Образовательная цель: систематизировать культурно-страноведческие знания учащихся об образовательной системе США, учить строить монологические и диалогические высказывания.
Воспитательная цель: воспитывать интерес к культуре и языку народа, говорящего на нём.
Деятельностная цель: формирование способности учащихся к новому способу действия, связанному с построением структур изучаемых лексических единиц и полученной информации.
Обучающая: использование навыков монологической и диалогической речи при составление высказываний.
Развивающая: развитие восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи.
Цель изучения темы: построение высказываний с использованием тематических лексических единиц.
Планируемый результат: развитие лексических умений и навыков монологической и диалогической речи .
Личностные УУД: интерес к изучению языка, стремление к совершенствованию собственной речи.
Регулятивные УУД: способность самостоятельно структурировать полученную информацию.
Познавательные УУД: способность учащегося извлекать информацию, представленную в разных формах.
Комуникативные УУД: способность учащегося адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативных задач.
Iэтап. Мотивация к деятельности.
Цель- создание условий для возникновения внутренней потребности включения в учебную деятельность.
II этап. Осмысление новой информации.
Цель- актуализация соответствующих мыслительных операций и познавательных процессов.
III этап . Включение в систему знаний и повторений.
Цель- восстановление выполненных операций на наглядном примере и самостоятельное фиксирование (вербальное и звуковое)
IV этап. Рефлексия.
Ход урока.
I этап . Организационный ( фронтальная форма работы)- ввести учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения:
Teacher:- Good afternoon! I’m pleased to see you. Sit down, please. So, let’s start. Today we are going to watch a Martin’s Breast film “ Scent of a woman” with Al Pachino and Chris O’Donnell are starring.
Teacher: Please, tell me what are we going to do?
Students: Watch and discuss the film.
Teacher: You are right. This is an amazing film intelligently written and movingly told. This is one of the Al Pachino’s best and riskiest performances.
II этап. Мотивация к деятельности.
Teacher: Now, watch some of the film and try to answer the following questions:(учащиеся получают вопросы в виде раздаточного материала)
What school does Charlie attend? What kind of school is it?
Is Charlie is a rich kid? How can he afford to study in this institution?
What state is he from? What do his parents do? Does he have father or stepfather?
Why does Charlie want to get some money?
When does it happen?
Do you think the students respect the Dean?
What were the students surprised by?
Who gave the Dean the Jaguar?
What does the Dean offer Charlie if he tells everything?
What kind of disability does Frank have?
What was his occupation?
What is he like?
Does he accept Charlie at first sight?
Students: учащиеся, просмотрев несколько эпизодов, отвечают на данные вопросы.
III. Этап. Учебно-познавательная деятельность. Изучение нового материала (работа в парах).
Teacher: So, let’s continue our lesson. I’d like you to read and translate the following words and expressions from the film:
1 moron
2 snitch
3 to come to decision
4 to jeopardize
5 to pull the trigger
6 to surrender the side arm
7 to be on student aid
8 to run a convenience store
Teacher: Now try to explain the meaning of these words in English.
Teacher: Now, we are going to read the dialogue. Frank and Charlie are speaking. While reading try to define Frank’s attitude to Charlie. Prove your point of view.
Charlie: Sir?
Frank: Don’t call me ‘sir’
Charlie: I’m sorry, sir. I mean mister, sir.
Frank: Oh-ho. We’ve got a moron here.
Ch.: No mister. Oh ,lieutenant.
F.: Lieutenant-colonel. 26 years on line.Get in here, idiot. Come a little closer I wonna get a better look at you. How’s your skin?
Ch.: My skin,sir?
F.: Oh, for Christ sake.
Ch.: I’m sorry, I don’t…..
F.: Oh, just call me Frank, call me mister Slade, Colonel, but don’t call me sir.
Ch.: All right, Colonel.
F.: Simms, Charles, a senior. You are on student aid, Simms.
Ch.:Oh. Yes I am.
F.: For student aid you read “crook”. What are you? Are you dying of some wasting desease?
Ch.: No, I’m right here.
F.: I know exactly where your body is. But I’m looking for some indication of brains. Too much football without helmet?.... Where are you from?
Ch.: Uhm, from Gresham, Oregon.
F.: What does your father do in Gresham, Oregon?
Ch.: My stepfather and my mom run a convenience store.
F.: How convenient! What time do they open?
Ch.: 5.00 AM
F.: Close?
Ch.: 1.00 PM
F.: Hard – workers. What are you doing here?
Ch.: I attend Baird.
F.: How do you afford it even with student aid?
Ch.: I won Young America scholarship.
F.: A bunch of running nose snots in tweed jackets, all studying to be George Bush.
Ch.: Well, I believe President Bush went to Andover, Colonel.
F.: Are you sharpshooting me, punk? What do you want?
Ch.: I want a job. So I can make, you know, my plane for Christmas.
F.: Oh, God you are touching. Still here ,poor mouth?
Ch.: Hm?
F.: Dismissed.
4 этап. Интеллектуально-преобразующая деятельность. Упражнения на контроль понимания нового материала.
Teacher: Now take photocopies and do the task I, please.
Exercise I -You should complete the sentences. Use the words given below. Put the verbs into the right form.
Institution, face, put on, reward, spirit, destroy, hide
Here’s Charlie ….. and George…. In the daddy’s pocket. And what are you doing? You gonna George and ……. Charlie. I don,t know who went to this place. Their …… is dead if they had ever had one. You are killing this ……. What a shame!. What kind of a show are you, Guys, …. here today.
Exercise II- Put the words in brackets into the correct form.
I’m here today this boy’s souls is intact. It’s (negotiate). You think you are (mere) sending this splendid foot soldier back home with his tail between his legs, but I say, you (execution) his soul! As I came here I heard the words:” the cradle of (leader)”. It has fallen here. (Make) of men, (create) of leaders. Be ( care) what kind of leaders you ( production) here. I don’t know if Charlie’s silence here today is right or wrong. I’m not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this: he won’t sell (body) out to buy his future! And that, my friends, is called ( courageous). Now that’s the stuff leaders should be made of. You hold this boy’s future in your hands, Committee. It’s ( value) future. Don’t (destruction) it. ( Embracement) it. It’s gonna make you proud one day, I promise you.
Students: учащиеся выполняют задания ( раздаточный материал).Затем включаются сцены из фильма с субтитрами, на основе которых сделаны эти задания и учащиеся проверяют свои ответы.
5 этап. Контроль и оценка результатов.
Teacher: Well, we have worked hard today. The home task is to write down an essay “ What I would do if I were in Charlie shoes”
Everybody worked hard at the lesson. The most active students were…… and they will get an excellent mark. The lesson is over. Good –bye.