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Will it really happen

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Class:5 Date:18.01.2016 Subject:English The aims of the lesson: Educational: introduction of the new theme Will it really happen Developing: to teach pronunciation and new words Bringing- up: to bring up pupils interest to the English The methods of teaching: Speaking, writing, listening, reading The equipment of the lesson: active blackboard, slides The plan of the lesson: I. Organization moment II. Checking up home task III. Warming up IV. Presentation of lesson materials V. Жа?а та?ырыпты бекіту VI. Рефлексия VII. Home task Method: The procedure of the lesson: I. Organization moment a)T: Good afternoon guys P:Good afternoon teacher T:How are you P:We are fine, thank you, And you T:I’m fine today. Take your seats Who is on duty today P: I’m on duty today T: Who is absent? P:All are present T:What day is it today? P: Today is the… T:What date is today ? P:Today is the …. T:What’s the weather like today? P: The weather is cold, windy today II. Checking up home task T: Guys. Let’s check up your home task.What is your home task? P:Our home task is ex … p. T:OK. Sit down please. Is your home task interesting? P:yes, our home task is interesting. III Warming up 3 minutes T:Do you like to sing the song? P:Yes, I like T:Listen to song and repeat, all together Donkey,donkey what do you do? Carry loads for all of you Donkey,donkey what do you eat? Glass, leaves and carrots so sweet Donkey, donkey I love you Thank you for your love, love you too. IV. Presentation of lesson materials Listening activity Work the new word T: Children, open your books at page52 ex 1. You should listened to the audio and learn new words. Listen to me, repeat after me all together. The future- болашак Travel- саяхат Satellite –ступник The moon-ай The sun-кун Planets-галамшар Rocket-зымыран Astronaut-гарышкер Star- ж?лдыз Spaceship-космыстык кеме T:Open your copy book, write down this words. Work the new text T:Children look at the 2 nd exercise, at page ?.Listened to the audio. Read by the roles Mum:Listen!Amy and leo have to go back to Australia Мама:Слушай!Эми и Лео должен вернуться в Австралию Holly: oh no,Will they miss our holidy?It’s in two weeks time Холли: нет,они будут скучать по нашим праздником?Это через две недели Mum:no, they won’t. They’ll be here for another four months. Мама:нет, они не будут. Они будут здесь еще на четыре месяца. Holly:Max did you hear what Mum said? Холли:Макс ты слышал, что сказала мама? Max:yes but look at this magazine. It says there will be super-fast planes and it will take less than five hours to fly from England to Australia Макс:да, но посмотрите на этот журнал. Он говорит, что там будет супер-быстрые самолеты и это займет меньше пяти часов, чтобы лететь из Англии в Австралию Holly: Amazing!That’s very fast!Will it really happen? Холли: Потрясающе!Это очень быстро!Будет ли он действительно произойти? Max:Well,the magazine says it will. So,in the future there won’t be any more long plane journeys Макс:Ну,журнал говорит, что это будет. Так,в будущем не будет никаких больше длинных плоских путешествий Holly:That’s good. Long plane journeys are boring Холли:это хорошо. Самолет долгое путешествие скучно Max:Mum can we go on a super- fast planet to visit Amy and leo in Australia for the weekend? It will only take a few hours! Макс:мама, можно мы пойдем на супер - быстрая планета навестить Эми и Лео в Австралию на выходные? Это займет всего несколько часов! Mum:Well, there aren’t any planes like that yet. But maybe one day! Мама:Ну, нет самолетов подобного. Но может быть, в один день! Ask the guestions When amy and leo have go back to Australia? Will they miss their holiday Are there any super-fast planes now? T: you played the game True or False. Look at the board.Play a version of True or False? With books closed, say a true or false sentence about the story. If children think the sentences is true, they call out true. If they don’t they call out false Say these sentences: Amy and Leo have go to back to Australia (T) They will be here for another two weeks(F) Max and Holly’s holiday is in four months (f) The magazine says there will be super-fast planes (T) Holly think long plane journeys are fun (f) Max wants to go to Australia in a super- fast plane(T) Holly’s mum wants to go in super- fast plane too(f) V. Жа?а та?ырыпты бекіту T:Guys look at the board. What is this ? C:This moon VI)Pефелексия T:Did you like this lesson? P:Yes, like this lesson Giving marks T: … you marks. VII)Hometask T:Your home task work book p …. ex… T:Thank you for your attention! See you next lesson. Good bye.

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«Will it really happen»

Lesson plan




The aims of the lesson:

Educational: introduction of the new theme Will it really happen

Developing: to teach pronunciation and new words

Bringing- up: to bring up pupils interest to the English

The methods of teaching: Speaking, writing, listening, reading

The equipment of the lesson: active blackboard, slides

The plan of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

II. Checking up home task

III. Warming up

IV. Presentation of lesson materials

V. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту

VI. Рефлексия

VII. Home task


The procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment

a)T: Good afternoon guys

P:Good afternoon teacher

T:How are you

P:We are fine, thank you , And you

T:I’m fine today. Take your seats

Who is on duty today

P: I’m on duty today

T: Who is absent?

P:All are present

T:What day is it today?

P: Today is the…

T:What date is today ?

P:Today is the ….

T:What’s the weather like today?

P: The weather is cold, windy today

II. Checking up home task

T: Guys. Let’s check up your home task .What is your home task?

P:Our home task is ex … p..

T:OK.. Sit down please.

Is your home task interesting?

P:yes, our home task is interesting.

III Warming up 3 minutes

T:Do you like to sing the song?

P:Yes, I like

T:Listen to song and repeat, all together

Donkey ,donkey what do you do?

Carry loads for all of you

Donkey ,donkey what do you eat?

Glass, leaves and carrots so sweet

Donkey, donkey I love you

Thank you for your love, love you too.

IV. Presentation of lesson materials

Listening activity

Work the new word

T: Children, open your books at page52 ex 1. You should listened to the audio and learn new words. Listen to me, repeat after me all together.

The future- болашак

Travel- саяхат

Satellite –ступник

The moon-ай

The sun-кун




Star- жұлдыз

Spaceship-космыстык кеме

T:Open your copy book, write down this words.

Work the new text

T:Children look at the 2 nd exercise , at page ғ..Listened to the audio . Read by the roles

Mum:Listen!Amy and leo have to go back to Australia

Мама:Слушай!Эми и Лео должен вернуться в Австралию

Holly: oh no ,Will they miss our holidy?It’s in two weeks time

Холли: нет ,они будут скучать по нашим праздником?Это через две недели

Mum:no, they won’t . They’ll be here for another four months.

Мама:нет, они не будут . Они будут здесь еще на четыре месяца.

Holly:Max did you hear what Mum said?

Холли:Макс ты слышал, что сказала мама?

Max:yes but look at this magazine. It says there will be super-fast planes and it will take less than five hours to fly from England to Australia

Макс:да, но посмотрите на этот журнал. Он говорит, что там будет супер-быстрые самолеты и это займет меньше пяти часов, чтобы лететь из Англии в Австралию

Holly: Amazing!That’s very fast!Will it really happen?

Холли: Потрясающе!Это очень быстро!Будет ли он действительно произойти?

Max:Well,the magazine says it will. So,in the future there won’t be any more long plane journeys

Макс:Ну,журнал говорит, что это будет. Так,в будущем не будет никаких больше длинных плоских путешествий

Holly:That’s good . Long plane journeys are boring

Холли:это хорошо . Самолет долгое путешествие скучно

Max:Mum can we go on a super- fast planet to visit Amy and leo in Australia for the weekend? It will only take a few hours!

Макс:мама, можно мы пойдем на супер - быстрая планета навестить Эми и Лео в Австралию на выходные? Это займет всего несколько часов!

Mum:Well, there aren’t any planes like that yet. But maybe one day!

Мама:Ну, нет самолетов подобного. Но может быть, в один день!

Ask the guestions

When amy and leo have go back to Australia?

Will they miss their holiday

Are there any super-fast planes now?

T: you played the game True or False. Look at the board.Play a version of True or False? With books closed , say a true or false sentence about the story. If children think the sentences is true , they call out true. If they don’t they call out false

Say these sentences:

Amy and Leo have go to back to Australia (T)

They will be here for another two weeks(F)

Max and Holly’s holiday is in four months (f)

The magazine says there will be super-fast planes (T)

Holly think long plane journeys are fun (f)

Max wants to go to Australia in a super- fast plane(T)

Holly’s mum wants to go in super- fast plane too(f)

V. Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту

T:Guys look at the board. What is this ?

C:This moon


T:Did you like this lesson?

P:Yes, like this lesson

Giving marks

T: … you marks..


T:Your home task work book p ….. ex…

T:Thank you for your attention! See you next lesson. Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Will it really happen

Автор: Абай Мадина Мереке?ызы

Дата: 20.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308021

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