1.Тәрбиелік/воспитательная/educational: attitude to the culture of English speaking countries
2.Дамытушылық/ развивающая/ developmental: to develop cognitive activity of children
3.Оқыту/обучющая/ learning: to learn vocabulary on the topic, sing a song
Педагогикалық технологиялар /пед.технологии/ pedagogical technologies:
Ресурстармен қамтамасыз ету/Ресурсное обеспечение/ resource provision: audio equipment, multimedia equipment, didactic material
Ұйымдастырылған оқу қызметінің барысы/Ход занятий/ The course organized educational activity:
І.Ұйымдастырушылық кезеңі/организационный момент/ organization moment (2 мин)
Greeting (children)
How are you?
Потренируем язычок! (дети повторяют за педагогом скороговорку сначала очень медленно, растягивая слоги, затем в более быстром темпе)
Daddy draws doors.
Fat frogs flying past fast.
ІІ. Негізі бөлімі/основная часть/main part
Let’s look out of the window. What is the weather like today? Is it cold? Is it snowing? – дети смотрят в окно и отвечают на вопросы учителя в зависимости от погоды.
Speak about winter
Look, we have got a guest!
Это что за супермен?
Он из снега!-Snowman
Learn winter activities
Play snowballs
Play hockey
Can you draw a snowman? Don’t forget about a funny hat and a nose.
Look! We have a snowman!
He is tall and fat.
He has a carrot in his nose
He has a funny hat.
4. Let’s move
Watch a video and do exercises
5.Let’s play
Children: We will make a snowman,
Big and round, big and round
We will put the snowman
On the ground, on the ground
Snowman: Little children make a ring
Make a ring, make a ring
We will dance
And play and sing, play and sing
6. Updating knowledge
Look at the presentation and answer my question
What does snowman do?
7. Sing a song
“10 little snowmen”
ІІІ. Қорытынды/итоговая часть /conclusion(2 мин)
Talk with children: What was our topic? What was new and interesting for you?