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Раздел элективного курса по английскому языку для 10 класса "Мы родом из Миллерово"

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«Раздел элективного курса по английскому языку для 10 класса "Мы родом из Миллерово" »

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к УМК В.П.Кузовлева в 10 кл.

«Мы родом из Миллерово»

Элективный курс, 34 часа

Работу выполнила

учитель английского языка

МБОУ лицея №7

Г. Миллерово Ростовской обл.

Кузнецова Ирина Васильевна

Unit I

The geographical position of Millerovo and its influence on the people’s activities

Task I


Answer the following questions.

  1. Can you explain the word combination “a provincial town”?

  2. How do you understand the phrase “ favourable geographical position”?

  3. What does it mean: “an impressive variety of species”?

  4. Will you explain the phrase “rich mineral resourсes”?

Task II. Read the text:


Millerovo is the largest town in the northern part of Rostov Region, it is the largest administrative centre and at the same time it is a District centre with the population of 37.7 thousand people. The population of the District is 72.4 thousand people. The total area of the district is 3.9 thousand sq. km. Millerovo is about 900 km to the south from Moscow, the capital of the Russian Federation and 218 km to the north from its regional centre, Rostov-on-Don. The District borders on Chertkovo District in the north, Kashary District in the east, Tarasovka District in the south and the Ukraine in the west.

This quiet provincial town is beautiful for the greenness of its streets, its bushy alleys. You are sure to enjoy the fresh air, nice green lawns and neat flower-beds. The central street is Lenin Street, it is not long, but wide and nice, especially in spring when the chestnut and lime trees are in full blossom. The town has a specific southern atmosphere and its own rich and interesting history.

The Glubokaya River which is the left tributary of the Severskiy Donets is running through the town, but it is neither deep nor long.

The geographical position of Millerovo is rather favourable due to the highway “Don-4” and the railway lines connecting the central and the southern parts of Russia. The railway station is a very busy place with plenty of passenger and freight trains passing through the town every day.

As Rostov Region is a hilly plain, the largest part of Millerovo District is covered with borderless steppes. The forests are not thick, but the variety of species is impressive: oaks, maples, elms, ash-trees, sloes, willows, sweetbriers, hawthorns, buckthorns and poplars.

Millerovo District is rich in mineral resources, especially in building materials. Chalk, different kinds of sands are found here. The sands deposits amount to 53 mln tons. There are also large deposits of coal.

The sand-pit

The climate of the district can be described as mild. Millerovo enjoys four distinct seasons. Winter has cold days, but the temperature seldom is below -20°C. Spring and autumn are delightful. July and August are the hottest months in Millerovo, with maximum temperature reaching +40° C.

Millerovo is a rich agricultural and processing centre of the Northern Don, specializing on growing and processing grain and oil crops and domestic animal breeding. Due to the geographical position of the District, its mild climate and plenty of arable land most of the people are employed in agriculture. Such crops as wheat, barley, oats are also grown here.

The economy of Millerovo District is based both on industry and agriculture, and such industries as agricultural machine-building, metal-working, mining and chemical are developed.

Task III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Millerovo situated?

2. How is it connected with the capital of Rostov Region – Rostov-on-Don?

3. What is the total area of the District?

4. Due to what facts is its geographical position considered to be favourable?

5. What regions and territories does the District border on?

6. What is specific about its nature and climate?

7. What are the main natural riches of the District?

8. Do you agree that the nature is beautiful?

9. Thanks to what facts is agriculture developed in the District?

10. What does the proverb “There is no place like home” mean to you?

Task IV. Choose the correct preposition to fill in the gaps:

  1. The territory of the district is covered … steppes.

(a-by, b-with, c-of)

  1. Not all the countries are rich … mineral resources.

(a-in, b-without, c-about)

  1. It is an important administrative centre, and … the same time, a centre of a big agricultural district.

(a-by, b-in, c-at)

  1. Plenty of passenger and freight trains pass … the town every day both to the north and to the south.

(a-through, b-along, c-by)

  1. Due to the railway line the development of the district speeded up.

(a-out, b-of, c-to)

Task V. Read about Russia’s national symbols. Fill in the gaps in the following text with an appropriate word from the box. There is one extra word which you do not need to use.

horizontal Coat of Arms power means lower eagle ancient state symbolize made up approved Parliament

equal sovereignty Flag upper according to

The National (1)________of the Russian Federation is a two-headed (2)_____which is the most (3)______ symbol of Russia. It is an official (4)________symbol of the Russian Federation. The two heads of the eagle (5)_________that Russia is (6)_______of two parts – European and Asian, and they are of (7)________importance for the country. The three crowns above the eagles’ heads symbolize the (8)_________ of the Russian Federation and its parts, the subjects of the Federation.

The State (9)______ of the Russian Federation is an official symbol of state (10)________. The three-coloured Russian national flag is made up of three equal (11)________stripes – white, blue and red. The (12)________red stripe symbolizes the Earth, the blue one – the sky, and the (13)______white stripe (14)_________the world of God. At the same time, (15)________the Russian tradition, white colour means nobility, blue - honesty, red – courage and love. All these symbols have been (16)________by the Federal Assembly.


Like many different regions of Russia,

Millerovo district has its own emblem

and flag.

Describe your district emblem and flag.

Use the words: symbolizes, means, is

used to show, is typical, is placed,

the symbol of.

Task VII. Answer the following questions:

  1. Have you ever been a tourist?

  2. Was your tour a success?

  3. What factors influenced it?

  4. What are the advantages or disadvantages of a guided tour?

  5. What should the guide bear in mind?

  6. Do you find it easy or difficult to prepare a sightseeing tour around the town?

Task VIII. Where can you get information about the town? Buy souvenirs? See historical sights? Complete the town guide with information about Millerovo:


Clothing Stores

Souvenir Stores

Inexpensive Restaurants

Historical Sights

Sports Facilities


Compare your town guide in groups. Ask these questions and your own questions. Add any additional or interesting information to your guide.

  • Where can you get information about the town?

  • Where’s a good place to buy souvenirs?

  • Where’s an inexpensive place to eat?

  • What historical sights should you visit?

  • Where’s a place to shop for clothes?

  • Where’s a popular place to do aerobics, to go in for sports?

Task X. ROLE PLAY “The district I live in”.

Student A: Imagine you are planning to visit Student’s B hometown. Ask questions to get more information using the ones below or your own questions.

Student B: Answer Student A’s questions about your hometown and the district you live in.

What’s your town like?

How large is it?

What part of Millerovo do you live in?

What is your district known for?

Do you like living there? Why not?

What are the advantages or disadvantages of living there?

What historically significant places of your district should be seen?

(Use the following words and expressions: clean, crowded, easy to get around, very convenient, stressful / quiet life, exciting, boring, a bus station, safe, noisy, terrible traffic, easy to park, a сhemist’s shop , a music store, a barber shop, a clothing store, a post office, a shopping centre, a gas station, a café, …)

Task XI. Imagine that you are a guide and make a tour around the district you live in using the expressions below. Remember that any description is part fact and part opinion.

  • …can be described as…

  • It includes…

  • There is/are…

  • …must be seen…

  • You can see/find/enjoy…

  • One of the main reasons I like it…

  • There is/are also…

  • …was built/created/opened…


The students are divided into groups and choose a project they’d like to do:

  • Welcome to my hometown”.

  • The district I live in”.

Read the task:

  • Make a list of headings under which you would like to describe your town/your district.

  • Collect interesting and fascinating information for each part.

  • Illustrate your information with colourful maps, photos and pictures.

  • Present your projects and answer your classmates’ questions about your ideas and choice.

  • Discuss your projects and decide which project is the best/the most interesting/original/creative and well-illustrated.

Here are some phrases you can use in your project:

-The title of my project is…

- I’ve chosen this project because…

- I’m interested in…

- I’m keen on…

-The topic seems to be…

-I want to describe…

- I’ve learned a lot about…/-I know for sure that…

-I’d like to start with…/As you know…

- I want to draw your attention to…

- The problem of the project is…

-Besides, I like to add…

- It should be mentioned that…

-What I mean is…

-To finish up…

-To sum everything up…

-In conclusion, I should say…


Here are some phrases you can use while discussing your project:

-Can I ask you a question?

-Can/could you explain why…

-Why is it that…

-Does it mean…

- Sorry, but I didn’t get…

Here are some phrases you can use to give your opinion about your classmates’ projects and give reasons:

-In my view/opinion…

-Personally, I think…

-It seems to me…

-Well, I should say…

- Don’t you think…

-The way I see it…

-On the one hand…

-On the other hand…

-I see what you mean but…

-I absolutely/completely agree that…

-I’m not sure but I think that…

-I wouldn’t agree that…

-Probably it’s true but I think that…

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Предмет: Русский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Раздел элективного курса по английскому языку для 10 класса "Мы родом из Миллерово"

Автор: Кузнецова Ирина Васильевна

Дата: 27.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 192163

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