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What is communication?

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The  theme  of  the  lesson:  Unit 1. Step  1.What  is  communication?

The  Aims  of  the  lesson: 1.educational: to  teach  understanding  the  means  of  communication;

2.developing: to  develop  pupils’  reading,writing,speaking  and  listening  skills;

3.up-bringing: to  teach  to  use   the  new  technologies.

Visual  aids: pictures,cards

The  type  of the lesson:  traditional

The  methods  of  the  lesson: presentation  of  the new  theme,using  the  elements  of  CTT.

                                      The  Procedure  of  the  lesson


- greeting  the  pupils;

- report of  the  duties.

II.Warm  up

Say  some  words  about  your  summer  holiday.

III.Checking  up  the  home  task

           Answer  the  questions  ( in  cards)

*How  do  we  communicate?

*How  has  the  way  we  communicate  changed  over  the  last  five  years?

*What  new  technological  development  do  you  know?

IV.Presentation  of  the  new  theme

                              Working  with  the  text

1.Pre-reading  task.Read  the  definitions  to  the  word  communication.

   Communication  is  a  process  of  transferring  information  from  one  person  to  another.

   Communication  is  the  interchange  of  thoughts,opinions  or  information  by  speech,writing  or  signs.

2.Read  the  texts  in  groups

Group 1.  Television.

Group 2.   Internet.

Group 3.   Mobile  phones.

3.Translate   the  text.

4.Look  at  the  pictures  and  find  which  of  them  do  you  use  frequently

- faxes;

- letters;

- telephone;

- face-to-face  communication;

- e-mail.

V.Doing  exercises

Writing. Write  out  from  the  text  ten  new  words  and  find  their  meaning  in  a  dictionary.


Look  at  the  different  ways  we  can  keep  in  touch  with  what  is  happening  in  the  world.What  are  the  best  ways  of  finding  out  what  is  going  on?

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Internet
  • Mobile  phones
  • Radio
  • Television


What  have  you  learned  from  the  lesson?

Was  the  lesson  interesting  or  boring?

VII.Giving  the  home task

1.New  words

2.To  write.  Ex  7 p  9



T:The  lesson  is  over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See  you  soon!

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«What is communication? »



The theme of the lesson: Unit 1. Step 1.What is communication?

The Aims of the lesson: 1.educational: to teach understanding the means of communication;

2.developing: to develop pupils’ reading,writing,speaking and listening skills;

3.up-bringing: to teach to use the new technologies.

Visual aids: pictures,cards

The type of the lesson: traditional

The methods of the lesson: presentation of the new theme,using the elements of CTT.

The Procedure of the lesson


- greeting the pupils;

- report of the duties.

II.Warm up

Say some words about your summer holiday.

III.Checking up the home task

Answer the questions ( in cards)

*How do we communicate?

*How has the way we communicate changed over the last five years?

*What new technological development do you know?

IV.Presentation of the new theme

Working with the text

1.Pre-reading task..Read the definitions to the word communication.

Communication is a process of transferring information from one person to another.

Communication is the interchange of thoughts,opinions or information by speech,writing or signs.

2.Read the texts in groups

Group 1. Television.

Group 2. Internet.

Group 3. Mobile phones.

3.Translate the text.

4.Look at the pictures and find which of them do you use frequently

- faxes;

- letters;

- telephone;

- face-to-face communication;

- e-mail.

V.Doing exercises

Writing. Write out from the text ten new words and find their meaning in a dictionary.


Look at the different ways we can keep in touch with what is happening in the world.What are the best ways of finding out what is going on?

  • Newspapers

  • Magazines

  • Internet

  • Mobile phones

  • Radio

  • Television


What have you learned from the lesson?

Was the lesson interesting or boring?

VII.Giving the home task

1.New words

2.To write. Ex 7 p 9



T:The lesson is over.Good-bye,pupils!


T:See you soon!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

What is communication?

Автор: Нургалиева Алтынай Жаумитбаевна

Дата: 07.09.2015

Номер свидетельства: 229268

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