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Polylinguism is the way to success

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«Polylinguism is the way to success»


Polylinguism is the way to success

The problem of polylinguism in the modern education system is becoming more relevant due to the ongoing social and economic changes in the state and the world. All this on the whole causes a need for a large number of citizens who are practically and professionally multilingual.

   Education in Kazakh, Russian and English contributes to the development of communication skills of students. Moreover, teaching in three languages, and, as a result, possessing them perfectly, will help students to become familiar with the culture and traditions of different nations. In turn, polylingual education is a focused, organized, normalized triune process of training, educating and developing an individual as a multilingual personality based on the simultaneous acquisition of several languages ​​as a “fragment” of the socially significant experience of humanity embodied in language knowledge and skills, language and speech activity and also in the emotional value attitude to languages ​​and cultures.

As for Kazakhstan, the idea of ​​a trinity of languages ​​is especially important, since it is an answer to the challenge of time. The integration of Kazakhstan into the world community today depends on the awareness and realization of simple truth: the world is open to anyone who can acquire new knowledge through mastering dominant languages. Studying languages ​​expands a person’s outlook, contributes to his all-round development, supports the formation of an attitude towards tolerance and a three-dimensional vision of the world. One of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century, Ludwig Wittgenstein, said: “The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world.” And just polylingualism can consolidate Kazakhstan’s competitiveness.

But as it is known, every idea has supporters and opponents, and this one is no exception. The opinion of the people on the initiative of trilingualism is divided.

Some believe the introduction of trilingualism is a threat to the cultural integrity of Kazakhstan. People fear that in real circumstances, teaching in foreign languages ​​will negate the meaning of native language. As a result - the loss of national identity.

Perhaps pupils, studying several languages ​​at once, cannot clearly express their thoughts in any of them. Would it not be better to focus on the spread and strengthening of the Kazakh language?

Others see in the new language policy a good idea that promises prospects for the future of Kazakhstan. If Kazakhs are fluent in English, Russian and native languages, this will make them more competitive in the global labor market. At the same time, it will preserve and strengthen the centuries-old cultural traditions.

Another part of people agrees that English is important, but they do not think that it is necessary to raise the level of his knowledge in such a way. They are of the opinion that, first, everyone needs to tighten up the Kazakh and Russian languages, and afterwards take up the speech of Albion.

Who is right and who is not? Only time and experience can judge. However, we must be sure that the education of Kazakhstan needs changes. Perhaps the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Trilingualism is a promising idea, but in order not to be disappointed in it, we should think properly and makeup the plan of its realization. It seems very simple, but in other hand…

Wait and see. We hope everything will turn out well, and the Kazakh language will not only suffer, but will strengthen its meaning.

Vassilenko T.V.

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Polylinguism is the way to success

Автор: Василенко Татьяна Валерьевна

Дата: 15.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 490882

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