cellar and bring the oranges, please.

Max : Of course, Mum. Only those silly girls cannot find the oranges!

Рассказчик: He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them. But he hears the same strange voice.

Voice: Do not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Рассказчик: Max is scared too and he runs upstairs out of the cellar.

Max: I have not brought the oranges. Let father go there!

Mother : : My darling, will you go to the cellar and bring those oranges, please?

Father: OK

Рассказчик: He goes downstairs opens the door and on the shelf he sees the oranges. He wants to take them. But he hears the same strange voice.

Voice :o not take my bloody oranges! Go away!

Father: I am not afraid of you! I need these oranges and I will take them!

Рассказчик: Fifteen minutes passed but nobody came back. Mother, Jane and Max went to the cellar together. They opened the door and on the floor they saw their father with bloody oranges around him. He had eaten them!

Voice: Ha! Ha! Ha!

(все садятся на свои места)

Первый ведущий: Do you like oranges? Yes? No? Then try to put them into the basket!

(Проводится игра «Попади в корзину». См. приложение №1)

Второй ведущий: Witch Winkle. This is Witch Winkle (указывает на участника). This is Wendy. Wilson (указывает на участника), Witch Winkle’s friend. This is a cat of Witch Winlke, called Mulberry (указывает на участника.). And now we are in Witch Winkle’s house, because it is Mulberry’s birthday.

Wendy: Happy birthday, dear Mulberry! This dish is for you!

Mulberry: Thank you!

Witch Winkle: Oh dear! I have forgotten about it! I will cook fish for you tomorrow!

Второй ведущий: : A day passed.

Mulberry: Where is my fish?

Witch Winkle: Oh dear! I have forgotten about it again!

Mulberry: I am hungry and angry! I won’t stay here another minute! (упаковывает свои вещи и уходит).

Witch Winkle: Oh dear! I can’t live without a cat. I am a Witch! A real witch can’t live without a cat! (задумалась) Well! I have to find a new one! I’ll put a notice on the shop window for witch’s cat! (Выходит с плакатом “Cats wanted!”)

3 cats: We want to work for you!

Witch Winkle: I am glad! But you must take a test. It isn’t every cat that can be a witch’s cat. All witch’s cat must be able to ride on a broomstick!

(она пытается с котом пролететь на метле, но первый кот сваливается) Witch Winkle: You haven’t stood the test! (ко второму) This is a powder for making eggs сыплет порошок в котёл) Now stir it gently.

The 2nd cat : That’s easy! (начинает так болтать палкой в котле, что всё разлетается в стороны)

Witch Winkle: Oh no! You haven’t stood the test! (к третьему): Wake up! Get up! You are lazy cat! (тот продолжает спать)

The 3rd cat: Oh, no, no! I want to sleep!

Witch Winkle: Those cats are no use at all! Oh Where is my Mulberry? He knew how to be a witch cat! (плачет) I wish Mulberry would come back!

Wendy: Don’t cry! I try to help you! (идёт к Mulberry) Kitty-kitty! Won’t you come home?

Mulberry: No!

Wendy: (возвращается к Witch Winkle) Give me your magic book. Give me your magic wand. (читает нараспев) Magic wand, please let me see the witch’s cat that’s right for me! (появляется Mulberry )

Witch Winkle: Oh, Mulberry! I’m glad you’ve come back!

Mulberry: I’m happy to see you again! I’m glad to be home!

Witch Winkle: Thank you, Wendy! (коту) I promise I will never forget you again!

(все садятся на свои места)

Второй ведущий: Let us play “Cats and mice”! “I’m a mouse, you are a cat. 1, 2, 3 You catch me!”

(проводится игра с залом «Кошки-мышки»)

Первый ведущий: Do you know how to recognize a Witch when you see one? Listen to our experts:

(выходят 2 эксперта и показывают сценку «Приметы ведьм»)

1 эксперт.: A real witch always wears gloves. (показ) Why? Because she has curvy claws like a cat, and she wears the gloves to hide them.

2 эксперт: But women usually wear gloves in winter when it is cold. This doesn’t help you very much.

1 эксперт: A real witch is always bald. (показ) She always wear a wig to hide her baldness. 2 эксперт: But you can’t pull t the hair of every lady you meet. 1 эксперт.: A real witch has a large nose to smell. 2 эксперт: But how will you go along the streets with a ruler? How will you measure the length of ladies’ noses? It’s impossible! 1 эксперт: One more note. If you are clean you are smelly to a witch. 2 эксперт: If you are dirty a witch can’t smell you!

1 эксперт: A real witch has never toes! She just has feet. The feet have square ends with no toes on them at all.

2 эксперт: And a witch hides her ugly feet into pretty shoes. So every lady in pretty shoes can be a witch!

1 эксперт: And the last. Her spit is blue. (показ) It is like ink. They use it to write with. 2 эксперт: So if a woman writes something using her tongue, she can probably be a witch!

(эксперты уходят)

Второй ведущий: Do you like to draw? Can you draw? Then make a portrait of a monster. Funny monster. I think you’ll be good painters. (У вас получится портрет забавного монстрика.)

Look! They are so funny! What is the best? I think, this one, and this… Well, you shout and stamp to the best portrait! You are a winner!

(проводится игра a «Portrait of a monster» с 10 желающими)

Первый ведущий: Halloween decided to tell scary stories. One of these stories will be told to us by pupils from group. Those who participate, come here, please! The story is called

“In a Dark, Dark Room” 1 ребенок: In a dark, dark wood, there was a dark, dark house. 2 ребенок: And and that dark, dark house there was a dark, dark room. 3 ребенок: And in that dark, dark room, there was a dark, dark chest. 4 ребенок: And in that dark, dark chest there was a dark, 5 ребенок: And on that dark, dark shelf there was a dark, dark box.

6 ребенок: And in that dark dark box, there was -------- A GHOST! I catch you!

(Игра типа «Догонялки» ( Бегство от привидений)

Первый ведущий: Do you like cookies? Второй ведущий: Yes, I do. Why? Do you want to treat me?

Первый ведущий: No. Not now. I want children and you to watch the next sad tale…. “The Gingerbread Man”.

Второй ведущий: The pupils of group 4 will retell us about it.

(Дети, участвующие в сценке выходят)

Рассказчик : Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman.

Old woman : Look! I made a gingerbread man. Now I put him in the oven to bake.

Old man : It will be tasty! I like cookies! (пока они говорят, the Gingerbread man выскакивает из печки и убегает)

Old man and Old woman: Stop! Stop! We want to eat you!

Gingerbread Man: Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t eat me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Рассказчик: Soon the Gingerbread man met a pig.

Pig: Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!

Gingerbread Man : Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Рассказчик: Soon the Gingerbread man met a cow.

Cow: Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!

Gingerbread Man: Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Рассказчик: Soon the Gingerbread man met a horse.

Horse: Stop! Stop! I want to eat you!

Gingerbread Man: Run, run as fast as you can! You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!

Рассказчик: Soon the Gingerbread man came to a river.

Gingerbread Man: Oh, no! I can’t swim! They will catch me! How can I cross the river?

Рассказчик A sly fox saw the Gingerbread man.

Fox: I can help you.

Gingerbread Man: You won’t eat me, won’t you?

Fox: Of course not. I just want to help. Jump on my tail.

Рассказчик: The Gingerbread Man jumped on fox’s tail and the fox started to swim.

Fox: Climb on my back.

Рассказчик: The Gingerbread man climbed on the fox’s back.

Fox: You are too heavy. I am tired. Jump on my nose.

Рассказчик: The Gingerbread man jumped on the fox’s nose. When they got to the river bank, the fox opened his mouth and ate the Gingerbread man up! The end!

(Дети садятся на места)

Второй ведущий: What a sad story! Now I want a little fun! Bobbing for apples. An apple is a traditional English treat for Halloween. Do you like apples? Then try to take it with your teeth. Don’t touch the apple with your hands!

(Со всеми желающими из зала проводится игра «Достань яблоко из воды»)

Первый ведущий: Don’t worry! Our children aren’t afraid of anything. Now they know a lot about Halloween. Can you guess the riddles?

(для отгадок надо каждому дать в руки рисунок,

но показывать его только в случае отгадки)

1 ребенок:

I fly at night,
I hunt by sound,
I live in a cave,
And sleep upside down.
People are scared,
They shouldn’t be.
I eat mice and bugs.
Please, don’t hurt me.

2 ребенок:

Out of the graveyard
Filled with stones,
No hair or skin,
I’m nothing but bones.
What am I? 

3 ребенок:

My door is gone.
My windows cracked.
Ghosts float through walls
And then float back.
You hear strange noises:
Bam, bang, and whack!

4 ребенок:

I like to stay
Just out of the sight.
If you see me,
I might be white.
I float through houses
In the black of night…

5 ребенок:

My face is green,
My laugh is mean.
I hiss and spit,
I ride a broom
On Halloween.
Who am I?

6 ребенок:

My eyes are gold,
My fur is black
And arch my back.  
My claws are sharp.
I might attack!

Второй ведущий: Well done! And do you know the song “Trick or Treat?

(Песня с залом)

Trick or treat, Trick or treat.
Give me something
good to eat.
Apples, peaches, tangerines.
Happy, Happy Halloween. Trick or treat?
Trick or treat, Trick or treat.
Give me something
sweet to eat.
Cookies, chocolate, jelly beans.
Happy, Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat, Trick or treat.
Give me something sour to eat.
Lemons, grapefruits, limes so green.
Happy, Happy Halloween.

Trick or treat, Trick or treat.
Give me something good to eat.
Nuts and candy. Lollipops.
Now it’s time for us to stop.

Первый ведущий: If you sing so well, you’ll get some treat from your parents! Group 1, 2, 3, 4.

Первый ведущий: Our party has come to its end good bye.

Второй ведущий: Happy Halloween!


1. Кузовлев В.П. Учебник английского языка для 5 класса /В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова - Москва «Просвещение» 2002

2. Верещагина И.Н. Книга для чтения к учебнику английского языка для 3 класса - Москва «Просвещение» 1993

3. Сборник аутентичных песен «Game songs» с аудиокассетой- Обнинск: Титул, 1997.

4. Подгорская О.Н., Черничкина Е.К. Предметные недели в школе – Волгоград


5.Лебедева Г.Н. Внеклассные мероприятия по английскому языку в начальной школе

Москва «Глобус» 2008

6. Интернет ресурсы: www. rambler, www. yandex.ru, www. google.ru


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Предмет: Внеурочная работа

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Конспект тематического вечера «Halloween Theatre»

Автор: Гусева Елена Алексеевна

Дата: 31.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 312931

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