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What's your strongest intelligence?

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Lesson plan

Date: 9.02.2016

The theme:What is your strongest intelligence?

Aim: 1. to introduce pupils with the new theme must/mustn’t do not have to

2. Develop their speaking, writing, reading skills, enlarge their vocabulary

3. Bring up them to learn new things, be open to all the happening situations

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Method of the lesson: group work, individual work, work in pairs

Visual aids: active blackboard, color pens, cards and grammar table

  1. Organization moment
  2. Main part

Brainstorming: Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to talk about? What is the topic of our lesson today? 

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«what's your strongest intelligence?»

Lesson plan

Date: 9.02.2016

The theme:What is your strongest intelligence?

Aim: 1. to introduce pupils with the new theme must/mustn’t do not have to

2. Develop their speaking, writing, reading skills, enlarge their vocabulary

3. Bring up them to learn new things, be open to all the happening situations

Type of the lesson: new lesson

Method of the lesson: group work, individual work, work in pairs

Visual aids: active blackboard, color pens, cards and grammar table

  1. Organization moment

  2. Main part

Brainstorming: Look at the picture. What do you think we are going to talk about? What is the topic of our lesson today?

(divide pupils into 3 groups)

1. what is it intelligence?

2. Do you remember things best by seeing, feeling, and hearing? Do list of it. ( өз тобыңда оқушылардың қабілетін жазу)

  1. I remember things best by seeing. I can tell films, describe pictures e.tc.

  2. I remember things best by feeling if I like something I remember it for ages.

  3. I remember things best by hearing. I don’t forget what I listened to

Video and funny test. Now pupil’s today we are going to continue telling about intelligences. Let us come to check up your h/t. Revision of the type of intelligence.


Logical-mathematical intelligence

Verbal intelligence

Musical intelligence

Visual intelligence

Body intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Naturalistic intelligence

c. 1. People with high logical-mathematical intelligence are often good at Math and finding answers to problems.

2. If you have a lot of body intelligence, you are probably good at movement, for example sports and dancing.

3. If you have a lot of visual intelligence, you are probably good at painting and drawing.

4. If you have a lot of Interpersonal intelligence , you are probably good at understanding other people and working with them.

5. People with high musical intelligence are often good at singing or playing a musical instrument.

6. People with good verbal intelligence are usually good speakers and like words.

7. If you enjoy being on your own, you probably have a lot of intrapersonal intelligence.

8. People who have a lot of naturalistic intelligence are good with handling plants and animals.

Reading - Writing . Problem page




Оқушы / Pupil

Ата – ана/ parents

Мұғалім / teacher

Ғалым / scientist

Директор / head-master

Grammar: must / mustn’t vs. don’t have to

 Модальды етістіктен кейінгі мағыналық етістік to- шылауы қолданылмайды. Ex. He must do his homework. She must do it.
Модальді етістіктерден кейін 3-жақтағы жекеше мағыналық етістіктерде - s, ( es) жалғауы болмайды.
Ex. She must do it..
3.”Must’ –қажеттілік пен міндеттемелер тұралы айтқанда айтушының ойы ретінде қолданылады.
Ex. I must cut my hair. You really must work hard.
4. “ Have to”-қажеттілікті заңды ережеге негізделген, міндетті түрде істелуге тиісті істіб әрекеттерді сипаттау үшін қолданылады.Ex. Children have to go to school. ( заң)
You have to wear a Uniform. ( Ереже)
Болымсыз түрде ( mustn’t, don’t have to)
Mustn’t – белгілі іс әрекетті істеуге болмайтындығы
Don’t have to-қажеті жоқтығын айтқанда қолданылады.
Ex. It’ s a secret. You mustn’t tell anybody.

Модальді етістік


Must / mustn’t

Have to / don’t have to

Writing: I’m good at……. I’m bad at ……. What must I do?

  1. Conclusion

It was easy to………

It was difficult to …..

It was interesting to…..

It wasn’t interesting to…….

I’ve learnt …….

  1. Marks

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

what's your strongest intelligence?

Автор: Джалгасбаева Кундыз Бахитжановна

Дата: 24.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 309406

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