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Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "School Conflicts and Violence"

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Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать  в принятии  решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "School Conflicts and Violence"»

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Школа № 97 города Донецка»

Воронина Тамара Евгеньевна

Цели урока:

- развивать навыки аудирования;

- развивать навыки диалогической и монологической речи;

- практиковать в принятии решений и умении подводить итоги;

- развивать навыки групповой работы и воспитывать уважение друг к другу;

- учить высказывать своё собственное отношение к общепринятым нормам поведения и пониманию насилия.

Оборудование урока:

- ноутбук;

- экран.

Ход урока

1. Warming – up

T.: Today we`ll speak about a very important problem of school life - school conflicts and violence. We`ll try to answer the following questions “What is school violence? How can we make our school a safe and more comfortable place for everyone?” I hope this lesson will bring you more knowledge on the topic, improve your skills and contribute to your understanding of the world. Let`s start with the words – a building material of any language.

What associations do you have when you hear the word “behavior”?

Possible answers: punish, praise, award, conflict, rumour, violence (слова высвечены на экране).

Look through the words and say what helps to keep peace and what causes conflicts.

Possible answers:

- Tolerance helps to prevent conflicts.

- Rumours may cause conflicts.

II. Group work

T.: Now I `ll divide you into several groups. Each group will get its own task.

You have 3 minutes to do the task. The speaker (you will choose him/her) will give us answers.

Slide 1. Task 1. Find synonyms.

Keys: 1b, 2f, 3j, 4i, 5h, 6e, 7a, 8d, 9c,10g.

Task 2. Give as many words which mean “to be afraid” as possible and make up your own

sentences with them.

Possible answers: to be scared of, to fear, to be frightened, to be horrified, to be intimidated, to be bullied.

I`m afraid of dogs.

I was frightened by a thunderstorm.

A horror film scared me.

The robber intimidated the man into giving him his money.

Slide 2. Task 3.

Keys: 1a, 2c, 3d, 4d, 5d, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9b, 10b, 11a, 12b.

Task 4. Fill in the words which mean “to be afraid” to complete the story.

Once I watched a horror film which … (1) me so much that I was … (2) to stay alone at home since then. Last night I was sitting in the living room waiting for my parents. As I …(3) of darkness, all the lights were turned on to calm me down. Suddenly a sharp and loud knock at the window … (4) me out of my wits. I knew there was nothing to be … (5) of. No one threatened or … (6) us but I couldn`t manage my … (7) and hid under the bed where , pale and trembling, I was found by my mom. “No more horror films”, was my mother`s verdict and I obey it willingly even now.

Keys: 1) horrified, 2) was afraid, 3) feared, 4) frightened, 5) scared, 6) intimidated, 7) fear.

III. Speaking (подготовленные факты о школьных издевательствах в школах США и Великобритании).

Pupil 1: 57% of public elementary and secondary schools principals stated that one or more incidents of crime or violence were reported to the police.

Pupil 2: 10% of all public schools had one or more serious violent crimes (murder, rape, sexual battery, suicide, physical attacks or fight with a weapon or robbery). The most reported crime was a physical attack or fight with a weapon or robbery.

Pupil 3: Most of the serious violent crimes occurred in the middle or high schools.

Pupil 4: One in three 12-year – old schoolgirls and one in four boys are afraid of going to school because of bullying.

Pupil 5: Nearly half of all 13 – 16 – year – olds reported being bullied verbally or physically.

Pupil 6 ( опрос мнений одноклассников о том, каким издевательствам подвергаются ученики

нашей школы, и создание диаграммы) Slide 3


I V. Role – Play “Talk Show” on the topic “Violence at School”

Participants: a psychologist, sociologists, parents, teachers, pupils.

Questions under discussions:

  • What is a conflict?

  • What is school violence?

  • What can parents do to help their children to avoid violent situations?

  • What is the role of school in solving the problem?


  • Conflict means angry disagreement between people or a group

  • Conflict means a situation in which something that  is good  for one person is bad for another person

  • Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two things to exist together

  • Conflict means a feeling of being nervous, because you want two different things at the same time

  • Conflict means a situation in which it is difficult for two persons  to exist together peacefully. 


1 - School violence refers to violence that takes place in a school setting. This includes violence on school property, on the way to or from school, and at school trips and events.

School violence may be committed by students, teachers, or other members of the school staff; however, violence by fellow students is the most common.

School violence can be anything that involves a real or implied threat—it can be verbal, sexual, or physical. If someone is deliberately harming someone or acting in a way that leaves someone feeling threatened, that‘s school violence.

2 - School violence is a multi-faceted social ill and may occur for diverse reasons, one of which is the intake of hard substances such as drugs and alcohol abuse. Students, school staff or members of society who are intoxicated tend to lose control of their inhibitions and often act in an irrational manner. Hence, the effect of drugs on the human body can serve as a catalyst for school violence.


1 - Another cause of school violence may be personality problems. Shyness, for instance, may cause a student to feel out of place amongst his peers, thereby influencing him to be rebellious or try to get noticed by any means. Such behaviour may also result in bullying and gang fights.

2 - Furthermore, school violence may arise due to the psychological deficiencies created by dysfunctional homes. Worry, hatred, inferiority complex, anger and other negative emotions which fuel violent behaviour, could develop in people when they are exposed to poor parenting or disaccord amongst family members. Also, in homes where parents/guardians display violent behaviour, children/wards usually adopt violence as a way of asserting authority.

Another cause of school violence is violent media. The impact of violent television programs and video games is largely underestimated in society. Children or teenagers often emulate their favourite television characters in action movies and this leads to learned violent behaviour in schools.


1 – To prevent violence students or parents must report it to the school: report any hint of violent behavior to school authorities. Tips can be a huge help in fighting school violence. Students may report tips anonymously.

2 -Inform adults: Children who witness or experience violence should keep telling adults (parents, teachers, and counselors) until someone does something. If an adult hears complaints about a specific child from multiple people, they may be able to protect other students and possibly help the child engaging in violence to learn different ways.

3 - Reach out to people: reach out to children or other people at the school who seem to be angry or upset, or appear fascinated with violence. Reach out to any child, whether bullied, bullying, or neither, who

seems to have anxiety, depression, or trouble managing emotions. Most of the time the child won’t be violent, but you’ll have helped them anyway by being supportive.

4 - Additionally it can be helpful to look out for warning signs of violence, which can include:

  • Talking about or playing with weapons of any kind

  • Harming pets or other animals

  • Threatening or bullying others

  • Talking about violence, violent movies, or violent games

  • Speaking or acting aggressively

Sociologist:Yes, it’s very important to report these signs to parents, teachers, or school authorities. The child may need help and support, and benefit from intervention.

V. Listening

T.: As we see, the problem of school bulling does exist. But this problem touches upon one side of school life – relationships between pupils. And now I want you to look at the other side of school life – teachers and students. And the text you are going to listen to will help us to start our discussion.

Pre – listening: make sure you understand these words and expressions from the text:

a cane – a stick

to cane – to beat

to tell off – to criticize

to back somebody up – to support somebody

to run something – to be in the act of doing something, to rule something

to get away with – to escape punishment, not to be punished

to be up to no good – to behave badly

Task: While listening to the text mark if the following statements are true (+) or false (-)

1. Rodney school is a public school for girls.

2. Naughty girls at school are punished by caning.

3. Miss Thomas isn`t a very experienced headmistress.

4. The girls are angry with their headmistress.

5. The girls believe those who misbehave deserve punishment.

6. The girls are allowed to choose punishment for themselves on their own.

7. Miss Thomas canes the girls to shame them.

Keys: 1)+, 2)+, 3)-, 4)-, 5)+, 6)-, 7)+.


In nearly all schools in England, pupils who misbehave are just told off by the teachers. However, at the expensive Rodney School naughty girls are punished by caning. The headmistress, Miss Thomas, who has run the school for 47 years, says that she only canes the girls to shame them rather than hurt them.

Surprisingly, the girls back their headmistress up; if they have been up to no good, they believe that they deserve to be punished. One girl, Ann Swift, was given three strokes on each hand for going into nearby town without her school uniform. To be fair, Ann was allowed to choose between writing a long essay, staying in the school grounds for three weeks, or the cane. She chose the cane because it was

quicker. Another girl, Helen Whitney, then twelve, chose to be caned too, because she had been caught

in her dormitory with some boys. When she phoned her father, he told her, “ Think of all the things you have got away with. This time you have been caught”.

Post – listening:

Task 1: complete the sentences:

1. In nearly all schools in Britain pupils who misbehave are just … .

2. However, at the expensive Rodney School … .

3. The headmistress, Miss Thomas, who has run …., says that she only …, rather than… .

4. Surprisingly, …; if they have been up to no good, they believe that they deserve … .

5. … for going into a nearby town without … .

6. To be fair, Ann, staying in the school grounds for 3 weeks or … .

7. She chose the cane because … .

8. Another girl, Helen Whitney, …, …, because she had been caught in her dormitory … .

9. …, “ think of all the things you have got away with … “.

Keys: 1) … told off by the teacher; 2) … naughty girls are punished by canings; 3) … the school for 47 years, … canes the girls to shame them, … hurt them; 4) the girls back their mistress up; … to be punished; 5) one girl, Ann Swift, was given three strokes on each hand … her school uniform; 6) … was allowed to choose between writing a long essay … the cane; 7) … it was quicker; 8) …, then twelve, chose to be caned, … with some boys; 9) When she phoned her father, he told her, “ … This time you have been caught”.

Task 2: answer the questions:

1. Is caning the only punishment in Rodney School?

2. What other sorts of punishment are mentioned in the text?

3. What is the most usual way of punishing schoolchildren in England?

4. Would you choose caning if you misbehaved in your school?

5. Are pupils punished in your school? What are the usual ways of punishment?

VI. Discussion

T.: So, you see there`s a lot to talk about. While discussing, you should use some words and expressions.

  • Express your opinion: I think …, I guess …, I suppose …, I feel …, As I see it …, My opinion is that …, My point is … .

  • If you agree with your opponent: Just so! , I quite agree, Certainly, Sure, Exactly, I should think so, That`s just what I was thinking.

  • If you are not sure: Yes, but …; On the other hand…; I`m afraid…; I don`t agree…; I don`t think you are right…; I can`t agree with you.

  • If you disagree with your opponents: On the contrary! …, Certainly not., Just the other way round.

Questions to discuss:

  • What do you mean when you say “violence’ in general and “school violence” in particular?

  • Are conflicts inevitable? Why?

  • What can be done to make our life more comfortable and secure on the part of pupils and staff, everybody in school?

(ответы учеников)

T.: Psychologists and sociologists say that there are five basic ways of solving conflict: compromise, competition, collaboration, avoidance, accommodation.

Every person decides himself what way to choose. I think, to resolve a conflict we should discuss the problem and try to understand the cause of a conflict. We should respect different values, listen to each other.

You can see two principles, picked up from the Declaration on the rights of the Child. Let`s read them.

Slide 4 Slide 5

Let it be the motto of our lesson and our life!

We should also remember the words about tolerance of a peacemaker Thomas Shifard

Slide 6

Would you like to do our school rules of Tolerance?  Would you like to be tolerant persons?

Let`s make up rules of a tolerant communication. Look at this tree. It has no leaves.

Y ou ‘ve prepared leaves with a phrase what we should do to resolve a conflict.  Take them, come to the tree, read the rules and hang the leaves on the tree.

  • Respect the person.

  • Try to understand the people.

  • Stand upon your opinion tactfully.

  • Find  the best arguments.

  • Be fair, be ready to realize the rightness of other person.

  • Try to take into consideration the interests of other people.

  • Help people who need it.

  • Be positive! Be tolerant!

  • Keep the sense of humour.

  • Avoid criticizing differences!

  • Observe other people’s rights!

  • Cheer up people!

  • Tell people what makes you unhappy!

  • Ask for advice!

  • Be confident and relaxed!

  • Put yourself into another person’s shoes!

  • Be optimistic and kind!

  • Discuss possible alternatives!

  • Comfort yourself if necessary

I hope that today`s lesson has developed your understanding , that we depend on each other. We can and we must do everything to make our life at school safe and comfortable for everyone. And I believe that you are quite aware of the problem, and are ready to find the way out.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Уроки

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Урок по английскому языку в 10 классе по теме "School Conflicts and Violence"

Автор: Воронина Тамара Евгеньевна

Дата: 09.11.2023

Номер свидетельства: 639581

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