The Present Simple Tense
1. Переведи слова с русского на английский.
1) помогать маме; 2) накрывать на стол; 3) кормить питомца; 4) выгуливать собаку.
2. Добавь -s(-es) к глаголам. Запиши в тетрадь.
to play ________
to swim ____________
to like _____________
to come ____________
to go ___________
to listen _______________
to speak _______________
to live ____________
to walk _____________
to feed _____________
to lay _____________
to tidy ________________
to do _____________
to ski _______________
to watch ____________________
to dance ________________
to brush _____________________
to help __________________
to work ____________________
to run __________________
to fly ________________
3.Вставь в пропуски вспомогательные глаголы do или does. Дай краткие ответы на вопросы. Запиши предложения в тетрадь.
_____ you help your mum? – Yes, _________ .
_____ she walk her dog? – No, ___________ .
_____ he lay the table? – No, ___________ .
_____ they feed their pet? – Yes, ______________ .
_____ you get up at 7 o’clock? – No, __________ .
_____ your brother brush his teeth every day? – Yes, __________ .
_____ you wash your hands every morning? – Yes, __________.
_____ your aunt draw? – No, __________ .
_____ Tom give you an apple every day? – No, _________ .
_____ her parents go to the cinema every week? – Yes, _________ .
_____ you write a letter to Santa Claus? – Yes, ___________ .
_____ you eat dinner at school? – Yes, _________ .
_____ your teacher go to the museum every day? – No, ___________ .
_____ you like coffee? – No, __________ .
4. Поставь глаголы в скобках в форму настоящего времени (Present Simple). Запиши предложения в тетрадь.
1) My family and I (to be) fine.
2) Tom’s friend (not to be) from Britain.
3) Molly (to have) blue eyes.
4) I (to live) in Minsk.
5) His sister (to make) her bed every morning.
6) My cousins (to do) homework in the evening.
7) Her sister (to be) nice.
8) I (not to go) for a walk every day.
9) Mike (to do) homework every day.
10) My friend (to play) computer games in the morning.
11) He (to get) dressed at 10 o’clock.
12) Mike (to tidy) his room every Friday.
13) She usually (to have) dinner at home.
5. Найди ошибки и запиши правильные предложения.
1) His dad don’t do housework.
2) She visits her granny in Saturday.
3) Our dad often washs the car.
4) Polly ride a bike with her sister on Friday.
5) They go to bed in 10 o’clock.
6) Little children often cries.
7) I doesn’t sing well.
8) The weather are fine.
9) This girl read this book every year.
10) It are winter.