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Welcome to Kazakhstan

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open lesson for 7 form.Welcome to Kazakhstan

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«Welcome to Kazakhstan»

Theme.: Going to Kazakhstan
a) educational: To teach the students to know and speak more about Kazakhstan in English
b) developing: To develop the students’ abilities in oral speech and reading;
To enlarge listening, understanding and writing skills;
To develop the students’ imagination and interest in writing research works;
c) Up - bringing: To interest to learning English;
To teach to love our Motherland and respect all the nations.
Visual aids: Interactive board, , different cards, slides, a ball made of papers, the map of Kazakhstan and some pictures, tasks from another book etc.
Method of teaching: Individual work, pair work, listening, work with the text, writing task with self evaluation etc.
Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Geography,
The procedure of the lesson.
I. Org. moment.
a) Greeting: - Good afternoon, Students!
- Sit down!
- Get ready for the lesson!
b) Duty’s report: - Who is on duty Today?
- Who is absent?
- What date/day is it today?
- What month/season is it now?

II. Checking up the home work:
a) In last lesson we speak about water system in Kazakhstan7 Let’s divide the names of seas, lakes, rivers of Kazakhstan.
b)Game “A fried potato” (In order to ask new words) is played by throwing the ball to the student asking the word in English or in Kazakh and the student should give its translation then throws it back to the teacher.

1. Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated ?

2. What’s the capital of Kazakhstan?

3. What’s the official language of the country?

4. What is the population of the Kazakhstan?
5. What large cities of Kazakhstan do you know?

6. What countries does it border on?

7.Who is the head of our state?


ІII. New lesson
A. Brainstorming. (There is a map of Kazakhstan. Teacher asks some questions).
- T: Which countries map is this?
- T: What is the capital of this country?
- T: Who is the head of the state?
- T: Where is it situated? and etc..
- T: So, students, What do you think what are we going to speak about?
- P1, P2, P3, …
- T: Yes, you are quite right. Today we are travel to Kazakhstan, because we meet our guest Ben from England and we must to introduce our guest with our country, do some tasks.

Today we work into two groups.

First group “South and East of Kazakhstan”.

Second group “ North and West of Kazakhstan” now, let’s begin our introduction.

II. New words.

Picturesque- көркем суретті

Oasis- көгал

Gorge- шатқал

Bushes- бұталар

Resort- курорт

Commemorate- атын қастерлеу

Charyn Canyon- Шарын шатқалы

The chalk-cliffed- бор шатқалды

III. Read the text

1- task.I want to invite my friend to the South part of Kazakhstan to Almaty city. Almaty is an unusal city. It is a green city. The ancient town of Almaty was an oasis along the Silk Road. There are many sightseeing in Almaty& Old Square, Republic Square, Kasteyev Museum of Fine Arts, Books Museum, Nature Museum ect.

Koktobe (green hill) is 1070 metres high avobe the sea level. It is covered with grass and bushes. It is the best place to view the city scene at night.

Medeu – is the world’s famous skating rink in Kazakhstan. Medeu was built in 1972 in a picturesque gorge located 15 km from Almaty.

Mountain ski resort Shymbulak is situated at 2200-2500 metres in the picturesque Shymbulak Gorge.

Charyn Canyon is also popular as the “little brother of the Grand Canyon”. It is the second largest canyon in the world. 

I invite to the eastern part of Kazakhstan to Semei city. The city of Semipalatinsk hosts other museums which include Abai Kununbaev Museum which commemorates the Kazakh poet and the History Museum.

East Kazakhstan region offers plenty of tourism opportunities. Oskemen (Ust-Kamenogorsk) is the capital and largest city in Province. The geographical position of this province is very interesting. It borders Russia in the north and northeast and China in the south and southeast.

2. The regions of Mangystau, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangystau are the part of Western Kazakhstan. The province West Kazakhstan is located at the northwest region of country which lies in both, Europe and Asia.

The chalk-cliffed preserve of Ustiurt is one of the largest preserves in Kazakhstan.

The Mangystau province is wellknown as one of the areas of Kazakhstan rich in oil, gas, construction materials and minerals.

Atyrau city is a port on the Caspian Sea and the pier on the Ural River. Today, this beautiful town developed on seashore has become the centre of oil industry 

Burabay (Borovoe) National Nature Park:

Famous as the pearl of Kazakhstan, Burabay (Borovoe) National Nature Park is situated in the north of Akmola region. The park has 14 big lakes each of which has an area of more than 1 km and several small lakes.

The capital of Kazakhstan, Astana is situated in northern region. Astana is big and modern city.

IY .2- task.

Complete the diagram.


Y. Grammar.

Look at these sentences. Pay attention to the verbs and translate into Kazakh.

You were born in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan was established in December 1991.

In May 1998 Akmola was renamed Astana.

Past Simple. Болымды түрі.

I played

We played

You played

You played

He / she / it played

They played

Болымсыз түрі.

I did not play

We did not play

You did not play

You did not play

He / she / it did not play

They did not play

Сұраулы түрі.

Did I play?

Did we play?

Did you play?

Did you play?

Did he / she / it play?

Did they play?

YI. 1.She came to Germany two years ago.(come)

2.It rained every day for a week on my vacation.(rain)

3.Columbus discovered America in 1492.(discover)

4.I played tennis at the weekend.( play)

5.I didn't see you yesterday. Were you in school? ( be)

6.My mother went shopping on Saturday but she didn't buy anything.(go)

7.The weather was bad this afternoon* so we didn't have a picnic as planned.(be, plan)

8.How did you do that?( to do)

9. Did you see the film on TV last night? (see)

10.Why didn't you do your homework? ( to do)

  1. I __read_____ a great book last week. (read)

  2. __did _____ Adam __find____ the jacket that he ___left____ at the party? (find / leave)

  3. Why ___didn’t ____ you_______wait___ for me at the bar yesterday evening? (not wait)

  4. I ____waited_____ for over an hour, but you never ____ showed______ up! (wait / show)

  5. My friends _____flew____ to New Delhi via Mumbai a week ago. (fly)

  6. Teresa ___caught________ the last train, ___didn’t she____________? (catch)

  7. The sunset ___was______ beautiful last night. (be)

  8. ____did___ they meet_________ the client’s deadline yesterday? (meet)

  9. When ___did__ he _gradute__________ from med school? (graduate)

  10. Ella __tired _________ to get a hold of you, but you __weren’t______ home. (try/not be)

Conclusion. Riddles .

1. it’s in Astana. It is 97 metres tall. It’s a symbol of Astana. (Baiterek)

2. The Monument is installed in the city of Almaty. It is crowned with «Golden» Man (Altınadam).( The Monument of Independence)

3.  This is the only Aquarium over the world, which is located over 3,000 km away from the ocean (Duman centre)

4. It's the highest peak of the  Alatau Mountain (Tengri Tag)

5. It’s the residence of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( Akorda)

Hidden words. Welcome to Kazakhstan.

b) Giving home work. Write an essay ‘My native village’
c) Good – bye. See you next time.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Welcome to Kazakhstan

Автор: Шаменова Гульдария

Дата: 18.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 328056

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