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«Урок по теме: "A Charity Walk" с применением технологии проблемного обучения»
Проблемныйурокпотеме: “A charity walk” (8 класс)
Формируемые УУД:
Предметные УУД
-развитие навыков устной речи на английском языке;
-развитие навыков письменной речи на английском языке;
-расширение лексического запаса и общего кругозора;
- совершенствование навыков поискового чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.
Регулятивные УУД: определять цели и задачи урока, устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом.
Коммуникативные УУД: работать в группе, участвовать в коллективном обсуждении проблемы, слушать товарища и выражать свои мысли; формирование плюрализма, понимание возможности существования нескольких верных точек зрения по одному вопросу.
Личностные УУД
-воспитание уверенности в своих силах;
-личностное, профессиональное, жизненное самоопределение;90осознавать полноту знаний, проявлять интерес к новому содержанию, устанавливать связь между целью деятельности и ее результатом, оценивать свой вклад в работу группы;
-формирование адекватной самооценки;
-стремление к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом.
Планируемый уровень достижения результатов обучения
-понимание, обоснованное применение операций; развитие творческого и критического мышления через обсуждение и презентацию собственного мнения
Планируемый уровень достижения результатов обучения навыки ведения совместных дискуссий
-действия обучающихся в условиях взаимопомощи и взаимоконтроля
-поиск и установление личностного смысла (т.е. «значение для себя») учения на основе устойчивой системы учебно- познавательных и социальных мотивов
1. Организацияначалаурока.
Good morning, boys and girls. Glad to see you.
During the lesson you may use these boxes with useful phrases and words to make answers
2. Определение темы, постановка целей урока.
Look! There are some amazing pictures you see
What do you think of a subject (theme) of speaking in our lesson just by looking at the photos?
What makes you think so? Tell me in a nut shell in a word in breathe
Rusfond is a charity organization that helps children who has a disease
Is there a senior person who is in need?
The famous person who did charity work
What is the definition of charity?
№ 4 Read out aloud from ex 4 the definition to the word charity
Will you look up another meaning of charity in the vocabulary.
Where are two meanings of charity
Have a look at these ones Do you happen to know what contribution they made to charity?
How did Diana, Princess of Wales help through charity?
A patroness of charities, to work with homeless, youth, drug addicts;
The President of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children
Read the following quotes.
Which of them are appropriate as the epigraph to the lesson?
Какая из них могла быть эпиграфом к нашему уроку
Which of them are appropriate to the photo?
3. Активизацияизученногоматериала.
There` s a box with the useful phrases and words
Find the nouns with the close meaning to the word charity from the 1st column of the box.
Could you underline them all?.
Which of the synonyms have you underlined?
Could you use them and answer the qu
What does charity mean to you?
What traits of character do you to do charity work?
What sectors of society in need of charity can you help?
How can you help who are in need through charity? What can be done for charitable causes? (Что можно сделать в благотворительных целях)
Right now work in pairs.
Read the instruction and according it act the dialogue out. Use the words and phrases from the box above
Who will do the giving your example of acting the dialogue?
Let`s warm up from head to toes
Come on Sway your head
Shrug your shoulders
Bend your arms
Roll your hands
Wiggle your fingers
Twist your waist
Bend knees
Lift legs
Touch toes
5 Text reading
Open 16 page
Read the title. We can find in the title two key words can`t we?
What are they? Whose challenge is it? Whose charity is it?
№ 4 Read out aloud from ex 4 the definition to the word challenge
Read the article carefully and answer the following questions
What is challenge for Jamie?
Could you indentify Jamie`s charity in article?
What is challenge for Jamie?
How are students in Jamie`s group doing to help him to raise money for charitable causes?
What exactly does "sponsored silence" mean?
It is something people do for a charity, they get people to pledge (обещать) a certain amount of money for them to be silent for a certain amount of time.
Could you explain it in Russian.
Could you indentify Jamie`s charity in article?
Where are the Himalayas?
Which countries does Nepal boarder on?
It borders on two other countries: Indian borders run to the south and the Chinese borders to the west.
As you think
Are the Himalayas mountain range or only a mountain?
Look at the map of Jamie`s trek c 17
Which mountain is he going to climb up?
What does Jamie have to do for the mountain climbing?
Imagine you are a host of talk show on Russia TV Channel. You invited Jamie `s sister to the show because training for the trip keeps him very busy.
Read the interview with Jamie `sister Jackie and complete the text. Copy out as much useful information as you can. Take it over in a group of 3 or 4
Imagine you are writing an article for a magazine about Jamie
What would write about him. U can find some information in the conversation.
On the back side of your working sheets could you draw your hand.
In the middle of it write today`s theme of the lesson.
Write new things which you` ve learned in the lesson in each contour of your fingers. You may write something new what you can use in future.
What new have you learned?
Read the conversation
Write an article about Jamie for a magazine.
Read fluently with the correct productions the 4 5 parag of the article/. Listen the recording.
Адрес публикации: https://www.prodlenka.org/metodicheskie-razrabotki/366273-konspekt-problemnogo-uroka-po-temecharity-8-k