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Этот материал может быть использован на уроке английского языка в среднем звене по теме « Увлечения. Кино», или «Кино – одно из средств массовой информации», или как внеклассное мероприятие. Урок содержит элементы театральной постановкии. Данный материал будет нтересен учииителям англиийского языка и педагоггам дополниительного образования.


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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Увлечения.Кино. »


Этот материал может быть использован на уроке английского языка в среднем звене по теме « Увлечения. Кино», или «Кино – одно из средств массовой информации», или как внеклассное мероприятие.

Тема: «Cinema».

Цель: формирование творчески развитой личности.

Задачи: привитие интереса к изучению иностранного языка и
стране изучаемого языка, эстетическое воспитание на
лучших образцах отечественного
кинематографа, привитие любви к чтению.

Оборудование: на доске названия киностудий, фотографии актеров,
кадры из известных фильмов.

В уроке принимают участие учащиеся 5, 6 ,7, 8 классов.

Оргмомент: Приветствия.
Сообщение цели урока.
All of us like to go to cinema.
All of us know the names of well-known actors and actresses.
All of us have favourite films or only one film.
Today we’ll see how films are made, we’ll visit different film
studious in our country and abroad.

You will be actors and spectators at this lesson. And we have many guests at out lesson.

1. The first guest at our lesson is a very clever
girl. She is a great lover of cinema.
ask her any question you like.
(Уч-ся задают вопросы).

2. Let’s continue talking about the cinema. Listen to me attentively and agree or disagree with me.

1. I like to do to cinema? And you?

2. Last time I went to the cinema a month ago and you?

3. I went to the «Mir cinema». And you?

4. I saw a very interesting film. And you?

5. I went there with my friends. And you?

6. I like Russian films. And you?

7. I like films about adventures. And you?

8. My favourite film is the film «17 Moments of spring». And yours?

9. My favourite cartoon film is «Just you , wait».
And yours?
All right. Thank you.

3. Many children, their parents, grand – parents
like film about children and cartoon films.

What famous film studio which makes films
for children do you know?

We are at Disney studio.
Who are the main heroes of cartoon film?
(animals , dolls).

Whom can we see at all studies when films
are made?
(an operator, an assistant of operator and
a producer).

We have all of them here.
I am a producer.
He is an operator.
She is an assistant of the operator.

Let’s see one of the cartoon films.
Ass. Of operator.
Three, two, one. Motor.

Сценка уч-ся 5 класса: « Three little kittens».
Thank you.

4. Children like not only cartoon films, but tales

What tales do you know? (уч-ся дают названия фильмов – сказок).
Let’s peak about the tale (Snowqueen).
( ученица рассказывает о сказке «Снежная Королева»).

5. Many of you like Russian films.
I am glad to know it.

We are in Mosfilm studio. You see portraits
of some famous actors and actresses.
Name some of them and films where they play.
Л.Гурченко – «Карнавальная ночь»
Е.Леонов – « Джентльменыудачи»
В.Тихонов – «17 Мгновений весны»

What other film where V.Tikhonov plays do you
know? («White Bim the black ear»).

Ученица рассказывает о фильме «Белый Бим – Чёрное ухо».

All of you have your favourite film.
I want you to speak about your favourite film.
( ученица рассказывает о своем любимом фильме ).

Thank you.

6. Now, be attentive. Let’s listen to the
conversation between the two girls.
(диалог о любимых фильмах). Thank you.

7. Some of you like foreign films. What famous
foreign studio do you know? (Hollywood).

Let’s imagine that we are in Hollywood.
Close your eyes.
They are going to make the film after Jerome K.
Jerome’s story. What can you see in the studio?
(отвечают, закрыв глаза). – actors, actresses, costumes, an operator,

Open your eyes. We are in Hollywood.
Here we see portraits of famous actors and actresses.
After the lesson you’ll see them better.

Ass of the operator. Three, two, one. Motor.
Сценка уч-ся 8 класса. «How we packed.»
Thank you.

Girls, do you like the film? (вопрос к девочкам, которые рассказывали

Tell me what is the name of this film?

(«Three men in a boat»)

8. Today we spoke about many films.
Many producers use books to make their
films. At our school library there are such
books. I’ve brought some of them at our lesson.
Here they are.
I advise you to read them.
(учитель показывает книги, по которым
поставлены фильмы и которые упоминались на уроке).

9. But many producers change the plot of the
book when they make their films.

We are in Hollywood again, they make one more film.
But I want you to be very attentive.
See it.

Assistant of the operator. Three, two, one. Motor.

Сценка уч-ся 6 класса «The prince and the pauper».

Thank you.

Answer the questions, please.

1. What is the name of the film?

2. Who are the main heroes of the film?

3. Is the there a difference between the book and the film?
(уч-ся рассказывают о событиях в книге и фильме).

And I should say that, books are good presents.
You can present your mother, sister, friend with a book.
And an interesting book is a very nice present for a birthday.
Thank you for your answers , and work…
The lesson is over.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс


Автор: Седова Светлана Григорьевна

Дата: 24.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 226672

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