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Specific advantages of using pedagogical technologies in the organization of uzbek language lessons

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This article discusses the use of pedagogical technologies in Uzbek language lessons and the specific advantages of non-traditional lessons.

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«Specific advantages of using pedagogical technologies in the organization of uzbek language lessons»


Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich

Associate Professor of Music Education

Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)

(Republic of Uzbekistan)

Annotation: This article discusses the use of pedagogical technologies in Uzbek language lessons and the specific advantages of non-traditional lessons.

Keywords: pedagogical skills, "BBB" method, "Fifth (sixth, seventh ...) plus" method.

Introduction. We all know that in the 21st century, when development is in full swing, as in all spheres, great achievements have been made in the field of education, which are worthy of praise and pride. In developing education, modern lessons are needed to develop the love of science in the heart of the student in every way and to lead him from knowledge to knowledge. At present, in the field of pedagogy, the terms pedagogical technology, educational technology, teaching technology are often used. To date, in the pedagogical literature, reports on educational problems, official documents, the concepts of "new pedagogical technology", "advanced pedagogical technology", "modern educational technology" have not yet been standardized, as explained in encyclopedias. q, a single interpretation of its content has not been developed and therefore there are many different definitions of the phrase. Pedagogical technology is a field of knowledge through which in the third millennium the state policy in the field of education will be radically changed, the activity of teachers will be renewed, the system of enlightenment, thirst for knowledge, love for the Motherland and Christianity will be formed.

The main part. BBB method. This method can be used to reinforce a previous topic. To do this, in the form of an exhibition, you write on a large poster in the form of a table in the form of a table I know, I want to know, I know. You hand out hlepchat papers to students and ask them what they know about today’s new topic, which they write, read, and paste on a piece of paper on the blackboard that they know. Now you're handing out another piece of paper, carefully choosing as many colors as possible and knowing what you want to know, and thus explaining the new topic as a whole. In this way, you do not repeat what you already know for the student, but organize the lesson by providing new information. For the reader, the topic may seem boring if it is based on repetition. When you give him new knowledge, the student becomes attentive and acquires new knowledge. The use of slides, videos, and live narrations and poems throughout the lesson can also be effective in helping students learn. At the end of the lesson, you will listen to, analyze, and summarize the information you have learned by handing out the hlebchat papers. When you use this method during the lesson, if you pay attention to the seasons-based hlebchat papers, it will bring a lot of joy and happiness to the student. You can use flowers in spring, fruits in autumn, cotton, snowflakes in winter, citrus fruits.

The relevance of using life situations in education:

The application of the Keys-stage teaching method in the study of various situations - from the educational process aimed at organizing the study of typical real-life situations or requiring learners to look for appropriate solutions to relevant problems based on artificially created situations consists of.

This method allows learners to model practical activities to diagnose a relevant life situation, express hypotheses, identify problems, gather additional information, clarify hypotheses, and design specific steps to solve problems.

The use of case studies focuses on real-life situations. When reviewing a case, learners create a learning process. In the process, they interact in a real way. Keys gives learners the freedom to analyze, compare, and solve problems.

A description of some of the key concepts of the case-study method:

The meanings of the terms “case” and “case-stage” are multifaceted, and the following are multivariate definitions to better reflect their key features.

Keys -

1) a description of the situation in which students perform vital tasks for a specific purpose, a set of materials that allow them to understand and evaluate, and to express the problem, to find a solution to it;

2) a set of additional information, audio, video, electronic media, teaching materials on the identified topic or problem and its solution;

3) the work done to solve the problem, their results or conclusions.

Keys-stage -

1) is a method of education based on problem-situational analysis of a real or artificially created situation, which directs learners to express the problem under study and search for appropriate solutions to it.

2) as a means of achieving a predetermined (predictable) learning outcome in the process of achieving the objectives of education in the field of education, information and communication, management and other areas and solving the practical problem situation described in the case is an educational technology that consists of an arranged set of optimal methods and tools.

Situation (Latin situation - situation) - a certain situation, a set of conditions and circumstances that create the situation. The situation described in the case is an ideal reflection of real or artificially constructed events that recreate the typical problems of organizational life in a discrete (at the same time) institutional system (hereinafter - in the enterprise).

Problem situation is a situation in which the subject of the situation is in danger of achieving current or future goals.

History of the case-stage method. The case study was first used in foreign education as a method of teaching based on the analysis and solution of practical situations: it was first used in 1870 at Harvard Law School. In 1920, after Harvard Business School (GBM) teachers chose to analyze and discuss specific situations in economic practice as the main method of teaching, relying on the experience of teaching lawyers, this teaching method began to be widely used.

Since then, GBM has compiled a rich collection of cases and brought this method to the level of an independent concept of education. For this reason, the case-study method is often referred to as the Harvard method. In essence, the Harvard method consists of intensive training of students to solve practical situations using video materials, computers and software.

There are two classic schools of Keys Stadium - Harvard (in America) and Manchester (in Europe). Within Harvard, this method is the only method of teaching the search for the right solution, and the second school (Manchester) offers a variety of solutions to the problem situation described in the case. American cases contain tens of pages of text and many drawings. The size of European cases is slightly smaller.

An average of 25% to 90% of the study time is devoted to the study of typical situations in business schools abroad. For example, in the business school of the University of Chicago, 25% of the study time is spent on cases, at Columbia University - 30%, and at Wharton - 40%. Harvard, its "first inventor", leads in the number of hours devoted to this method of training. The average listener will review up to 700 cases while studying at GBM and will spend up to 90% of their study time doing so.

It should be noted that the share of cases in schools specializing in financial sciences is much lower than in schools specializing in basic sciences - management, marketing, information technology, personnel management, and so on.

In the field of education in our country, the case study is mainly used in the system of retraining and advanced training, especially in the field of management. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the development and implementation of case studies in higher education.

Factors determining the relevance of the case-study method in the educational process. The relevance and necessity of the widespread application of the case-study in the educational practice of the university of economics is due to the following factors:

First, the general direction of economic education in the country is not only the formation of specific knowledge in students, but also the activity of thinking in the audience, the readiness to apply theoretical knowledge in practice and the development of this ability, independence and future professionals. initiative, management, and research in economics are focused on developing the ability to comprehend a wide range of issues related to different aspects. "If you hold a fish in your hand - one day it will be full, and if you teach a person to fish - he will not know what hunger is for the rest of his life" - this is a wise saying of Chinese sages. It is impossible to become a good manager if you do not have the skills and abilities to make management decisions in the audience.

In order to develop their own management policy for their future careers, students need to acquire the skills and abilities to analyze the various situations that arise in the enterprise and the economy as a whole, to develop the ability to analyze, to acquire managerial qualities.

It is true that "advice can be given, but it cannot be taught to use such advice." There is no single, universal style or approach that will allow you to become a successful economist, financier, or manager once you learn.

Students will be able to master the technology of case development, analyze the practical problems presented in the case, individually and collectively to search for optimal solutions to them, the formation of functional competence in the future specialist helps to design its own management and organizational technologies in professional activities, ways to build the logic of the professional process, as well as to develop ways to solve professional tasks independently and mobile.

Second, the market economy needs specialists who have the ability to act rationally and effectively in non-standard situations, to make rational decisions.

The case provides a description of various life situations and is required to observe their consequences or evaluate the effectiveness of the participants ’actions or suggest ways to solve the problem. But in any case, working on a model of practical action is an effective means of shaping the professionally important characteristics required by the labor market of learners - future professionals.

Third, world experience shows that the case-study has a strong impact on the development of social maturity, interest and motivation in reading, training them to become real professionals. The methods and means by which the case-study influences the formation of the professional and socially important qualities of the future specialist are, in our view, convincingly presented in Table 6 below.

The method of "fifth (sixth, seventh ...) surplus"

This method is especially important for students to develop logical thinking skills. In its application, the following actions are taken: the formation of a system of concepts that serve to reveal the essence of the subject under study; to get four (five, six, ...) and one irrelevant concept from the resulting system; assign students the task of identifying a concept that is not relevant to the topic and removing it from the system; encourage students to comment on the nature of their actions (in order to reinforce the topic, students should be asked to comment on the concepts that remain in the system and to justify the logical connections between them).

This method requires students to think analytically about the topic (or section, chapter) being studied, as well as to express the most important basic concepts. For example, if the topic is independent word groups, then the topic can be reinforced in a more understandable and clear way by using a combination of modal words, exclamation and imitation words, and auxiliary word groups.

Conclusion. In short, in the process of pedagogical technology, under the guidance of the teacher, the student learns, learns and masters independently. The implementation of this activity includes the processes of organizing, conducting, improving, analyzing, researching, comparing, summarizing, drawing conclusions, managing, monitoring, evaluating. There are a number of educational achievements that can be made by organizing modern classes.


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Specific advantages of using pedagogical technologies in the organization of uzbek language lessons

Автор: Ашуров Маъруфжон Абдумуталибович

Дата: 04.12.2023

Номер свидетельства: 641279

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