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Урок по теме"Еда", учебник Sptight (3 класс)

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Комбинированный урок о теме "Еда", в которм учащиеся рактикуются в уотреблении новых слов в редложении, овторяется ворос "Do you like?", развиватся языковые кометенции письма, чтения, аудирования,говорения.

Формат урока: работа в парах, группах, использование загадок, игр и песен по теме

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«Урок по теме"Еда", учебник Sptight (3 класс)»

Английский язык

3 класс


Автор: Ильина Людмила Васильевна,учитель английского язика

ГУ «ЛОУ СОШ №25 имени М.С. Лиховида»



  • To learn new words

  • To practice new words in the sentences;

  • To revise Doyoulike….?,

  • То form language competence in speaking, reading;

  • To develop listening comprehension;

  • To develop pupils' pair and group communicate skills;

  • To develop pupils' attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking creative abilities;

  • To develop pupils` interest to education.

EQUIPMENT: didactic materials, records.

Procedure of the Lesson

I. Greeting.Teacher: Goodmorning, children.

Nice to see you.

How are you today?

The topic of the lesson

Today we`ll speak about food.

II. Warming-up

  1. Check on Homewоrk

2)Pronunciation Practice

Teacher:Look, children!Mr Tongue is very happy today. He has got a good tongue-twister. Listen!

Aboxofbiscuits, aboxofmixedbiscuits, andabiscuitmixer.

3)Vocabulary Activity

  • Riddles:

Namealong, thin,

orange vegetable

that grows under the ground and

has a green top.

It is good for your eyesight.

(Answer: CARROT)

Name a vegetable that is green

on the outside and white on the inside.

It starts with «C.»

(Answer: CUCUMBER)

Little old uncle,

dressed in brown.

Take off his coat…

How tears run down!

(Answer: ONION)

  • Revising the words.

Teacher:. Look and name what you can see in the picture

Teacher: I knowyoualllikewatchingcartoons. The characters in cartoons like eating too.

  • Look and complete the sentences:

Rockey likes

Winnie-the-Pooh likes

Karlsson likes

The Lion King likes


Rockey likes


Winnie-the-Pooh likes


Karlsson likes


The Lion King likes






  • Read new words:







  • Game with a ball Translate the words from English into Ukrainian.

  • Sing the song: «Doyoulike…?»

Do you like…

Do you like fruit?

Yes, I really, really do!

Do you like fruit?

Yes, I like fruit.

I like strawberries, bananas.

And I like oranges, peaches, grapes.

And I like blueberries and lemon.

And I like apples, apples too.

2) Grammar

  • Teacher:

Teacher: I like apples, but I don`t like pears.

He likes … but he does not like…



Teacher:When you watch the cartoon, pay attention to things Gogo likes. Listen and answer what does Gogo like?

  • After-listening Activity.

Say true or false.

Gogo likes tomatoes.

Gogo likes beans.

Gogo likes apples.

Gogo likes potatoes.

Gogo likes cucumbers.

Gogo likes biscuits.

He doesn`t like pizza.

He doesn`t like onions.


Teacher:What is your favourite food?


Teacher: Some food keeps you healthy, gives energy and helps you to grow and make you strong. But there is empty food, unhealthy.

  • Write the words into two columns.

Healthy food

Unhealthy food

Teacher:Let’s make the conclusion to our work. You know about healthy and unhealthy food. Dear children if you want to be healthy?

  • Make up the menu for breakfast, dinner and supper.

  • Reading the proverb.

Teacher:Read andremember:


ІІІ. Summing-up

  1. Homework: Learn the word and make up sentenсeswith them/

  2. Marks and motivation

Teacher: What new words have you learned? What did you do today? What did you like?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по теме"Еда", учебник Sptight (3 класс)

Автор: Ильина Людмила Васильевна

Дата: 27.10.2018

Номер свидетельства: 482290

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