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To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.

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A participant of the Second World War was awarded a number of military orders and medals. In 1990 he was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Artist of Uzbekistan", in 1995 the Medal of Courage and in 1999 the Order of El-Yurt Hurmati, honorary diplomas of the governments of Belarus and Uzbekistan. In 1983 he was awarded the title of associate professor and in 1994 the title of professor.

The article covers the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.

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«To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.»

To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.

To teach students of higher education music life and work of composer Mutal Burhanov.

Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan,)

Annotation: A participant of the Second World War was awarded a number of military orders and medals. In 1990 he was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Artist of Uzbekistan", in 1995 the Medal of Courage and in 1999 the Order of El-Yurt Hurmati, honorary diplomas of the governments of Belarus and Uzbekistan. In 1983 he was awarded the title of associate professor and in 1994 the title of professor.

The article covers the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.

Keywords: musicologist, composers of Uzbekistan, military school, military service, associate professor, professor, head of department, music, music education, conductor,

Introduction. The Association of Composers and Composers of Uzbekistan (original name "Union of Composers of Uzbekistan") was established by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of Uzbekistan 193203R in 1938. In order to ideologically and creatively unite composers and musicologists working in the country, the People's Artist of Uzbekistan, famous composer and conductor Tolibjon Sodiqov was officially authorized to form an association. In accordance with the decision of the People's Commissars of the Government of the Republic of February 21, 1940 № 258, the first congress of the Union of Composers of Uzbekistan was held in October 1941.

The place of musicologist Jabborov Ahmad Hamidovich in the Union of Composers and Composers of Uzbekistan is unique

The main part. Honored Artist of Uzbekistan, Professor of the Department of Musical Oriental Studies of the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan, musicologist Jabborov Ahmad Hamidovich is one of the great figures who makes a significant contribution to the development of musical culture of the republic.

Jabborov Ahmad Hamidovich was born on August 8, 1925 in the city of Namangan. He began his secondary education in 1933. From 1936 he studied piano and music theory at the Children's Music School under the Namangan Music College. In 1942, after completing a two-month course, he was assigned to the military unit as a translator and head of the military unit at No. 12 Secondary School. In 1943, he entered the Kharkiv Infantry Military Academy in Namangan. After graduating in six months, he served in the war until 1945.

Until 1950 he continued his military service at Port Arthur Castle. He returned to Namangan in 1950 and continued his studies at the music theory department of the music school. In 1955, Ahmadjon Jabborov entered the Tashkent State Conservatory, Faculty of Musicology. At the invitation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, he returned to work in Namangan for another year. In addition to studying at the conservatory, he worked as a teacher at a music school until 1961. When he was in the 5th year, he taught Uzbek and Russian groups the history of Uzbek music. He wrote a dissertation on "Uzbek musical drama" under the guidance of Professor Y.B. Packer, successfully graduated in 1960 and remained a teacher at the conservatory. From 1959 to 1974 he worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor at the Department of Music History, from 1974 to 1987 he worked as an associate professor, professor and head of the department at the Tashkent State Institute of Culture named after A. Kadyri. In 1987 he was invited to the Department of Oriental Music of the Conservatory, and until 2009 he taught the history of Uzbek music. In 1961 he was admitted to the Composers' Union.

Ahmadjon Jabborov Dean of the Faculty of Composer and Musicology of the Conservatory in 1961-1963, Executive Secretary of the Union of Composers of Uzbekistan in 1963-1965, Chairman of the Board in 1965-1971, 1971-1975 and 1987-1992, Head of the Main Department of Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan in 1975-1980 worked in positions. In 1965-1980 he was a member of the Ministry of Culture of Uzbekistan, in 1965-1994 a member of the Committee for State Awards in the field of literature and art and a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of Uzbekistan, in 1965-1975 he actively participated in various creative, socio-political, cultural and educational activities.

As a musicologist, Ahmadjon Jabborov has created research and manuals in Uzbek and Russian on the history of Uzbek music, music education, composition, performance and music promotion. Among them: "Composers and musicians of Uzbekistan" (in collaboration with TE Solomonova, G. Gulom, T., 1975); Genres of musical drama and comedy in the works of Uzbek composers (G. Gulom, T., 2000), "Composers and musicologists of Uzbekistan" ("Yangi asr avlodi", T., 2004, supplemented 2nd edition "Composers, composers and musicologists of Uzbekistan" T., 2018) literature, "Manas Leviev" (G. Gulom, T., 1986); Monographs “Shohida Shoymardonova” (T., 2008), “Composer, conductor, Mardon Nasimov” (T., 2010), “Composer Fattoh Nazarov” (G. Gulom, T., 2017).

Articles: "Uzbek musical drama" (Essays on the history of musical culture of Uzbekistan, I collection, "Teacher", Tashkent-1968); «Some problems of Uzbek musical drama» (Вопросы музыкальной културы Узбекистана, II-to'plam, «G.G'ulom», T., 1969), «Uzbekskiy dastan», «Uzbekskaya Muzykalnaya drama i komediya» (Muzykalnaya kultura Uzbekistana, «Muzyka», Moscow, 1981), "Composer's Cake" ("Star of the East" № 12, 1972); «Put k rastsvetu» («Zvezda Vostoka», 10, 1974); "Great mastery" ("Star" №3, 1994); "Songs of a Happy Time" ("Labor and Life" № 4, 1970); Gulistan Magazine № 7, 1971; № 4, 1975; № 10, 1987; "Aydin" magazine, 1974, "Sov O'zbekistoni san'ati", the renamed name of this magazine is "San'at", 7, 1978; №5,1982; №10, 1982; №1, 1983; №2, 1985; №7, 1986; In son 1, 1989 and № 7, 1990; № 7, 1991, 1985 y. The article "Music of Uzbekistan (traditions and innovations)" (Muzyka i obshchestvo) is published in German and in the encyclopedia of Uzbekistan.

«Sov. muzyka ”(1966; 1968; 1971; 1973; 1983), Muzykalnaya akademiya №1,1992“ Druzey i sobesednikov naydi ... ”. About 20 articles have been published in the newspaper "Uzbekistan Madaniyati", "Uzbekistan Adabiyati va Sanati" since 1962. His articles have been published in the newspapers Pravda Vostoka, O'zbekiston Ovozi, Tashkentskaya Pravda, Vecherniy Tashkent, and Tashkent Oqshomi. In 1970-1975, the Information Bulletin, published in Moscow, published articles on the daily life of music culture in Uzbekistan.

In 1970, he conducted television programs about the life and work of composers such as Mutal Burhanov, Manas Leviev, Gafur Kadyrov, Sharif Ramazanov.

Ahmadjon Jabborov wrote programs on the history of Uzbek music and the history of Uzbek music of the XX century at the conservatory and published them in 1967. In 1991 and 2000, he reworked these programs.

Over the years, he has delivered speeches and participated in the IV-V-VI-IX Congresses of the Union of Composers of the former Soviet Union, the annual Plenums, symposiums and conferences on contemporary music. He also took part in various conferences in all republics. He has also addressed the organizing committees of a number of international music congresses and symposiums organized by UNESCO. In particular, “Musical culture of peoples. Traditsii i sovremennost ”(Moscow, 1971) and delivered a speech on“ Music of the East and West ”(evolution of national traditions in the experience of Uzbek music). In 1972 he participated in the International Congress "ISM" in Tunisia "Musical and aesthetic education of children and youth" as the head of the delegation and performing groups. In 1972 he took an active part in the Sofia Music Festival-Symposium in Bulgaria, in 1973 in the organizing committee of the International Conference "Asian Music Tribune" in Almaty. on the subject i symposium was held and it has become a tradition to hold it every five years. In 1967 he took part in the festivals "Prague Music Spring", 1972 "Paris Music Spring", 1991 "Helsinki Music Spring". In 1977 he participated in the III Congress of Mongolian Composers as the head of the delegation and gave a speech. In 1970 he was on a creative journey in India under the direction of the Composers Association.

Conclusion. Ahmadjon Jabborov, a participant of the Second World War, was awarded a number of military orders and medals. In 1990 he was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Artist of Uzbekistan", in 1995 the Medal of Courage and in 1999 the Order of El-Yurt Hurmati, honorary diplomas of the governments of Belarus and Uzbekistan. In 1983 he was awarded the title of associate professor and in 1994 the title of professor.


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To teach higher education music students the life and work of composer Ahmadjon Jabborov.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641259

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