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«Гимнастикалык жаттыгуларды дамыту»
Форма проведения: игра-соревнование.
Цели игры:
1.Развивать неподготовленную речь учащихся.
2.Развивать креативные способности учащихся.
3.Воспитывать интерес к изучению предмета.
4.Обобщить страноведческие знания учащихся, полученные на уроках английского языка.
Развивающие задачи:
1.Развивать и тренировать внимание, память, мышление, воображение.
Воспитательные задачи:
1. Воспитывать уважение к культуре своей страны и стран изучаемого языка.
Ход урока.
1.Организационное начало урока.
Good day children. Today we have an unusual lesson. It is a game-lesson, which is called “Improve Your English”. You’ll get different tasks and for each right answer you’ll get points. At the end of our lesson, the most active pupils will get excellent marks. So let’s start our game.
2.Основной этап.
And now we come to the 1st contest of the game called “The ABC game”. Children, you’ll get some letters from the English alphabet. You must put the letters in the right order, so as to get the name of the English-speaking country. Four pupils, who will make this task, first, will get 2 points.
(Карточки с буквами: 1. Е, N, G, L, A, N, D. 2. A, M, E, R, I, C, A).
And now we come to the 2nd contest which is called “A magic 5”. Look here please, there are twelve numbers. Each number hides a special task. You’ll choose the number, for the right answer you’ll get 5 points. Solet’sstart.
1) Английский алфавит
2) Назови 5 цветов
3) Посчитай до 10
4) Назовите столицу Англии
5) Любимый напиток англичан
6) Как будет по-английски «яблоко»
7) Как по-английски книга
8) Какой из перечисленных городов не находится в Англии – Лондон, Нью-Йорк, Манчестер?
9) Глава государства в Англии
10) Знаменитый английский писатель-драматург
11) Назови англоговорящие страны
12) Назови 3 животных
The 3rd contest is called “Parts and wholes”. I’ll give you cards with two columns. You should combine these parts so as to get a popular name. Three pupils, who will make this task first and right, can get 4 points.
1. Mickey a) Claus
2. Mary b) Duck
3. Robinson c) Pooh
4. Peter d) Mouse
5. Donald e) Poppins
6. Winny-the- f) Crusoe
7. Santa g) Pan
Our next contest is called “Proverbs and sayings”. Look at the blackboard please. You see a list of words. You should rearrange the words so as to make up a proverb. You have 3 minutes just to think. You can get 5 points for the answer.
1. I, Kazakhstan, from, come. (I come from Kazakhstan).
2. Heads, are, one, than, two, better. (Two heads are better than one).
3. Home, East, is, West, best. (East or West home is best).
Now let’s turn to the second part of our contest, which is called “Welcome to England”. Now I’ll read your some questions and answers, concerning England and you should choose the right variant. You can get one point for the right answer.
1. The capital of England is a) London b) Paris c) Moscow.
2. London stands a) the Volga b) the Mississippi c) the Thames.
3. The symbol of England is a) a red rose b) a tulip c) a daffodil.
4. The English flag is a) blue and white b) red and green c) red and white.
5. The traditional Christmas meal in England is a) roast turkey b) fish and chips c) porridge.
6. The largest clock in Great Britain is a) London Eye b) Big Ben c) the Tower
Now, the last task for today. Tell me please, what sights of London do you know? (Учащиесяназываютдостопримечательности, учительзаписываетнадоске). Very good, and now let’s match these names of sights with the illustrations. (Учитель раздает учащимся иллюстрации с изображением достопримечательностей Лондона, ученики должны соединить изображение с названием).
It’s a pity, but our game has just finished. Thank you for taking an active part in the game. You know a lot about England. Now, count your points and tell me your results. (Ученики набравшие, наибольшее количество очков получают отличные оценки, остальные оцениваются по активности в игре).
There is a big house in the middle of the picture. The house is yellow with a red roof. There are two windows in the house and one door. To the left of the house there is a green tree. To the right of the house there are two flowers. One flower is red, the second flower is blue. Under the tree there is a black dog. In the tree there is a fat grey cat.
Text 2.
This is a very tall thin man. He is wearing a brown suit and a white shirt with a tie. His boots are yellow. His face is long. He has a long nose, thin lips and blue eyes. He is wearing glasses. He has no beard. His hair is dark and short.
In his right hand the man is holding a black case and in his left hand he has a big book.
Конкурсы для болельщиков.
1). Собери слова. Sub/ject, by h/eart, respon/sible, endan/gered, take c/are of, ani/mal, elep/hant, accomo/dation, head t/eacher ,mus/eum.