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«Five important initiatives - our owners are on the way to the future.»
Marufjon Ashurov Abdumutalibovich
Associate Professor of Music Education
Andijan State Pedagogical Institute (ADPI)
(Republic of Uzbekistan)
Annotation: In this article, we comment on the five important initiatives put forward by the President and the work being done in this direction.
Keywords: youth, initiative, caravan of enlightenment, youth club, reader competition
Introduction. We all know that 30% of the population of our country is between 14 and 30 years old. Modern conditions and opportunities have been created for them to get an education and acquire a profession. At the same time, the organization of meaningful leisure time for young people has become one of the most pressing issues. Under the chairmanship of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev on March 19 last year, to pay more attention to youth, to involve the younger generation in culture, arts, physical culture and sports, to form in them the ability to use information technology, youth Emphasizing that the promotion of reading, employment of women, social, spiritual and educational work on the basis of the new system is the highest priority, had driven.
The main part. The first initiative aims to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other arts, to reveal their talents.
The video conference chaired by the head of state yesterday focused on strengthening the attention to our youth, attracting them to culture, arts, physical culture and sports, developing skills in the use of information technology among young people. Emphasis was placed on promoting reading and increasing women's employment.
In today's world, where various conflicts are escalating, time has shown that it is more important than ever to strengthen the spiritual immunity of our youth and to spend their free time meaningfully.
That is why the 5 important initiatives put forward by the President are important.
It is known that the head of state put forward 5 important initiatives to organize the work in the social, spiritual and educational spheres on the basis of the new system.
The first initiative serves to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other types of art, to reveal their talents.
The second initiative is aimed at creating the necessary conditions for young people to exercise and show their abilities in sports.
The third initiative is aimed at promoting the effective use of computer technology and the Internet among the population and youth.
The fourth initiative is aimed at raising the morale of young people and organizing systematic work to promote reading among them.
The fifth initiative addresses the issue of women's employment.
During the President's working visit to Syrdarya and Namangan regions this year, several hundred thousand copies of fiction were delivered to district and city libraries in these regions. The "Caravan of Enlightenment" was organized. 25,000 books, 80 types of sports equipment and musical instruments were delivered to young people.
These 5 initiatives were met with great interest by the general public. Now the issues of wide introduction of this experience in all regions of the country have been discussed.
The Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Public Education, together with the authorities, have been tasked to establish an additional 1,500 clubs in cultural centers and secondary schools in districts and cities, based on the interests of young people.
It was noted that with the involvement of talented young people and local sponsors, it is necessary to establish amateur art groups, youth theater studios and "Youth Clubs" in cultural centers.
Given the good results of bringing together well-known artists and talented artists as facilitators of cultural activities in the districts, instructions were given to spread the experience throughout the country. According to him, well-known artists will be assigned to districts and cities as creative consultants, who will be responsible for the development of culture and art in those areas, and district and city mayors will provide financial and organizational support.
Attention was also paid to the issue of increasing the number of highly educated people in the field of music and art.
The Ministries of Higher and Secondary Special Education and Public Education have been instructed to organize field trips on specific topics to museums, historical monuments, shrines and theaters.
While discussing the issues of the second initiative, it was noted that there are more than 12,000 sports facilities in the country, but the level of coverage of youth in physical culture and mass sports is insufficient. The level of equipping secondary schools with sports equipment is 56% in the country, including 12% in Surkhandarya region, 14% in Khorezm and 15% in Karakalpakstan.
The meeting identified measures to involve young people in physical culture and sports.
The deputy mayors of districts and cities on youth issues were instructed to study the interest of young people in sports and the level of equipment of sports facilities, make recommendations on this basis, and determine the source of funding for their implementation in the Cabinet of Ministers.
It was noted that in remote and remote villages it is necessary to build small gyms and artificial turf from lightweight sandwich panels, to allocate land for entrepreneurs to build sports facilities. The NBU will provide soft loans to such entrepreneurs under the Youth is Our Future program.
It was noted that the appointment of well-known athletes who have won international competitions as leaders in local sports schools, as well as targeted training of athletes in special correspondence departments of higher education institutions will give good results. Tasks have been set to increase the number of sports schools for children and teenagers.
The video conference also focused on protecting young people from harmful attacks on the Internet and educating them on the effective use of information technology.
The second initiative is aimed at physical training of young people, creating the necessary conditions for them to show their abilities in sports.
The third initiative is aimed at promoting the effective use of computer technology and the Internet among the population and youth.
The fourth initiative is aimed at raising the morale of young people and organizing systematic work to promote reading among them.
The fifth initiative addresses the issue of women's employment.
These five initiatives have been met with great interest by our people, especially our youth. This noble idea was launched during the visit of our President to the Syrdarya region, and in a short time great work has been done. District and city libraries in the region received 300,000 copies of fiction. Music and art schools have been provided with musical instruments and sports facilities.
The "Caravan of Enlightenment" was organized in Namangan region. 25,000 books, 80 types of sports equipment and musical instruments were delivered to young people.
The head of state studied the material and technical base of local cultural centers, music and art schools and the state of their use, and gave instructions to the responsible leaders to improve their activities.
This is evidenced by the fact that amateur art groups, youth theater studios and "Youth Clubs" have been established in cultural centers with the participation of enterprising talented young people and local sponsors. In addition, the role of sports in the formation of our youth as a harmoniously developed person is invaluable. In this regard, the level of interest in sports and the level of equipment of sports facilities in our district is being studied and sufficient measures are being taken.
Today, in our schools, measures are being developed to provide all computer classrooms with modern technologies and high-speed Internet by 2021 to develop information technology and communications - the establishment of digital technology training centers. This includes the establishment of computer game centers, which should include test quizzes, development strategies and other useful programs to expand the knowledge and outlook of children and youth.
Awakening in young people a love for books from an early age, the formation of independent thinking and a broad outlook will be a solid foundation for their lives. Due to the pandemic, the students took part in the above-mentioned events at the initiative of the Youth Union at home in the projects "Reader father", "Reader mother", "Reader youth", "Quarantine without panic", "Five initiatives at home". It is no exaggeration to say that Olimjonova Laylokhon, 10th grader Kirgizbaev Muhammadkadir and 11th graders Madaminjonov Hasanboy, Madaminjonov Husanboy took part in these projects and competitions and took honorable 1-2-3 places. 'a will not.
According to the fifth paragraph of the initiative, the President stressed the need to organize work in two shifts in enterprises, given the large number of jobs in order to employ women. Akhmedova Saodatkhon, a resident of Kamolot Street, Mehnatobod MFY, was employed to provide employment for women.
Conclusion. We will do our best to justify the high confidence expressed by our President in the leaders of the Youth Union, as well as to help the next generation to fly to the skies.
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