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Видеоурок по теме "Britain and its people at a glance" (УМК Кузовлев В.П, Н.М. Лапа "English8")

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Видеоурок проводится на основе видеофрагмента "London" учебного видеокурса "Window on Britain". Занятие направлено на развитие диалогических умений учащихся.

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«Видеоурок по теме "Britain and its people at a glance" (УМК Кузовлев В.П, Н.М. Лапа "English8")»

Видеоурок по теме “Britain and its people at a glance”.

Тема: Britain and Its People at a Glance

План-конспект урока: What is different?

(УМК В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа «English 8» для 8 класса)



  1. активизировать ранее изученную лексику.

  2. учить вести диалог-обмен мнениями.

  3. учить рассказывать о Лондоне на основе полученной информации.

  4. учить вести диалог-расспрос.

  5. учить вести диалог-волеизъявление.


  1. развивать долговременную и кратковременную память.

  2. развивать умение предвосхищать события.

  3. развивать языковую догадку.

  4. развивать произвольное внимание.

  5. развивать умение обобщать полученную информацию.

  6. развивать способность взаимодействия в парной работе.

  7. развивать умение аргументировать свою точку зрения.


  1. воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.

  2. воспитывать уважительное отношение к чужому мнению при работе в парах.


  1. расширить общий и страноведческий кругозор учащихся при знакомстве с культурой Великобритании.

Оснащение урока: учебник, доска, DVD-проигрыватель, DVD- диск с видеофрагментом “London” (учебного видеокурса “Window on Britain”), раздаточный материал – карточки с планом пересказа, карточки с ситуациями.

Ход урока

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащегося


1.Начало урока


Речевая зарядка

Сообщение плана урока

2.Основная часть урока

Работа с видеофрагментом


онный этап

- беседа о Лондоне

Демонстрационный этап (первичный просмотр)

- фиксация утверждений, предъявляемых в фильме


онный этап

- ответы на вопросы


онный этап

- постановка коммуникативной задачи

Демонстрационный этап (вторичный просмотр)


онный этап

- пересказ по темам

3. Конец урока


Объяснение д/з

- диалог по ситуациям на основе просмотренного видеофрагмента

Выставление отметок

Good-morning, dear boys and girls!

How are you today?

Who reminds me what have you learnt yesterday?

Yes, at the previous lesson we’ve read the Vigdis’s story about London. Let’s remember what were her impressions of London?

Was she surprised in something or disappointed?

What couldn’t she understand?..

Yes, you’re right.Today we’re going to watch the film about London. Let’s watch the film and find out what London really is.

But first what do you think about London? Do you agree with Vigdis’s opinion?

Would you like to visit London?

Watch and say is it an exciting city or not?

I’ll give you the sheets of paper now.

While watching the film you have to learn what statements you could hear in the film. Be very attentive.

So what have you learnt after watching the film?

Did you like the image of the city?

Do people like living there?

Now, say, what statements were used in the film?

Yes, you’re right. Now we have to watch it once again. I’ll give you the individual task. Choose the cards.

You’ve watched the film once again. Let’s check what have you learnt about the history of this city? Whose task it was?

And what’s about traveling around London?..

What are the most adorable places for


Is London a great place for shopping?

What do people like about London?

What can you say about night life of London?

Do people like to have a rest in the parks?

It was a good job. You understood the film very well. Now, say, please, Would you like to visit London?

Comment on the statement of … Johnson: “When a man is tired of London, he’s tired of life.”

Did you like the film? Why? What new information have you learnt during today’s lesson?

Now take one more card. You’ll see a situation there. What are the situations?

You hometask will be to prepare a dialogue. We’ll role-play it next lesson

It’s time to give you marks for your work today.

Good-bye. See you next week.


P1-I’m fine, thanks and you?..

P2-We’ve read the text about Vigdis’s trip to London.

P3-She was disappointed. She hadn’t expected that London was so grey and dirty…


P1-I don’t agree.

P1-I think London is very beautiful. I watched the programme where…

P2-I think it’s not so beautiful as it seems because…

Смотрят видеофрагмент, отмечают правильные и неправильные утверждения на листочке.

Отвечают на вопросы.

Вытягивают карточки.

Пересказывают содержание видеофрагмента, согласно своему заданию на карточке.

Отвечают на вопросы. Выражают своё отношение к просмотру. высказываются о том, что нового узнали в ходе урока.

Записывают д/з









Во время просмотра учащиеся фиксируют информацию из фильма, согласно их заданию.

Учащиеся используют карточки с вопросами как план своего пересказа




Оформление доски


The Romans

The Thames

Tower Bridge


Underground (the tube)

Madam Tussaud’s museum

Exhibition of wax models



Covent Garden

Mousetrap by Agatha Christie

Hyde Park

Regent’s Park

St. Jamse’s park


  1. Madam Tussaud’s museum is famous for its wonderful exhibition of wax models.

  2. Nobody knows what Stonehenge is. Perhaps it’s a temple or a clock or is it a calendar?

  3. Harrod’s is one of the most popular places for shopping there.

  4. The most famous of the parks is Snowdonia in the north-west.

  5. Well worth a visit the British museum which contains unique and priceless treasures and collections.

  6. Agatha Christie’s “Mousetrap” has been performing in one London theatre since 1952.

  7. Picadilly, Regent street and Oxford Street are big shopping centres.

Карточки с планом пересказа

Card 1. Is London fascinating and exciting city?

What can you say about its history?

How many bridges are in London and what is the most famous one?

Card 2. How much people live in London?

Is it easy to travel around London?

What ways of traveling around London can you name?

Card 3. Are there many beautiful places of interest in London?

What places of interest are the most adorable by foreign tourists?

What is Madam Tussaud’s museum famous for?

Card 4. Is London a great place for shopping?

What are the most popular places for shopping in London?

Who was Henry Harrod and how did he start his career?

Card 5. What do people like about London?

Do they like to go shopping or visit places of interest?

The opinions are rather different, aren’t they?

Card 6. What can you do when the shops and museums are closed?

Is there a night life in London?

Where can you go at night?

Card 7. Do the British like to have a rest in the park?

What parks in London can you name?

What can you do there?

Карточки с ситуациями

Card 1. You’ve seen the programme about London. Your friend doesn’t know much about it. Express your impressions of this wonderful city. Let your friend ask you about the beauties of the city and your impressions.

Card 2. This summer you had a trip to London. You’re very admired by the beauty of the city. Your friend also visited London two years ago but his/her impressions are not very positive. Share your opinions about this city. Explain your friend that he had not a good guide to show him/her all the beauties of the city so that finally your friend agreed to visit London once again with you.

Card 3. This year you had a trip to London. You had lived there for a month with one British family. Tell your friend about your summer vacation in another country. Let him/her ask you about its beauties, relationships in their families and about your impressions.

Card 4. It was your first trip to London. You’re very excited and admired by the city. You met your best friend after the vacations and it became known that he/she went there too this summer. Share your opinions about the city.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс

Видеоурок по теме "Britain and its people at a glance" (УМК Кузовлев В.П, Н.М. Лапа "English8")

Автор: Гуляева Татьяна Александровна

Дата: 02.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 354412

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