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«Времена английского глагола в поэзии»
Москва 2014
Пояснительная записка
Если возникает вопрос: «Почему стихи и только стихи для изучения и совершенствования в английском языке?», вот ответ:
Поэзия апеллирует не только к разуму, но и к чувствам и пробуждает воображение и фантазию.
Мысль в поэтических текстах выражается в новой, непривычной и образной форме. Новизна формы способствует постижению и запоминанию, звукового и содержательного аспектов не только английского слова, но и пробуждает интерес и к родному слову.
С поэтическим текстом в эффективности не может соперничать ни прозаический текст, ни самое рационально составленное упражнение, т.к. присущее стихам возвращение к одним и тем же элементам языка – повтор звуков, слов, частей предложений, целых предложений, ритм и рифма – позволяет использовать поэтический текст не только как запоминающуюся иллюстрацию языкового явления, но и как эффективное упражнение.
Урок – конкурс проводится для изучения времен английского глагола, чтобы посредством заучивания стихотворений помочь студентам оперировать набором фонетических, лексических и грамматических элементов на автоматизированном уровне.
Тема «Времена английского глагола»
Цель урока: Обобщение материала по теме «Времена английского глагола» с помощью выразительного чтения поэтических произведений.
Тип урока: урок – конкурс
Задачи урока:
Обучающая: Активация грамматических структур, выведение их в устную речь, работа над произношением.
Воспитательная: Введение студентов в культуру стран английского языка через знакомство английской поэзии.
Образовательная: Развитие выразительного чтения и закрепление грамматических навыков.
Развивающая: Развитие познавательной длительности студентов.
Оснащение урока:
- магнитофон
- кассеты
- портреты поэтов
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls! I`m glad to see you.
Students: Good morning, our teacher! We are glad to see you too!
Teacher: Thank you. Sit down. Let`s start our lesson.
Опрос дежурного.
Объявление темы урока и введение в сюжет урока.
Our topic is the tenses of the verb in the English language. We`ll recite some English poems and find out who can do it very well.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Today we begin our lesson with the poem Carolyn Callahan, listen to the poem and repeat after me.
sees and laughs,
listen and sighs,
sleeps and eats,
aches and cries,
babbles, thinks,
loves and hates,
screetches, lives
and hopefully waits.
Проверка домашней работы.
Teacher: Let`s check your home task. Who can explain grammar rules?
Студенты объясняют правила образования форм глагола.
Студенты читают стихи.
Present Simple
They walked in the lane together,
The sky was covered with stars,
They reached the gate in silence,
He lifted down the bars.
She neither smiled nor thanked him
Because she knew not how;
For he was just a farmer`s boy
And she – the farmer`s cow.
Jenny White and Johnny Black
Went out for a walk.
Jenny found wild strawberries,
And John a lump of chalk.
Jenny White and Johnny Black
Clambered up a hill.
Jenny heard a willow-wren
And John a workman`s drill.
Jenny White and Johnny Black
Wandered by the dyke.
Jenny smelt the meadow-sweet,
And John a motor-bike.
Jenny White and Johnny Black
Turned into a lane.
Jenny saw the moon by day.
And Johnny saw a train.
Jenny White and Johnny Black
Walked into a storm.
Each felt for the other`s hand
And found it nice and warm.
Everybody liked Ezekiel.
You could scarcely find his equal.
If he made a mistake,
He said he was wrong;
If he went on an errand,
He wasn`t gone long;
He never would bully,
Although he was strong!
Everybody hated Mello.
He was such a surly fellow.
If you asked him for candy,
He`d hide his away;
He never would play
What the rest wished to play;
He would say horrid words
That he oughtn`t say!
Present Perfect
You have no enemies, you say?
Alas! My friend, the boast is poor;
He who has mingled in the fray
Of duty, that the brave endure,
Must have made foes! If you have none,
Small is the work that you have done.
You`ve hit no cup from perjured lip,
You`ve never turned the wrong to right,
You`ve been a coward in the fight.
From childhood`s hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved, I loved alone.
The frost has locked the stubbled land in chain
Bound up the tongues of every meadow brook,
Blackened the buds, burst open trees and drains.
And given each curving field a hungry look.
Past Simple
He ate and drank the precious words,
His spirit grew robust;
He knew no more that he was poor,
Nor that his frame was dust.
He danced along the dingy days,
And this bequest of wings
Was but a book. What liberty
A loosened spirit brings!
A train went through a burial gate,
A bird broke forth and sang,
And trilled, and quivered, and shook his throat
Till all the churchyard rang;
And then adjusted his little notes,
And bowed and sang again.
Doubtless, he thought it meet of him
To say good-bay to men.
The miles and miles he lived from anywhere
Were evidently something he could bear.
He stood unshaken, and if grim and gaunt,
It was not necessary from want.
He had the oaks for heating and for light.
He had a hen, he had a pig in sight.
He had a well, he had the rain to catch.
He had a ten-by-twenty garden patch.
Nor did he lack for common entertainment.
That I assure was what our passing train meant
He could look at us in our diner eating,
And if so moved uncurl a hand in greeting.
I am he
Who paved the way,
That you might walk
At your ease today
I was the conscript
Sent to hell
To make in the desert
The living well;
I bore the heat
I blazed the track
Furrowed and bloody
Upon my back.
I split the rock;
I felled the tree:
The nation was –
Because of me!
The little boy who says «I`ll try»,
Will climb to the hill-top;
The little boy who says «I can`t»,
Will at the bottom stop.
I love little Pussy.
Her coat is so warm,
And if I don`t hurt her,
She`ll do me no harm.
So I`ll not pull her tail,
Or drive her away,
But Pussy and I
Very gently will play.
She will sit by my side,
And I`ll give her her food,
And she`ll like me because
I`m gentle and good.
I`ll pat little Pussy,
And then she will purr,
And thus show her thanks
For my kindness to her;
I`ll not pinch her ears,
Nor tread on her paw,
Lest I should provoke her
To use her sharp claw;
I never will vex her,
Nor make her displeased,
For Pussy can`t bear
To be worried or teased.
«Please come to my party!» said Jenny to Prue;
«I`m going to have Willy, and Nelly, and you;
I`m going to have candy and cake and ice-cream,
We`ll play Hunt-the-Slipper, we`ll laugh and we`ll scream.
We`ll dress up in caps, we`ll have stories and tricks,
And you won`t have to go till a quarter past six!»
Everything`s been different
All the day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me,
Everyone has smiled.
Isn`t it delicious
To be a birthday child?
Teacher: You have recited the poems very well. Now it`s time to choose the best student. Can you help me? I will name the name of the student and you will clap your hands.
Преподаватель называет имена – выступивших студентов, а зрители хлопают в ладоши. Студент, который заслужил самые громкие аплодисменты становится победителем!
Подведение итогов.
Sometimes you say «Hello!» Because the bell has gone, and every day you say, «Good day, good day, good day.» It`s time to say «Good – bye, Good – bye, my friends, bye.»
Преподаватель награждает победителей конкурса чтецов и рассказывает со студентами стихотворение для прощания.
Get your things together,
Good – bye, boys and girls.
Американская поэзия в русских переводах XIX – XX века. М.,2010.
Английская поэзия в русских переводах XIV – XIX века. М.,2012.
Антология английской и американской поэзии. М.,2009.
Антология новой английской и американской детской литературе. М. – Л., 2011.
Хрестоматия по английской и американской детской литературе. М., 2011.
Хрестоматия по английской литературе. М., 2010.
An Anthology of English and American Verse. M.,2013.