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What nice weather! /?андай керемет ауа-райы!/ 6 сынып

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What nice weather!

?андай керемет ауа-райы

М??алім:      Сейтимова Жадыра Измахановна

К?ні:             15.01.2016

Theme of the Lesson:       What nice weather!

Aims:       1. To introduce students with the words about the weather

                     (Та?ырып бойынша лексикалы? ж?не грамматикалы?

                      материалдарды  бекіту)

                 2. To develop pupils’ skills and habits in reading, asking and answering

                     questions, completing the sentences, their abilities in oral and

                     writing speech.

                   (О?ушылар?а а?ылшын тілінде таби?ат ??былыстарын

                      айту?а,жа?а с?здерді,с?з тіркестерін д?рыс ?олдана білуге


                3. To educate pupils to be kind (О?ушыларды с?йлеу м?дениетіне,  

                   адамгершілікке,  жауаптылы??а  т?рбиелеу)

The type of the lesson:    Жа?а саба?.

Method of teaching:      Баяндау, с?ра?-жауап

Aids of the lesson:            о?улы?,  т?рлі-т?сті суреттер, ?лестірмелі


Connection with other subjects: ?аза? тілі, география, орыс тілі

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment. Greeting.

-Good afternoon children. Sit down, please.

-Who is on  duty today?

-What day is it today?

-What  is the weather like today?

-Is it snowing?                             (5 мин)

II. Checking the homework.          (2 мин)

III.  Brainstorming. Answer the questions: 

  1. What date is it today?
  2. What is your name?
  3. What season do you like?
  4. In what country do you live?
  5. When is your birthday?
  6. What season is it now?
  7. What is the weather like today? 
  8. Is it warm or cold today?
  9. Is the sun shining now?               (5 мин)       

IV. New theme.

 Today we will speak about the weather. Open your copy- books and write down the date and the theme of our Lesson. Look at the screen put down the words after me and learn to pronounce these words correctly:  

VIDEO ABOUT WEATHER       (3 мин)         

    Sunny-шуа?ты- солнечный

Rainy- жа?бырлы- дождливый

Windy-желді- ветреный

Snowy-?арлы- снежный

Cloudy-б?лтты- облачный

Foggy- туманный

(С?здерді жеке ж?не хормен айту)                  (5 мин) 

     V. Пысы?тау


Sunny-шуа?ты- солнечный

Rainy- жа?бырлы- дождливый

Windy-желді- ветреный

Snowy-?арлы- снежный

Cloudy-б?лтты- облачный

Foggy- туманный

Exercise 5, page 71       


It is too cold in the winter

The weather is very changeable

It is too windy

There is too much fog in the winter

It is too hot in the summer

There is not enough snow in the winter

There is too much rain

There is not enough rain in the summer

It is not hot enough in the summer                     (5 мин)    


(2 МИН)

Exercise 2, page 69       complete the sentences      

 (карточкамен ж?мыс, о?ушы жауабын о?иды)

  • What is the weather like today?

It is____________________

  • What was it yesterday?

It is____________________

  • What season do you like?
  •                                                        (5 мин)

VI. Бекіту

Translate into English:                                                         

Мен ?ыс мезгілін ?натамын-

Б?гін к?н б?лтты-

Ауа райы ?те желді-

?ыс мезгілі ?те суы? –

Мен ?арды ?натамын-                                                   (аударып, та?та?а жазу)

Match the words- с?здерді с?йкестендір                       (карточка?а орындау)

Hot                                        winter

Nice                                         day

Snow                                       weather

Cold                                         temperature

Sunny                                      day

Changeable                             spring                                                       (5 мин)                     

Complete the diagram                                 (д?птерге орындау      2- мин)   


VII.  Ending the lesson.

What date is it today?

  1. What is your name?
  2. What season do you like?
  3. In what country do you live?
  4. When is your birthday?
  5. What season is it now?
  6. What is the weather like today? 
  7. Is it warm or cold today?
  8. Is the sun shining now?                                          (5 мин)       

 giving mark

giving homework. Ex 1, read and remember new wordLet’s finish our lesson. Thank you very much! Good-bye, children!       (2 мин)

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«What nice weather! /?андай керемет ауа-райы!/ 6 сынып»

What nice weather!

Қандай керемет ауа-райы

Мұғалім: Сейтимова Жадыра Измахановна

Күні: 15.01.2016

Theme of the Lesson: What nice weather!

Aims: 1. To introduce students with the words about the weather

(Тақырып бойынша лексикалық және грамматикалық

материалдарды  бекіту)

            2. To develop pupils’ skills and habits in reading, asking and answering

                     questions, completing the sentences, their abilities in oral and

writing speech.

(Оқушыларға ағылшын тілінде табиғат құбылыстарын

айтуға,жаңа сөздерді,сөз тіркестерін дұрыс қолдана білуге


                3. To educate pupils to be kind (Оқушыларды сөйлеу мәдениетіне,

адамгершілікке, жауаптылыққа  тәрбиелеу)

The type of the lesson:    Жаңа сабақ.

Method of teaching:      Баяндау, сұрақ-жауап

Aids of the lesson:            оқулық,  түрлі-түсті суреттер, үлестірмелі


Connection with other subjects: қазақ тілі, география, орыс тілі

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organization moment. Greeting.

-Good afternoon children. Sit down, please.

-Who is on  duty today?

-What day is it today?

-What  is the weather like today?

-Is it snowing? (5 мин)

II. Checking the homework. (2 мин)


III. Brainstorming. Answer the questions: 

  1. What date is it today?

  2. What is your name?

  3. What season do you like?

  4. In what country do you live?

  5. When is your birthday?

  6. What season is it now?

  7. What is the weather like today? 

  8. Is it warm or cold today?

  9. Is the sun shining now? (5 мин)

IV. New theme.

Today we will speak about the weather. Open your copy- books and write down the date and the theme of our Lesson. Look at the screen put down the words after me and learn to pronounce these words correctly:  



Sunny-шуақты- солнечный

Rainy- жаңбырлы- дождливый

Windy-желді- ветреный

Snowy-қарлы- снежный

Cloudy-бұлтты- облачный

Foggy- туманный

(Сөздерді жеке және хормен айту)   (5 мин)

V. Пысықтау


Sunny-шуақты- солнечный

Rainy- жаңбырлы- дождливый

Windy-желді- ветреный

Snowy-қарлы- снежный

Cloudy-бұлтты- облачный

Foggy- туманный

Exercise 5, page 71


It is too cold in the winter

The weather is very changeable

It is too windy

There is too much fog in the winter

It is too hot in the summer

There is not enough snow in the winter

There is too much rain

There is not enough rain in the summer

It is not hot enough in the summer (5 мин)


(2 МИН)

Exercise 2, page 69 complete the sentences

(карточкамен жұмыс, оқушы жауабын оқиды)

  • What is the weather like today?

It is____________________

  • What was it yesterday?

It is____________________

  • What season do you like?

____________________ (5 мин)

VI. Бекіту

Translate into English:

Мен қыс мезгілін ұнатамын-

Бүгін күн бұлтты-

Ауа райы өте желді-

Қыс мезгілі өте суық –

Мен қарды ұнатамын- (аударып, тақтаға жазу)

Match the words- сөздерді сәйкестендір (карточкаға орындау)

Hot winter

Nice day

Snow weather

Cold temperature

Sunny day

Changeable spring (5 мин)

Complete the diagram (дәптерге орындау 2- мин)



VII.  Ending the lesson.

  1. What date is it today?

  2. What is your name?

  3. What season do you like?

  4. In what country do you live?

  5. When is your birthday?

  6. What season is it now?

  7. What is the weather like today? 

  8. Is it warm or cold today?

  9. Is the sun shining now? (5 мин)

giving marks


giving homework. Ex 1, read and remember new words



Let’s finish our lesson. Thank you very much! Good-bye, children! (2 мин)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

What nice weather! /?андай керемет ауа-райы!/ 6 сынып

Автор: Сейтимова Жадыра Измахановна

Дата: 25.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 282600

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