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Урок-круглий стол Amazing America

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Урок-круглий стол. Тема урока: Amazing America Цели урока: активизация навыков и умений монологической речи обучающихся; развитие навыков говорения и произношения; воспитание уважения к обычаям и истории США Оборудование: карта США; рефервты детей, интерактивная доска. Вступительное слово учителя Good morning, dear guests, good morning my dear children, good morning my dear friends. I am glad to meet you here in my classroom and now we begin to work. Today we'll have an unusual lesson because today is a round-table talk. When we hear Alabama, California, Georgia, Indi¬ana, Illinois, Mississippi, Washington we understand that we speak about America. It's a very beautiful country with its nature and people, with its history and culture. The USA is a highly developed industrial, politi¬cal and cultural country. The history of each country begins with its dis¬covery.
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«Урок-круглий стол Amazing America»

Донецкая ОШ № 97

учитель: Луженцова В.В.

Amazing America

Урок-круглий стол

Цели урока: активизация навыков и умений монологической речи обучающихся;развитие навыков говорения и произношения; воспитание уважения к обычаям и истории США

Оборудование: карта США; рефервты детей, интерактивная доска


  1. Оргмомент

  2. Речевая зарядка

Ш.Вступительное слово учителя

Good morning, dear guests, good morning my dear children, good morning my dear friends. I am glad to meet you here in my classroom and now we begin to work. Today we'll have an unusual lesson because today is a round-table talk. When we hear Alabama, California, Georgia, Indi­ana, Illinois, Mississippi, Washington we understand that we speak about America. It's a very beautiful country with its nature and people, with its history and culture. The USA is a highly developed industrial, politi­cal and cultural country. The history of each country begins with its dis­covery.

- Выступления обучающихся

Pupil 1. In the 15th century peo­ple knew only 3 places: Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew nothing about America. The man who was thought to be the discoverer of America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was Christopher Columbus.

Knowing that the earth was round he decided to reach India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to or­ganize an expedition as nobody wanted to help him. At last the Spanish king gave him some money. In the 1492 he sailed with 3 small ships in to the Atlan­tic Ocean. They had been sailing for more than 2 months and at last they saw land. Columbus was certain that the lands he discovered were part of In­dia and he called these islands "The West Indies". He made 3 voy- ages to America. His last voyage was made in 1502-1504. After that seriously ill he remained in Spain until his death. He died believing that Cuba was part of Asia. Columbus's voyages gave Europe first important knowledge of the new world. Many places have been named in his honour. America however was named after another explorer Amerigo Vespucci.

Pupil 2

Main characteristics

Official name: The United States of America (the USA)

Status: A federal republic, a union of 50 states.

Area: 3.623,420 square miles.

Capital: Washington D.C.

Nationality: American or United States.

Languages: English is the official and predominant language. Other languages in­clude Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Yiddish, Russian, American, Indian tongues, Chinese and Japanese.

Pupil 3

The Geographical Posi­tion

The territory of the USA is almost 9.400.000. sq. km. It is washed by the At­lantic Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the west. The population is 252 mln. people. The climate is different in different parts: from a polar climate in Alaska to a conti­nental in the greater part of the country and subtropical and tropical in the south. The country is very rich in mineral re­sources.

Pupil 4. The National Flag of the USA

It is called Stars and Stripes. It symbol­izes American way of life. The horizon­tal red and white strips represent the original 13 states that declared they would no longer be colonies of Great Britain. The stars in the flag — white on a dark background represent the num­ber of states, making up the US today.

There are 50 of them now. The red stripes proclaim courage, the white proclaim liberty, the field of blue stands for loyalty.

Pupil 5The Statue of Liberty

On our blackboard you can see the pic­ture of the statue of Liberty. You know that near the state of New York there is Liberty Island where this statue stands. The Statue is the symbol of American democracy. Liberty carries the touch of freedom in her right hand and in her left she is holding a tablet the inscrip­tion "July 4, 1776" — American Inde­pendence Day.

Pupil 6. New York

New York is the largest city in the Unit­ed States and one of the largest cities in the world. It is situated in natural har­bour of the mouth of the Hudson River. In 1626 the Dutch Trade Company brought Manhattan Island from the lo­cal Indians for twenty four dollars. Here the Dutch founded their colony and gave it the name New Amsterdam. For­ty years later the English fleet entered the harbour, captured the city and re­named it New York.

New York is a city of "skyscrapers", those incredible, high buildings which Americans invented. If you want to have a good view of New York you can do it from the top of the Empire State Building (112 stories). Not far from the Empire State Building there is an interesting architectural ensemble — Rockefeller Centre. It was built ac­cording to one general plan. Rocke­feller Centre consists of 15 skyscrap­ers. Rockefeller Centre houses all kinds of offices, enterprises, theatres and music halls.

New York is the national leader in busi­ness, finance, manufacturing, advertis­ing, fashion and the arts.

New York is often called the cultural capital of the USA. The city has the Metropolitan Museum of the Art, the Museum of Modern Art, the Lincoln

Arts Centre. You can see the: plays and shows on Broadway s of America theatre, as Holly woo American cinema.

Pupil 7. Washington

The beautiful city of Washington is the capital of the United Stat the centre of its government capital was named after the first President George Washington am founded in 1790. It is situated on the Potomac River in the District Columbia. Washington is not the 1argest city in the USA. It has a population only 900.000.

Washington is the residence c President and the Congress of the White House is the President's residence, the Capitol — the seat American Congress. The larges the tallest among the buildings Capitol with its great House of Representatives and Senate Chamber. There are no skyscrapers because no building must be taller than the Capitol. All American presidents except George Washington (the White House was not yet built in his time) have lived in the White House. It was built in 1799.

Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, where there are mar search institutes, five universities; National Academy of Science and the Library of Congress.

There is one more well-known building in Washington - Pentagon, the residence of the US Military department. It is situated in the suburbs to the south of the Potomac River.

Pupil 8. The Capitol

Because of its great size, central location, and elevated position on Capitol Hill, the Capitol dominates the Washington skyline. The US Congress r in this building. Visitors may a congressional sessions to watch legislators in action.

The Capitol is one of Washington's most magnificent buildings. It is constructed of white sandstone and, marble and crowned by an impressive dome. On top of the dome stands a bronze Statue of Freedom. Public rooms include the Rotunda, decorat­ed with paintings and statues of events and people in American history, and Statuary Hall, which contains statues of distinguished citizens from every state.

The Capitol is set in a small park around which are a number of impressive government buildings, among which are the Supreme Court Building, modelled after a Greek temple and the Li­brary of Congress, one of the largest li­braries in the world.

Pupil 9 It's interesting to know about the holidays in America.

On July 4, the Americans celebrate their national holiday, Independence Day. It was declared in 1776. People have picnics with favourite foods like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans, etc. Lively music is heard everywhere. People play baseball or compete at 3-legged races or pie-eating or watermelon-eating contests. In the evening people gather to match fire­works displays.

Pupil 10. Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day was celebrated in 1621 by English settlers of the Plym­outh colony. During their first winter over half of them died of hunger. But finally the fields produced a rich har­vest and they decided to celebrate it. In 1863 it became an official holiday.

Pupil 11.. Christmas Holiday

They begin celebrate it on the 25th of December. Santa Claus, shepherds, angels appear in shop windows: many families go to the church on eve and in the morning. Then they open their presents and have traditional dinner-turkey, ham, potatoes, vegetables and cranberry sauce. Dessert is usually fruit cake, plum pudding or mince pie. Peo­ple sing Christmas Carols.

Pupil 12. About Americans' Food

American food is part British, part Ital­ian, part German, part Mexican, part Chinese, part Ukrainian... When peo­ple from other countries came to live in the USA. they brought different cook­ing traditions. Some of them opened restaurants and food stores, and today Americans enjoy food from all over the world.

The USA is famous for fast food. The first fast food restaurants served ham­burgers, but now they serve other kinds of food as well.

Americans eat out a lot and when they go to a restaurant, they don't expect to be hungry afterwards. Most restau­rants will put a lot of food on your plate — sometimes it can be too much. But if you can't finish it all, don't worry: the waiter will bring you a "doggy bag" and you can take it home with you.

Teacher. Thanks a lot. You know much about this country. Maybe you have some questions. We can speak and tell much else but it is time to finish. All right. Our lesson is over. Be happy.

I was glad to meet you. Good-bye!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Урок-круглий стол Amazing America

Автор: Луженцова Виктория Валентиновна

Дата: 31.01.2016

Номер свидетельства: 285871

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