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To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Boris Gienko.

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In 1941, with the outbreak of World War II, he was called up for military service and participated as a musician and composer in a song and dance ensemble under the military district.

The article is dedicated to the life and work of People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Boris Gienko.

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«To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Boris Gienko.»

To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Boris Gienko.

Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State University named after Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur (ADU)

(Republic of Uzbekistan, Andijan city, University Street 129, 170100)

Annotation: In 1941, with the outbreak of World War II, he was called up for military service and participated as a musician and composer in a song and dance ensemble under the military district.

The article is dedicated to the life and work of People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Boris Gienko.

Keywords: famous composer, teaching activity, orchestra, people's artist, professor, musicologist, suite-vocalist.

Introduction. The Association of Composers and Composers of Uzbekistan (original name "Union of Composers of Uzbekistan") was established by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of Uzbekistan 193203R in 1938. In order to ideologically and creatively unite composers and musicologists working in the country, the People's Artist of Uzbekistan, famous composer and conductor Tolibjon Sodiqov was officially authorized to form an association. In accordance with the decision of the People's Commissars of the Government of the Republic of February 21, 1940 № 258, the first congress of the Union of Composers of Uzbekistan was held in October 1941.

We all know that Professor Boris Gienko played a key role in the activities of the Union of Composers and Composers of Uzbekistan.

The main part. People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Boris Gienko has dedicated all his creative and teaching activities to the development of music culture of our republic. He made a great contribution to the development of Uzbek music by creating harmonious works in almost all forms and genres.

Gienko Boris Fyodorovich was born on August 8, 1917 in the city of Ordzhonikidze (Dzaudjikau in North Ossetia). Boris started learning to play the piano at the age of six. After the death of his father in 1935, the Gienko family moved to Tashkent. After the opening of the Tashkent State Conservatory in 1936, Boris Gienko was one of the first to enter the composition faculty and studied in the classes of G. Mushel and B. B. Nadezhdin.

During his years at the conservatory, Boris Gienko was interested in the features of Uzbek folk music, studied it, took notes of melodies and songs. He reworked some in a multi-sounding style and wrote plays, poems, overtures, and suites for various instrumental ensembles and orchestras. In particular, in 1938, Boris Gienko was invited to work in the Uzbek Orchestra of Folk Instruments, organized by NN Mironov and AI Petrosyants at the Uzbek Philharmonic, which served to enrich the orchestra's repertoire.

In 1941, with the outbreak of World War II, he was called up for military service and participated as a musician and composer in a song and dance ensemble under the military district. After returning from military service, he taught at the Tashkent Music School named after Hamza. In 1948, the Department of Uzbek Folk Instruments was established at the Tashkent State Conservatory, and Boris Gienko was invited to teach. From 1961 to 2000 he worked at the Department of Composition of the Conservatory as the head of the department, associate professor, professor.

Boris Gienko's works are written for solo instruments, especially for chamber ensembles, symphonies and orchestras of Uzbek folk instruments. His first three-part symphony (1941), his second symphony "Uzbekistan" (1950), his third four-part symphony (1962), his fourth symphony (1973), three-part concerto for piano and symphony orchestra (1976), Karakalpak folk music for cello and symphony orchestra "Concertino" (1978), five-part dramatic sketches for chamber orchestra dedicated to the memory of those killed in World War II (1972), "2000th anniversary of Tashkent" symphony for chamber orchestra (1983), two-part concerto for cello and chamber orchestra (1085), for symphony orchestra: “Khorezm suite”, “Lyrical landscapes of Uzbekistan” suite, symphonic poem “Mirzachul”, overture, violin and wrote a concerto for chamber orchestra, trumpet and concerto for chamber orchestra.

The composer's legacy also includes vocal-symphonic music: the suite-vocal "Noveletta" for voice and orchestra (1967); Vocal poem "Between the troubled years" (words by B.Singaevsky, 1970). Boris Gienko wrote "Concerto" for voice and orchestra in 1972, dedicated to R. Glier. In 1973 he created the work "Fresco" for voice and chamber orchestra.

The music of the Uzbek orchestra of folk instruments has a special place in the work of Boris Gienko. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that in Uzbekistan there is no Russian composer who knows and loves this team better, who can use its potential skillfully and has created so many works. He composed “Uzbek March” (1944), “Five Pamir Folk Songs” (1946), symphony for orchestra and 9 Uzbek folk melodies for orchestra (1947). 1949-1951 two Khorezm folk songs for sound and piano; adapted three Uzbek folk dance tunes for piano; Three romances to the word of H.Olimjon; wrote three Uzbek folk melodies for the Uzbek folk instrument ensemble and piano. "Suite" for orchestra based on Ukrainian folk music (1954); reworked the Karakalpak folk song “Noel” and “Bozatau” for orchestra. In collaboration with the composer A.Sultanov he created a three-part "Karakalpak Suite" for orchestra (1955), "Overture" for the orchestra based on the Pamir folk melody (1958), adapted the melodies of composers N.Hasanov and S.Kalonov to the orchestra (1959). .), adapted Uzbek folk melodies for orchestra, such as "Poem about cotton", "Come around" and "Ul pari" for voice and orchestra (1961), "Overture" for orchestra based on mountain Badakhshan folk melody (1953). , reworked three Karakalpak folk melodies for the orchestra and created an overture "Glorious Holiday" (1967) based on Uzbek folk melodies. "Fantasy" for orchestra on the basis of Hamza melodies, "Concertino" for rubab and orchestra, "Guldasta" suite for orchestra in 1983-1985, "Friendship of Uzbekistan" on the basis of Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Tajik, Turkmen melodies by composer N. Hasanov, "Sozana" He adapted the suites "Let there be a way" and "Azim Daryo" to the orchestra, and created "Symphony" and "Concertino" for the orchestra. He wrote a textbook for students on the orchestra of Uzbek folk instruments (1959).

Boris Gienko made a great contribution to the development of chamber music genres in our country. It should be noted that Boris Gienko showed his skills in the first quartet (1949). In the future, he repeatedly appealed to this genre and created a total of 9 quartets (2- 1959, 3- 1961, 4- 1963, 5 -, 6 - and 7 - 1965, 8- 1987, 9- 1994). Quartets 2-4 were published and were included in the repertoire of ensembles outside the country. Chamber works include two violins, viola, cello and piano quintet, Triptych (1964), 24 preludes for piano (published in 1959, 1969 and 1962), 12 concert miniatures for piano, two concerto for piano, "Clowns" (1979, T., 1981) and other works.

Boris Gienko also created music for the theater. In collaboration with G.Sobitov "Welcome" (Azerbaijani playwright S.Rakhmonov's poem, 1952) and "Tahir and Zuhra" (S.Abdullo's poem. 1953), in collaboration with D.Zokirov "Inextinguishable lights" (A. Bobojonov and M.Muhamedov's poems, 1953), musical ballets "Oynisa" (libretto by T.Litvinova, 1956), "Father's son" (play by H.Sharipov, 1966) in collaboration with F.Sodikov, D In collaboration with Soatkulov, musical dramas such as "Makhtumkuli" (B. Kerbobaev's poem, 1966) and "Gerdaygan rabbit" (S. Mikhalkov's poem), "Two slates" (E. Schwartz's poem) were staged at the Children's Theater named after Y. Akhunboboev. ), "Abroad", "Pavlik Morozov" (Lyubimova's poems); Music will also be performed for the performances "Mystery Box" (Tolipov's and Akhmedov's poems) and "Vasilisa prekrasnaya" (Preobrazhensky's poem based on A. Pushkin's work) staged at the puppet theater.

Conclusion. Boris Gienko created melodies and songs for various instruments and ensembles, designed for each class stage for children’s music school students. In particular, the series "7 sets of pesas", "10 sets of pesas" for piano; According to Yu.Korints, the series "Musical riddles", melodies for violin and cello are noteworthy.

Boris Gienko was awarded the honorary title of "People's Artist of Uzbekistan", orders and medals.

People's Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor Boris Gienko died in 2000.


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To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Boris Gienko.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641261

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