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Урок английского языка в 10 классе "Идеальный политик"

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Данное занятие соствлено автором в рамках урока "Must a politician be kind"  по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. English 10-11 и расчитан на два академических часа.

Цель урока: совершенствование речевых навыков учащихся.


  1. Активизировать лексику прошлых уроков.
  2. Развивать грамматические навыки учащихся, отрабатывать вежливые вопросы.
  3. Развивать монологическую речь учащихся, работать над совершенствованием навыка публичного выступления.
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«Урок английского языка в 10 классе "Идеальный политик"»

Topic: “People in politics”

Lessons №: 2-3 (2 lessons) “An Ideal Politician”

Form: 10 (intermediate)

Lesson focus: Vocabulary, Grammar and Speaking

Lesson stage

Stage Aims

Time interaction


Interaction pattern


People in politics”

Game “Snowball”



“Indirect questions”

Pair work


Group work


Error correction


Homework task

To build a positive atmosphere in class and lead into the topic

To revise language already learnt.

To give controlled oral practice and get students actively involved by revising lexis and grammar from previous lesson.

To practice peer correction.

To practise fluency in speaking.

To prectise asking polite questions.

To practise prediction.

To practise students’ skills in working with information

To practise fluency in speaking, analyzing and sorting information

To practise public speech.

To practise peer correction.

To evaluate students’ work in the lesson

To develop students’ autonomy

1 min.















The lesson starts with a short extract from the news.

(an MP is reporting in the House of Commons)

What have we just seen on the screen?

S 1:a piece of news from the British Parliament

Yes, you’re absolutely right.

What topic is this piece of news connected with: landscapes, personality, politics, leasure, technologies, subcultures …?

S 1: politics

Yes, that’s right.

And now I want you to name any word you remember (or you may consider it to be important) from the topic of “politics” which we discussed on the previous lesson (in chain)

S 1: Minister

S 2: Strong-willed

S 3: Pliable

S 4: Politician

S 5: Tolerant

S 6: Strategy

S 7: Ruthless decision …

Great! Thank you.

Please, continue the sentence you see on the board and characterize an ideal politician (“snowball”)

S 1: I think an ideal politician should be power-loving.

S 2: I think an ideal politician should be power-loving and pliable.

S 3: I think an ideal politician should be power-loving, pliable and gifted.

Do you know any ideal politicians?

Have a look at the photo on the screen.

Might this man be a politician?

D’you think he’s an ideal politician? Why d’you think so?

S 1: I think he might be an ideal politician – he looks power-loving and confident.

S 2: I agree with Yulia. Besides, he …

Would you like to learn some more information about this person?

What personal information would you like to ask him about?

(weaker Ss have a list of ideas they may choose from)

Then Ss present some ideas in the whole class

S 1: about his age

S 2: if he’s single or married

S3: the political party he belongs to

Ok. Thank you for your brilliant ideas.

And I’d like to see how you will ask this person about his age.

S 1: How old are you?

D’you think it is possible to ask a famous politician like this?

Well, listen to two dialogues and be ready to compare them.

(after the Ss have listened the conversations they appear on the screen,

Ss are given the cards with CCQs)

Please, answer the questions with the partner you sit with.

Are both dialogues about the weather? - yes

Are the questions used in the dialogues the same? – no, they are different

What makes them different? – the beginnings

Which one sounds more polite? – the second

Does the phrase “Could you tell me …, please” make the question more polite? - yes

You can also start like this:

I’d like to know …?

Can you tell me …, please?

(A table “asking for information” is depicted on the screen and may be found in Activity Book on page 12)

Don’t forget about the register (the style of the language) we use when we ask smb. How would you ask your friend about this person?

S 1: (Got) any idea …?

How would you ask me about him?

S 2: I’m interested to know …

How would you ask this person (a person we don’t know, a politician)?

S 3: I wonder if you could tell me ....

Yes, put if or whether when you report a general (yes/no) question.

Pay attention to the word order in such questions.

Yes, it is direct – the verb follows the subject. And we don’t use auxiliary verbs do, does, did in such questions.

For example:

I wonder if he is an …. ideal ….. politician.

I’d like to know what ….. his name ….. is.

Well, now work in pairs and make up polite questions using the ideas you have (what you would like to ask this person about).

(Ss help each other and T monitors and supports where necessary.)

Now we‘ll rearrange our pairs and discuss this politician.

If you don’t know for sure who he is, try to predict answering the questions you’ve just asked.

(T monitors the activity and helps weaker Ss.)

Find out true information about this person using different resources (e.g.: the teacher, friends, linguistic and cultural dictionary, the Internet …)

Make groups of three-four people and discuss what you’ve found about David Cameron.

Tell the whole class what you’ve learnt about David Cameron in 100 seconds from the point of view of (choose the cards)

  • his colleague

  • his friend

  • his wife

  • his children

  • a stranger (citizen of the UK)

  • a tourist

Please, don’t forget to tell us if he is an ideal politician or not from your point of view.

What talented actors you are! And how eloquently you spoke today!

But look at the board and paraphrase/ correct some sentences we’ve just heard

You have worked really well today. It’s time to praise yourself.

Tell your partner if you

  • learnt smth interesting/ new / unusual/ surprising in the lesson;

  • did really important things because you learnt how to …/ you practiced …/ you found out …;

  • were successful/ more confident/ …

(on the screen)

Make a short presentation of any famous person in politics.

(you may use the ideas/ questions you work out at the lesson)










S-S (S-W)


(S-S, W-W)

S, S-S







(if there is some time)


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок английского языка в 10 классе "Идеальный политик"

Автор: Чепкасова Татьяна Алексеевна

Дата: 31.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 313038

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