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Measuring current and voltage

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8 сыныпта физика пәнін ағылшын тілде өтуге байланысты ток күші, кернеу тақырыптарына ағылшын тілінде презентация.

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«Measuring current and voltage»

Electric circuit. Voltage.  Electric current

Electric circuit. Voltage. Electric current

You will: use schematical drawing of elements of electric circuit to draw electric circuit; explain physical meaning of voltage and its unit of measurement; explain conditions for production of electric current электр схемасын графикалық бейнелеуде электр тізбегі элементтерінің шартты белгілерін қолдану; кернеудің физикалық мағынасын, оның өлшем бірлігін түсіндіру

You will:

  • use schematical drawing of elements of electric circuit to draw electric circuit;
  • explain physical meaning of voltage and its unit of measurement;
  • explain conditions for production of electric current электр схемасын графикалық бейнелеуде электр тізбегі элементтерінің шартты белгілерін қолдану; кернеудің физикалық мағынасын, оның өлшем бірлігін түсіндіру

Terminology Electric circuit – электр тізбегі / электрическая цепь Circuit diagram – тізбектін сұлбасы / схема цепи Voltage - кернеу / напряжение Switch – кілт (қосқыш) / выключатель Bulb/Lamp – шам / лампочка Cell/Battery – батарея / батарея Resistor – электр кедергісі / электрическое сопротивление / резистор Conducting wire – өткізгіш сым / проводник Electric current - ток күші Source of electricity – ток көзі


Electric circuit – электр тізбегі / электрическая цепь

Circuit diagram – тізбектін сұлбасы / схема цепи

Voltage - кернеу / напряжение

Switch – кілт (қосқыш) / выключатель

Bulb/Lamp – шам / лампочка

Cell/Battery – батарея / батарея

Resistor – электр кедергісі / электрическое сопротивление / резистор

Conducting wire – өткізгіш сым / проводник

Electric current - ток күші

Source of electricity – ток көзі

Simple circuit The closed path through which the electrons flow is called an electric circuit . https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html

Simple circuit

The closed path through which the electrons flow is called an electric circuit .


Some terminology

Some terminology

Measuring electric current We use ammeter (ampermeter) to measure electric current. It is connected in series to circuit so that all charge pass through it.

Measuring electric current

We use ammeter (ampermeter) to measure electric current.

It is connected in series to circuit so that all charge pass through it.

Potential difference: Voltage Potential difference shows the energy supplied to the charges. It is very different from current. Play this to find how voltage and current are related to each other.  https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html

Potential difference: Voltage

Potential difference shows the energy supplied to the charges.

It is very different from current.

Play this to find how voltage and current are related to each other.


Experiment time Now set up a simple circuit with two bulbs as shown in the figures below. Measure the voltage across each bulb and note them in the table. Discussion: Compare the readings. Are they equal? Why? https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html

Experiment time

Now set up a simple circuit with two bulbs as shown in the figures below. Measure the voltage across each bulb and note them in the table.

Discussion: Compare the readings. Are they equal? Why?


Home work  Play  https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html

Home work

Play https://phet.colorado.edu/sims/html/circuit-construction-kit-dc/latest/circuit-construction-kit-dc_en.html

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Предмет: Физика

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Measuring current and voltage

Автор: Сағынбекова Лаура Нұрланқызы

Дата: 23.01.2019

Номер свидетельства: 496815

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