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The importance of electronic media in the process of learning.

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This article discusses the role and importance of e-learning tools and their content in the organization of the educational process, the role and importance of the educational process.

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«The importance of electronic media in the process of learning.»


Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan)

Annotation: This article discusses the role and importance of e-learning tools and their content in the organization of the educational process, the role and importance of the educational process.

Keywords: Electronic textbook, electronic manual, Information-educational tool (ATV).

Introduction. Modern technology is the development of society. Electronic means of organizing the educational process - modern electronic devices, electronic textbooks, electronic manuals, instructions, multimedia tools, reference books and dictionaries, electronic tests and assignments for students, teachers and means for the independent researcher to acquire knowledge and stimulate interest in learning.

An e-learning textbook is a teaching tool for the use of computer-based learning methods that can be used for independent learning and effective learning. The e-textbook uses interactive, non-traditional methods, psychological and pedagogical aspects, modern information technologies, audio and video animations.

The main part. The widespread use of e-textbooks in the design, development and teaching process has become a topical issue as they have become widely used in education. Recently, a variety of e-learning publications have been created, ranging from simple hypertext textbooks to complex distance learning systems. E-textbooks provide a number of conveniences and benefits for the user. any part of the information within the fan is used, saving time and many other conveniences.

Electronic textbooks can be divided into the following types:

• electronic version of the text;

• hypertext electronic version of the book;

• textbook with graphics, tables, pictures and hypertext;

• textbook with animation, sound, graphics, tables, pictures and hypertext; • Textbooks with animation, sound, graphics, tables, pictures, hypertext and test systems.

The main problem with the widespread use of e-textbooks in the educational process is the reading of large amounts of information on a computer screen. To solve this problem, electronic textbooks can be provided in text and audio form. The only difference between the two methods is that they present the same material in different ways.

The text of the e-textbook is presented in the form of material, hypertext, which uses graphics, drawings, diagrams, photography, animation and video.

The e-textbook is delivered to the teacher in the form of a narrator and is accompanied by a slide show. The combined use of audio and video information dramatically increases the effectiveness of teaching.

Electronic manual - focused on a particular subject, partially or completely covering the scope of study of the subject, with extensive coverage of individual chapters and sections and an adaptation block of information, distance learning and a study resource for independent study.

The content of electronic teaching aids includes instructions, multimedia tools, reference books and dictionaries, electronic tests and the main features of assignments.

E-learning materials should have the following features:

• Ensuring high quality education;

• create opportunities for independent learning and self-control;

• use a variety of methods to study information independently;

• develop research skills;

• focus on developing students' creative abilities;

• Unconventional approach to teaching, saving time in studying the material (giving students the opportunity to study at a distance).

Stages of creating e-learning materials

The technology of creating electronic teaching aids is labor-intensive and is developed in collaboration with experienced professors and programmers.

The advent of modern computers and software has made it easier for authors to write, edit, and enrich books. Copies of books are now stored in computer memory as a file, not on paper. However, it is still difficult to deliver this e-book in the form of a Word file. The reasons for this are the same as before. As mentioned above, for the author, only the process of writing a book has accelerated. Some important work has been done to solve this problem. For example, libraries have been equipped with computer rooms, and electronic versions of textbooks have been stored in the memory of these computers. Students were able to use it whenever they wanted.

When conveying information to a reader or listener, it is important to know and be convinced of its characteristics. So, information is one of the tools of education.

Information-educational tool (ATV) is a software-telecommunication resource that provides technological tools for the organization of the educational process, its informational support and documentation of any number of educational institutions on the Internet. Therefore, the main elements of ATV are technological means, sources of information and organizational and methodological support.

In order for ATV to reflect the above, it is necessary to follow it in accordance with certain pedagogical principles. The following pedagogical principles are considered in the creation of ATV information sources: the principle of openness - the ability of the student, the listener to choose the source of information and its availability in the media (book, D, videotape, etc.);

- Multidirectional principle - events and processes are presented from different perspectives;

- The principle of freedom - the ability to select and critically evaluate available information;

-dynamic principle - data is constantly updated;

- The principle of data collection and storage - maintaining an archive of exemplary student and listener work, which can be an electronic library for the next group. In this system, the teaching model changes by nature. It develops through the process of managing the transition between information and knowledge, allowing information to be read. When it becomes global, the institution becomes part of the information resource system. All the knowledge gained goes into the general concepts of the information context. Learns to read independently in this model.

Educational institutions should have their own scientific and information complexes, their staff should master the use of modern information and communication technologies, be able to search, organize, analyze and summarize information, which is a modern requirement. Because for some it is true, for others it is false. In the context of globalization and integration, information, which is more valuable than gold, platinum and jewels, is gaining a worthy place in the world market. Whoever owns the information rules the world, and it's no coincidence that such rumors are repeated over and over again. The first importance of information is to deliver it quickly. To do this, increase the speed and reduce the distance. Morse telegraphy, telephone, radio, television, and the Internet offer great opportunities to achieve the goal. The glass world and the "spider-type" Internet play a major role in the rapid spread of information on the world market. In order to implement ATV in practice, educational institutions need to have a high level of telecommunications, Internet technology, advanced information systems, as well as the ability to create and deliver e-learning materials, e-textbooks.

The use of e-presentations as demonstrations and visual aids in the classroom is a great help to the educator. The presentation of educational material in the form of animations in the electronic presentation facilitates the understanding of the topic and increases visibility. Demonstration slides can also be given to students as handouts.

Students write their thoughts on the slides, giving them the following skills in working with information:

• converting graphic information into text or vice versa;

• formulate conclusions and questions on the topic under discussion;

• Plan your learning activities.

Conclusion. This method allows the teacher to increase the amount of new information, to improve the slides on a particular topic as the level of preparation of students changes.

Methodologically, teacher-student interaction has two types of interactions. The first is the guiding questions that help the student to understand the problem at a certain stage of teaching. The second is to show the ideas and actions that define the problem.


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Предмет: Литература

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The importance of electronic media in the process of learning.

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641272

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